Alcohol Rehab

Published by John Gillen | Last updated: 25th July 2024 | All Sources


Clinically Reviewed by Dr. Olalekan Otulana (Advanced Practitioner)

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All information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.
Last Reviewed: 2nd February 2023

Alcohol Rehab at Cassiobury Court: 5 Key Takeaways

  1. Don’t wait for rock bottom: You don’t need to reach a crisis point to seek help. If alcohol is causing problems in your life, acting now and entering a dedicated alcohol rehab will help you regain control over your life and future.
  2. Transform your life: Alcohol rehab at Cassiobury Court offers a private, relaxing, and comfortable environment. Our treatment approaches centre around every aspect of your life, from boosting your health and mental clarity to enhancing relationships with yourself and others and learning healthy copy skills.
  3. Tailored, holistic approach: Our alcohol rehab programmes address both the physical and emotional sides of addiction and are completely personalised. We also simultaneously treat any underlying mental health conditions, ensuring you receive the most effective and comprehensive residential alcohol rehab treatment.
  4. Active participation required: Our alcohol rehab provides essential tools and support for recovery – but the effectiveness of our programmes depends on your own commitment and how ready you are to make the change.
  5. Long-term success with free aftercare: Our free, 12-month aftercare programmes include ongoing therapy, access to support groups, and a customised relapse prevention plan to help you stay on track for the long haul.

You can trust us to provide you with the very best care to get you back on the road to sobriety. To discuss treatment options available to you at our alcohol rehab centre, contact a member of our admissions team by filling out our contact form or by calling us on 01923 369 161.


Personalised Alcohol Rehab Treatment Programmes at Cassiobury Court

At Cassiobury Court, we believe that every individual’s journey to recovery is unique. That’s why our residential alcohol rehab treatment programmes are tailored specifically to meet the needs of each person who comes through our doors.

Our approach integrates a blend of evidence-based therapies, compassionate support, and holistic care to promote being able to make the progress needed for a lasting recovery.

Tailored Treatment Plans

  • Personalised assessment & customisation: We start with a thorough evaluation to understand your unique needs, history, and goals. This assessment informs a customised treatment plan designed to address your specific challenges and support your recovery journey.
  • Integrated therapies: Our programmes include a mix of individual therapy, group therapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), and motivational interviewing, ensuring that every aspect of your recovery is addressed.
  • Ongoing addiction support: Evaluations of your progress allow us to adjust the treatment plan as needed, ensuring it remains effective and aligned with your evolving needs.

Holistic and Compassionate Care

  • Medical supervision: Our experienced medical team provides ongoing support and supervision to manage withdrawal symptoms and any co-occurring medical issues.
  • Comprehensive psychological support: In addition to therapeutic interventions, our programme offers psychological support to help you address underlying issues and develop coping strategies.
  • Life skills training: We focus on equipping you with essential life skills to support long-term sobriety, including stress management, relationship building, and relapse prevention.



The Step-by-Step Process Of Alcohol Rehab

At Cassiobury Court, our alcohol rehab programmes follow a specific structure designed to support our residents. These personalised programmes are based on researched addiction treatments and are tailored to your situation while maintaining a consistent recovery framework.

See below for an overview of the steps you can expect to follow during your time in residential alcohol rehab.

Step 1: Pre-Admission Assessment

Prior to the treatment programme, our programme kicks off with a thorough assessment via phone call in which we find out about you, your addiction and how advanced your alcohol use disorder is.

Whether you have self-referred or been referred by a family member, loved one, or colleague, we will walk you through the admissions process 1-2-1 so you can address any qualms or worries you have about alcohol treatment.

The assessment will explore the client’s medical and addiction history as well as the client’s family and social life. This will help us determine the right treatment process and if you’re suffering from alcohol use disorder or not.

As well as that, we will get to understand whether it is solely alcohol abuse that you’re suffering from or whether it is a combination of drug abuse, too.

Information obtained during the initial assessment will be utilised throughout the rehab process. Here at Cassiobury Court, we offer a fully personalised rehab programme for each person, as we understand that it is not a one-size-fits-all.


Step 2: Alcohol Detox

Once you have an understanding of what alcohol addiction treatment consists of within our alcohol rehab facility, you will receive an admission date. Once you arrive, you will be put through a medically assisted detox, which flushes the alcohol and any drugs, if necessary, out of your system and makes for a clean start physically.

