We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol detox in Birmingham

Published by Raffa Bari

Detoxing from drugs and alcohol is an essential step in your recovery. But it can also be one of the hardest scenarios to navigate. By attending our specialist Birmingham rehab centre though, you’ll have access to 24/7 support and guidance from an expert team.

Drug and Alcohol Detox Birmingham
Medically-assisted drug and alcohol detox centre

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Receive a medically-assisted detoxification programme at Cassiobury Court, contact our admissions team today for more information.

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Drug and Alcohol Detox Birmingham

Why Choose Drug and Alcohol Detox in Birmingham?

Drug and Alcohol Detox in BirminghamIn order to start your journey to recovery, you’ll likely be required to complete a detox. This is the process of the substances leaving your body and will mean that you’re ready to begin treatment. As the drugs and alcohol do leave your system, it’s completely normal to experience painful side effects and difficult withdrawal symptoms. Our team of medical professionals will be on hand to monitor you though and provide any medication to help ease the effects.

This is just one reason to choose our Birmingham rehabilitation program. Whether you’re based close to the city or not, our leading addiction recovery centre offers various treatments and therapies away from any distraction and temptation. With 24/7 care and guidance, state-of-the-art facilities and a professional and friendly team to guide you, Cassiobury Court has everything you need for recovery – now and in the future.

What to Expect at Cassiobury Court

The first step to your new future is a phone call. Here, we’ll get to know you in more detail, get to understand your addiction and begin a virtual assessment. This will make the admission process even quicker when you do arrive and means you can begin to access treatment quicker.

You will be asked whether you want to be treated as an inpatient or outpatient. As an outpatient, you’ll receive treatment and care in the day and then be required to go home in the evening. As an inpatient, you’ll stay at our specialist rehab and detox centre overnight.

Only you can decide which program would be best for you but usually we advise patients to complete an in-house detox and rehab plan. This is because our team is then able to support you 24/7 and provide round-the-clock care. Detoxing is only one part of your recovery and is often where many people fall at the first hurdle when trying to complete an at-home process.

Once you’ve completed your detox plan, you’ll then begin a tailored care plan which will include various therapy types and wellbeing activities. Usually lasting around 28 days, this program aims to get to the heart of your addiction, its triggers and dependencies, while helping you to adapt your mindset and learn new coping mechanisms.

Relapse Prevention Advice in Birmingham

In the first year after you’ve left rehab, you’re more likely to relapse than any other time. For this reason, leaving rehab can be very daunting for some people. However, our team will ensure that you are ready to leave and are equipped with everything you need to succeed.

This includes having access to one year of free aftercare and details of local support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. We also involve your friends and family in therapy sessions so that they’re able to support you in the best way possible once your rehab program has come to an end.

Dual Diagnosis in Birmingham

If you suffer from alcohol or drug addiction, then you may also suffer with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety or even a sleeping disorder. When there is a physical addiction and emotional or psychological concerns present, this is called dual diagnosis. What’s more, both need to be treated effectively in order for the individual to enjoy long-term recovery.

At Cassiobury Court, our team are experts at treating underlying mental health concerns – which is another reason why our in-house rehab centre is so beneficial. As well as therapies like CBT, DBT and creative sessions, we also use a range of holistic therapies and approaches to build up your body and mindset to help you to cope with any cravings.

Why Choose Cassiobury Court

There are many reasons why someone might choose Cassiobury Court. None more so than the fact that we offer medically-safe detoxes, which have a much higher success rate compared to detoxes at home.

Other reasons to choose Cassiobury Court:

  • Addiction recovery specialists including social care workers, mental health nurses and doctors
  • Treatment for alcohol, drug and behavioural addictions as well mental health concerns
  • Leading facilities that allow you to focus on your recovery
  • Relapse prevention advice and one year of free aftercare
  • Various treatments and therapy types as well as holistic and wellbeing activities
  • Group and individual sessions
  • 24/7 support and family helpline
  • Personalised treatment plans that keep you at the centre of your recovery

Getting Detox for a Loved One in Birmingham

If someone you love has an addiction, the team at Cassiobury Court is here for you. Maybe they’ve asked for help, or perhaps they’re struggling with an at-home detox. Either way, an individual needs to show a willingness to recover and a desire to succeed. If they do, get in touch with us and we can begin the admissions process.

Don’t worry if they haven’t expressed their want to recover as we’re still here to support you. Whether you have a question about our addiction and detox services in Birmingham or want to arrange an intervention service, you are not alone and our team will be by your side.

Take a Step Towards Your New Future

Detoxing from alcohol or drugs is the first step towards the life that you really want. While it might not be easy and will present a number of challenges along the way, you won’t be doing it alone. At Cassiobury Court, we’ve helped hundreds of people. Individuals gripped by addiction who couldn’t see a way out. Individuals who had attempted a detox before, but weren’t successful. Individuals who have now grabbed their life with both hands and are back on track.

So if you’re ready and want to see how we could help you, contact the team at Cassiobury Court. Together, we can show you how to detox and get clean the right way.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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