We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Kent

Published by Raffa Bari


Clinically Reviewed by Dr. Olalekan Otulana (Advanced Practitioner)

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All information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

If you are suffering from an addiction, Cassiobury Court offers drug and alcohol rehab in Kent. Call us today and take the first step. Spaces available now!

Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Kent
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Kent

Get Help Now

You can become clean at our drug and alcohol rehab in Kent

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Kent

Cassiobury Court offers drug and alcohol rehab services for clients living in Kent. Our drug and alcohol recovery team consists of expert psychiatrists, psychotherapists and psychiatric nurses. If you suffer from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, then call our team today on
01923 369 161.


Getting Help for Drug or Alcohol Addiction in Kent

If you or a family member are suffering from addiction in Kent, it is essential that you act now. The longer the substance misuse continues, the more complex the process can be, as it can have serious consequences for your physical and mental health.

Initial Assessment

When you contact Cassiobury Court for drug and alcohol rehab in Kent, the first milestone we must address is client fact-finding. This fact-finding process is known as ‘assessment’. This assessment typically takes place over the phone by one of our experienced admissions counsellors.

The counsellor will ask questions to allow us to collect all relevant information regarding your addiction to drugs or alcohol.
Once we’ve built up an accurate picture of the severity and duration of your addiction, we then recommend a suitable rehabilitation programme.

The severity of addiction generally impacts the required duration of rehabilitation. Many long-term addicts will require around twenty-eight days in our care to fully recover, whilst clients suffering from a recent ‘relapse’ may require only seven or ten days in our drug and alcohol rehab centre near Kent.

We offer fully tailored and personalised detox and rehab services and recovery plans to the residents of Kent. The recovery plan you receive is written up specifically to your unique physical and emotional challenges that must be overcome.

We believe each individual is unique, and thus we reject any notion of a ‘standardised’ recovery plan. Our fresh approach to alcohol rehab is proven to afford our clients strong odds of staying ‘in recovery’ for the rest of their lifetimes.

Following Admission

Upon admission, each client receives a thorough physical and psychological assessment by a fully qualified psychiatrist. As we have discovered, many patients may also suffer from mental illness. This could be a cause of their addiction without them realising the link.

Similarly, extended drug or alcohol misuse could be a factor in aggravating an undiagnosed mental health condition.
Here we have a specialist team who can identify any “Dual Diagnosis” and we will treat both any mental health condition and substance addiction.


Drug Issues in Kent

Kent County Council produced a drug needs assessment for Kent in 2022. The report looked at drug prelavance in the community and obstacles people faced in accessing treatment.

Some of the key findings included:

  • Of all young adults aged between 16 to 24 years old, 8.7% of had taken a Class A drug in the last year in Kent
  • 7.6% of all Adults aged between 16 and 59 has taken Cannabis in the last year
  • Cocaine dependence is most prevalent in 25-34-year-olds
  • Mental Health Issues continue to create a barrier against seeking treatment for drug abuse


Recent Drug Survey in Kent

If we look at he recent trends in Kent over the last 3 decades, we see sharp increases in the use of cocaine powder, crack cocaine and cannabis with only a slight decrease in other dangerous class A drug such as Heroin.

The report also highlighted that life chances are dramatically affected with regular drug misuse, and the chances of falling victim to serious assault or spending time in prison are considerably increased.
Drug Staistics in Kent

Attending Rehab in Kent

Once you decide to join a rehab centre, you need to know the current options in Kent. You can access a residential drug and alcohol rehab like ours as a patient or seek treatment as an outpatient utilising local resources provided through your GP.

The main differences are when you stay in a rehab centre, you will be afforded 24/7 care by a team of qualified addiction specialists. When you choose outpatient treatment services, you are expected to recover from a drug or alcohol addiction at home. This can prove challenging for people with severe and deep-rooted addictions and is recommended for people with milder addiction issues and a good support base at home.

Inpatient Treatment

If you decide inpatient treatment is needed, patients must attend our rehabilitation centre on a ‘residential’ basis. This means you will live within the recovery centre whilst undergoing treatment.

Within our rehab, you or a loved one will be fully catered for in our secure environment, away from any temptations that the outside world can bring.

The first stage of rehabilitation at our rehab is detoxification. Patients are given a range of medications that reduce otherwise painful ‘withdrawal symptoms’ that occur during detoxification. The so-called ‘acute’ detoxification period lasts for around five days following admission.