Withdrawals can be pretty nasty when fought alone, which is why having medical assistance through the means of medication and professional assistance is crucially important to the management and success of a detox.

You’re then able to begin the psychological aspects of recovery to tackle alcohol abuse, and this is when the intense therapy sector of inpatient treatment begins.

Find out more about alcohol detox treatment at Cassiobury Court



Step 3: Evidence-Based Therapies

The next step you take within alcohol rehab inpatient treatment is therapy. This is different to the support groups that you may have taken part in before, as they are more intense and much more tailored to addiction.

Various types of therapy sessions are offered to clients following the initial alcohol detox. These evidence-based therapies are used to build new positive mindsets that aid a long and lasting recovery.

Each person will be assessed for suitability for various alternative therapies; however, we offer specific core treatment options. These include:

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is one of our fundamental therapeutic approaches at Cassiobury Court. This evidence-based treatment focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviours associated with alcohol dependence.

Through structured sessions with our trained therapists, you’ll learn to recognise triggers that lead to drinking and develop healthier coping strategies. CBT empowers people to truly understand the connections between their thoughts, emotions, and actions and provides practical tools to alter destructive patterns.

By addressing the root causes of your addiction, CBT supports long-term recovery and helps build resilience against relapse.

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) is another important part of our treatment offerings. This form of therapy is particularly beneficial for those who struggle with emotional regulation and self-destructive behaviours.

Developed to help individuals manage intense emotions and improve interpersonal effectiveness, DBT combines cognitive-behavioural techniques with mindfulness practices.

At Cassiobury Court, our DBT sessions are designed to teach you skills in four key areas: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness.

By mastering these skills, you can enhance your emotional stability and establish more meaningful and supportive relationships.

Motivational Interviewing (MI)

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a client-centered, directive approach aimed at enhancing your motivation to change.

Our skilled addiction therapists use MI to help you explore and resolve any uncertainty you might have about your recovery. The focus of MI is on empowering you to find your own reasons for change and commit to a path of recovery.

Through empathetic listening and reflective questioning, our therapists guide you to articulate your goals and develop a clear, actionable plan for achieving them.

Group Therapy

At Cassiobury Court, we facilitate group therapy sessions where you can connect with others who share similar experiences and challenges. These sessions provide a sense of community and belonging, which is vital for recovery.

Through group discussions, shared experiences, and mutual support, you’ll gain insights and learn from the experiences of others. Group therapy also helps you develop interpersonal skills and reinforces the understanding that you really are not alone in your journey. It’s an opportunity to build a network of support and share strategies for overcoming obstacles together.

One-to-One Addiction Counselling

One-to-one addiction counselling is an essential element of our personalised treatment approach.

During these private sessions, you’ll work closely with a dedicated counsellor who focuses solely on your individual needs and goals. This personalised attention allows for a deeper exploration of your addiction, including underlying issues and personal triggers.

Your counsellor will help you set achievable goals, develop coping strategies, and work through any emotional or psychological barriers to recovery. The confidential and supportive nature of one-to-one counselling ensures that you receive tailored guidance and encouragement throughout your recovery journey.


Step 4: Aftercare Post Alcohol Rehab

Following the initial alcohol detox phase and therapy, our rehab programme offers 12 months of aftercare.

This, alongside the encouragement of outpatient alcohol rehab sources, makes for a comprehensive programme that combines outsourced support groups and Cassiobury Court’s aftercare to help you avoid relapse and stay sober for the long haul.

We ensure our clients receive the support needed for a long and lasting recovery. We recognise recovery is a lifelong process and one that you can achieve with our help so you can leave alcohol dependence as a part of your past.



Alcohol Rehab Treatment Duration at Cassiobury Court

The duration of alcohol addiction rehab varies, and the severity of the alcohol addiction typically dictates the duration.

Nonetheless, there are a couple of common approaches. The most effective and popular length of stay is a 28-day treatment programme; however, you can attend our programme for typically between 7 and 90 days.

The more chronic the alcohol addiction, the longer the recommended stay will be. Severe alcoholics who have been drinking alcohol for many years may encounter more difficulty during the process, so a longer stay in rehab is recommended. Prices of alcohol rehab, of course, fluctuate depending on the length of stay; you can find out our prices below for each kind of stay.


Alcohol Rehab Prices

At Cassiobury Court, our alcohol rehab offers a range of durations for stays. Below, you can see the current alcohol rehab cost as of June 2023. However, do note that these are subject to change at any time, so it is always worth giving us a call.

Also, if you find that these prices don’t meet your budget, rest assured we have numerous partner rehabs that are cheaper, too, that we can place you in should they better meet your budget and location. Talk to us today to find out how we can accommodate your addiction or alcohol use disorder today.


Duration Price
7 nights £4,675
10 nights £6,150
14 nights £8,400
21 nights £11,900
28 nights £14,850
6 weeks £21,750
8 weeks £27,750


Can I Pay for Alcohol Rehab With Health Insurance?

You may pay for alcohol rehab through a valid medical insurance policy. Many leading health medical insurers such as BUPA, AXA, Aviva, Cigna, JSIS and Aetna will cover the cost of treating alcohol in rehab.

A medical health insurance policy may pay for all or part of the costs involved when you undergo alcohol rehab. You must check the terms of your policy and preferably correspond directly with your insurer when enquiring about this possibility.

At Cassiobury Court, our admissions team will be glad to advise you on the process involved when making this claim through your medical insurer. Many of these insurance companies have Cassiobury Court as a preferred alcohol rehab provider.

Our Residential Alcohol Rehab Facilities

At Cassiobury Court, we understand that a comfortable and supportive environment is incredibly important for providing effective treatment and achieving recovery. Our state-of-the-art clinic is designed with your well-being in mind, providing a serene, private and secure setting that enhances your therapeutic experience.

Comfort and Convenience

  • Residential alcohol rehab accommodation: We offer 21 single bedrooms, some with shared bathrooms and 10 with private en-suite facilities. Each room is designed for comfort and privacy, ensuring you have a peaceful space to rest and reflect.
  • Therapy Rooms: Private therapy rooms are available for individual sessions, providing a confidential and focused environment for your personal growth.
  • Communal Areas: Relax in our comfortable communal lounge and dining areas, designed to encourage a sense of community while providing a relaxing atmosphere.

Additional Amenities at Cassiobury Court

  • Group Activity Room: A large, multi-purpose room is available for group activities, workshops, and therapeutic sessions.
  • TV Lounge and Outdoor Spaces: Enjoy leisure time in our TV lounge or the tranquil gardens and external courtyard, offering a perfect balance of relaxation and social interaction.
  • Well-being Services: Our facilities also include a range of well-being services to support your holistic recovery journey.

Around-the-clock Care and Nutritional Support from a Team That Understands Your Journey

  • 24/7 Care: Our dedicated staff provide round-the-clock care and support to ensure you feel safe and looked after at all times.
  • Nutritional Food: A balanced and nutritious meal plan is prepared to support your health and recovery and promote overall well-being during your stay.
  • Access to a team of professionals: Our team here at Cassiobury Court is highly experienced and offers a wealth of knowledge about your recovery journey. Many of our addiction specialists have been where you are right now and understand how hard the recovery journey can be. They are now dedicated to helping others achieve the same. They are proof that we do recover and that life can be better than ever outside of active addiction.



Alcohol Rehab via the NHS

Some people qualify for public funding to assist in the fight against alcohol addiction since local councils have administered statutory addiction services since 2012.

In order to qualify for statutory alcohol rehab funding, your needs will be triaged, and a committee will fully assess your decision to grant you funding.

The good news is that Cassiobury Court is an NHS-qualified provider, unlike the majority of private rehabs.

In most instances, when seeking treatment through the NHS, you will be granted access to outpatient/community-based treatment before access to residential treatment is granted. From our experience, it is extremely difficult to access these services without suffering from a significant mental or physical health problem.

The vast majority of people seeking alcohol addiction treatment will be denied access to them due to strict and arguably unfair triage rulings. Furthermore, even when council-funded rehab is offered, you must typically wait many months until this decision is granted in your favour.

We have a consistent sector of our alcohol rehab beds free for those who are seeking alcohol treatment through the NHS. This means that you can have the benefits of managing withdrawal symptoms, 24/7 medical care and luxury recovery, all thanks to the exclusive partnership between the NHS and Cassiobury Court.



Should I Go Through Alcohol Rehab at Home?