After you have completed full detoxification, you will continue through a range of therapies at the centre. These will be tailored to your present circumstances and any mental health challenges you face.

The therapy period is crucial as it will give you the tools to understand your addiction and cross the path where you feel comfortable in yourself again with the need for drugs or alcohol.

Our therapy will also decrease the chances of relapse when you leave rehab and re-join familiar surroundings, friends and family.
Therapy techniques we offer include cognitive behavioural therapy, psychotherapy and so-called ‘holistic therapies’. Together, these therapies give clients the mental strength required to remain sober for the rest of their lifetime.

Following treatment at the drug and alcohol rehab Kent Centre, each client receives a tailored aftercare programme. This programme is dispensed on an out-client basis. This means clients return home and attend the rehabilitation centre one day a week, typically during the weekend. We also encourage clients to attend their local Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous or SMART Recovery meeting upon their return home.

Pros and Cons of Inpatient Rehab

  • 27/7 Support
  • Structured Environment
  • Comprehensive Treatment
  • Tailored Programme
  • Quick  Admission
  • Specialist Support
  • Unable to Leave
  • Can be Costly

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Outpatient Treatment

Our admissions team may also recommend outpatient treatment services. If you have a mild addiction or feel you may be drinking too much and need to stop it, outpatient services can be very useful.

You can also discover what outpatient treatment services are available locally by contacting your GP in Kent or even more localised options like in Ramsgate. Here you can also receive a health check up and find local resources in the area.

As an outpatient, you will be free to work in your day job and can go about everyday life as usual. The treatment is less intensive but can also be fractured and not of the sufficient level of care you will receive in a dedicated rehabilitation clinic.

Whilst it may remain a very cost-effective option as charities and government-led initiatives run local outpatient services, the chances of relapse are greater. Part of this is that you will still be surrounded by alcohol or drugs daily through your network of friends and environment.

Kent public health observatory highlighted that most people in Kent get drugs from friends, colleagues or from a known drug dealer. If you still have access to this network whilst you are trying to quit a drug issue, it becomes an even more difficult problem.

Pros and Cons of Inpatient Rehab

  • Cheap
  • Flexible
  • Live at Home
  • Limited Support
  • Less Comprehensive
  • Relapse Increase

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Our Rehab Facilities

If you decide to join Cassiobury Court for rehabilitation we are just a short drive from Kent and can even arrange for you to be picked up through our concierge service.

If you are arranging for a family member or friend to join our rehab you will have piece of mind that they are in a safe environment close by.

Our team is made up of:

1. Medical doctors and nurses: Our Medical professionals will be responsible for providing medical care and monitoring the physical health of all our patients in rehab.
2. Psychiatrists and psychologists: Our Psychologists provide one to one therapy and group therapy counselling to help individuals with addiction issues address underlying mental health concerns and learn coping skills.
3. Addiction counsellors: Our experienced counsellors work with patients individually or in group settings to help them understand the nature of addiction, identify triggers, and develop strategies to avoid relapse.
4. Social workers: Social workers help our clients access resources and services that can support their recovery, such as housing assistance and financial aid.
5. Case managers: Case managers oversee the patient’s treatment plan and coordinate care among the different professionals and departments at Cassiobury Court.
6. Fitness trainers: We have fitness trainers work with patients to develop exercise programs that can help improve physical and mental health.

Taking action

For more information on our state-of-the-art drug and alcohol rehab Kent, please call today for a FREE free consultation on 01923 369 161 or complete our online contact form.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

Dr. Olalekan Otulana (Advanced Practitioner)

Dr. Olalekan Otulana MBChB, DRCOG, MRCGP, DFSRH, FRSPH, MBA (Cantab)

 Dr Otulana is a highly experienced GP and Addiction Physician. He has a specialist interest in Substance Misuse Management and he has a wide range of experience in the assessment, management (including detoxification) and residential rehabilitation of clients with various drug and substance addiction problems.  His main aim is to comprehensively assess patients with addiction problems and determine their treatment needs for medical detoxification treatments and psychological interventions. He is also experienced in managing patients who require dual drug and alcohol detoxification treatments.

A strong healthcare services professional with a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree from Cambridge University Judge Business School.

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