Undergoing a detox for alcoholism is undoubtedly not the most comforting experience you will ever undergo. Many people who require an alcohol detox may thus be attracted to the idea of undergoing this process from the comfort of their own homes.

This is a crucial part of the process of alcohol treatment and a hurdle you must pass if you want to end the addiction cycle finally.

At Cassiobury Court, we neither offer nor recommend undergoing alcohol rehab at home, and studies have shown that residential rehab can be an extremely effective alcohol addiction treatment, which is precisely why we recommend residential alcohol rehab over any other alcoholism treatment.

Why? Because undergoing an alcohol rehab is a potentially life-threatening experience – especially if withdrawal symptoms haven’t been experienced previously.

When you undergo a rehab programme from your home, you do not have access to the same level of safeguards that exist when you undergo the procedure at a residential alcohol rehabilitation facility.

In addition, you could have a routine of drinking alcohol at home; removing yourself from this environment will remove one element of your habit whilst you focus on recovery.


Alcohol Rehab Vs Alcoholics Anonymous

First and foremost, whether you choose residential alcohol rehab or an outpatient alcohol rehab centre, both are options that lead to a healthy and fulfilling life, free of alcohol.

Alcohol rehab and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) should not be directly compared or offered as an alternative to one another; in fact, they work best as a pairing together.

Alcoholics Anonymous and alcohol rehab are complementary to one another; AA intends to assist people who are already in recovery and who now wish to avoid relapse. Both strengthen each other, and we strongly advise you to attend AA meetings once your alcohol rehab programme has concluded alongside your free aftercare.

As part of most after-care packages, people will be introduced to the benefit of attending weekly Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. By attending these meetings, you can reduce the risk of relapse and gather community support from other people who have endured the same troubles. Although it can be nerve-wracking when you don’t know what to expect at an AA meeting, meetings are inclusive and supportive.

By talking to other alcoholics, you can find out what helped them through their own personal battle with addiction; this sharing of information can be invaluable in your own recovery.


Call us Today for an Alcohol Rehab Programme Admission

Call Cassiobury Court today to start your journey to full recovery through our CQC-registered alcohol addiction treatment rehab. You can contact our admissions team today who will take you through the admissions process.

Take the first step today. If you are dealing with a drug and alcohol addiction or either, we are certain that spending time in one of our treatment centres will allow you to break free from the addictive behaviours which are holding you back from living the life you were supposed to live.


Additional Alcohol Rehab FAQs

Below, we have provided detailed answers to the most commonly asked questions we receive here at Cassiobury Court.

The duration of your treatment will reflect your individual needs. To access your needs, we carry out an initial telephone assessment with you. We may also request sight of your medical records. Following the completion of this assessment, we will then advise on the appropriate amount of time you must spend in our rehab clinic. Generally, staying in our care for four or more weeks will strengthen your long-term recovery goals. Short-term detox programmes lasting for only a week may allow you to detox, but such a short amount of time is seldom enough to treat the underlying emotional causes of alcoholism.

In some instances, we may advise you to stay in our care for 60 or even 90 days. Such a longer duration may be required to assist you in maintaining a steady recovery path. When recommending rehab duration, we assess the history and level of the addiction. We also attempt to diagnose any co-occurring mental health issues that could be the root cause of your addiction to alcohol.

The answer to this question is a resounding yes. However, the answer to this question depends on how you define success. When we say ‘success’, we refer to the situation when you return home and you live your life free of alcohol. This means success involves complete abstinence. To achieve this aim, we focus on increasing your motivation to remain in recovery for the long term. We help you build a strong support system, and we also provide you with a ‘plan B’ should relapse occur. Whilst alcoholism is not curable, it may be arrested for effective addiction treatment. Offering an effective addiction treatment plan is at the core of what we offer at Cassiobury Court.

In some instances, we may advise you to stay in our care for 60 or even 90 days. Such a longer duration may be required to assist you in maintaining a steady recovery path. When recommending rehab duration, we assess the history and level of the addiction. We also attempt to diagnose any co-occurring mental health issues that could be the root cause of your addiction to alcohol.

Finding a rehabilitation centre which provides you with high-quality treatment tailored to your needs can be a tough task. Cassiobury Court offer a range of packages that are specifically tailored to your needs.

Medical professionals develop treatment plans after a comprehensive assessment of your needs, history, and goals. This ensures a customised approach that addresses your specific challenges and effectively supports your recovery journey.

During the initial assessment, our team will conduct a thorough evaluation of your medical history, addiction patterns, mental health status, and personal goals. This helps us design a customised treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and sets a clear path for your recovery.

Privacy is a priority at Cassiobury Court. We provide private therapy rooms for individual sessions and ensure that all personal information and treatment details are kept confidential.

Cassiobury Court offers personalised treatment plans tailored to each individual’s needs. We integrate various evidence-based therapies with continuous support and holistic care to promote long-term recovery.

We are equipped to handle co-occurring mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression, alongside alcohol addiction. Our integrated approach ensures that both addiction and mental health issues are addressed concurrently through specialised therapies and support.

Absolutely. Our medical team is trained to manage and support you through withdrawal symptoms safely and comfortably. We provide around-the-clock care to monitor your health and ensure a smooth transition through the detox process.

Preparation for admission includes a pre-admission consultation where we discuss your treatment plan, answer any questions, and provide information on what to bring. We also offer guidance on how to transition smoothly into the residential programme.

For most individuals, the average time for alcohol to leave your body is around an hour per one unit you consume. Though this statistic is different for addiction suffers who build up a high tolerance to alcohol and will subsequently be able to eliminate it from their system a lot more quickly. Other factors such as weight, age, gender, the strength of alcohol consumed and how much food you have eaten can also have an effect on how quickly you are able to remove alcohol from your system.

1 unit of alcohol is approximately 10ml of alcohol, to put that into perspective there are 2 units in an average pint of beer. So, based on the estimates above it can take up to 10 hours for 5 pints beer to leave the average person's system after consuming.

Outpatient care involves patients coming into an addiction centre for regular counselling and therapy sessions for a few hours a day before going home as this type of treatment does not require you to stay over at a rehabilitation centre. We don't offer this type of treatment as we believe that inpatient treatment is more effective for our clients. Many of the individuals who come into our centre are suffering from severe addictions and require urgent and constant care, especially when going through detoxification which is something that is not available through an outpatient treatment programme.

The withdrawal symptoms experienced through detox can be severe and therefore needs care and attention from trained professionals that are available 24 hours a day, this is what makes inpatient treatment the safer and more effective option for addiction recovery.

You are welcome to bring personal items and clothing that will make your stay more comfortable. We recommend bringing casual, comfortable clothing and any personal items you may need. For specific guidelines on what to bring, please consult our admission team.

There are various signs to alcohol addiction, most are obvious but some can be hard to detect. Here is a list of the most common signs that you should look out for:

  • ind yourself intoxicated more regularly
  • Regular mood swings
  • Always appear tired
  • Have a look of being unwell i.e. pale in the face
  • Drinking more to achieve the effects of being drunk
  • Less interest in activities/hobbies
  • Being dishonest, keeping secrets from people
  • Unable to say no to alcohol

If you are exhibiting one or more of these symptoms then it's likely that you have an addiction to alcohol and need to look into starting an addiction treatment programme similar to the alcohol and drug rehab programmes we offer at our centre.

John Gillen

John Gillen - Author Last updated: 25th July 2024

John Gillen is a leading addiction treatment expert with over 15 years of experience providing evidence-based treatment methods for individuals throughout the UK. John also co-authors the book, The Secret Disease of Addiction, which delves into how the addictive mind works and what treatment techniques work best.

Dr. Olalekan Otulana (Advanced Practitioner)

Dr. Olalekan Otulana (Advanced Practitioner) - Medical Reviewer - Last Reviewed: 2nd February 2023

Dr. Olalekan Otulana MBChB, DRCOG, MRCGP, DFSRH, FRSPH, MBA (Cantab)

 Dr Otulana is a highly experienced GP and Addiction Physician. He has a specialist interest in Substance Misuse Management and he has a wide range of experience in the assessment, management (including detoxification) and residential rehabilitation of clients with various drug and substance addiction problems.  His main aim is to comprehensively assess patients with addiction problems and determine their treatment needs for medical detoxification treatments and psychological interventions. He is also experienced in managing patients who require dual drug and alcohol detoxification treatments.

A strong healthcare services professional with a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree from Cambridge University Judge Business School.