We Have Treatment Programmes for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Birmingham

Published by Raffa Bari | All Sources

Our experienced team at Cassiobury Court can provide industry-leading addiction treatment for residents throughout the Birmingham area. Spaces available. Call us now!

We continue to help people overcome their addiction in Birmingham and across the rest of the West Midlands region, including areas such as Coventry, Tipton, Solihull and Shropshire.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Birmingham
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Clinic Available in Birmingham

Get Help in Birmingham Now

We offer residential drug and alcohol rehab in the Birmingham area

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Birmingham

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Birmingham

Looking for drug and alcohol rehab in Birmingham? Getting sober and living a life free from drug and alcohol addiction is difficult for anyone to achieve.

Trying to go it alone is not easy. In most cases, an addict needs external help, and it is not enough to want to quit.

That is where our drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Birmingham comes in. Rehab services in Birmingham and broader areas in the UK suffer massively from underfunding and long waiting times, which is why those in need of urgent addiction treatment usually turn to private rehab clinics in Birmingham.

Are you based in Birmingham and feel that you might be suffering from an alcohol or drug addiction? If so, then there is no harm in giving us a call or filling out our enquiry form as our local addiction specialists near Birmingham will be able to assess whether you are suffering from addiction and what level of treatment may be needed.

If you are wondering whether you are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol or think you may be suffering from addiction, please contact us as soon as possible. All our calls are free and strictly confidential.


How Can Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Birmingham Help Me?

The rehab treatments that are offered by Cassiobury Court have been created to treat drug and alcohol addictions using the latest evidence-based treatment methods comprehensively.

If you or a loved one is suffering from an addiction, reaching out to a service like the one we offer can be the best help you can get.

We can offer advice and treatment to help give as much information as needed on the best steps to take when dealing with addiction.

The main aim of all our treatment programmes is to help people achieve full, long-lasting recovery from addiction with no relapses.

Increasing the effectiveness of our programmes through the use of pioneering treatments is what our clinic specialises in.

A typical rehab treatment programme offered by Cassiobury Court includes:

One of the main ways we can ensure that you are receiving the correct treatment is through a full clinical assessment carried out by our care team.

This will involve asking questions about your background to identify any potential factors that may have resulted in the development of addictive behaviours.

This can also help us understand how you react to scenarios around you that may be unhealthy. We will work with you to build healthier habits so that you can deal with any problems now and in the future in a better way, without turning to alcohol or drugs.

Inpatient drug and alcohol rehab is the best way to get your habits under control as it is a safe environment. You have professionals on hand with years of experience to help you through the treatment programme.

Here at Cassiobury Court, we have lots of experience providing our Birmingham rehab service to addicts of drugs, alcohol, and prescription medications. Give our specialist team a call, and we will be happy to help.


Addiction in Birmingham

Birmingham has seen a massive spike in addiction cases, and unfortunately, 79 people died as a result of drug misuse in 2021. As addiction has become an increasingly widespread issue across the UK, more people are now seeking professional addiction treatment in Birmingham than ever before.

Between April 2021 to March 2022, there were 289,215 adults in contact with drug and alcohol services across England. This highlights the extent of the addiction issue that is currently being faced.

If you are struggling with addiction to alcohol or drugs, you are not alone. Thousands of people in Birmingham are currently seeking treatment to overcome addiction and achieve long term sobriety.

There are multiple treatment options available in Birmingham, from outpatient rehab to private rehab clinics. It is important that you research your treatment options to ensure that you find the best rehab programme for your needs.

If you are seeking help for a substance abuse problem in Birmingham, seek professional treatment at a rehab centre today. At Cassiobury Court we offer leading treatments for alcohol and drug abuse for anyone who needs it.


How Does Rehabilitation Work?

No matter where you are in the country, our rehab clinic can provide a tailored service that matches your needs.

If you are looking for private rehab in Birmingham, Cassiobury Court has several options for you, whether you come into our rehab clinic in Greater London or our other partnering clinic locations which are nearer to Birmingham.

We know that every individual is different and may require additional support for their addiction, which is why we ensure that every residential treatment programme we provide is personalised to the individual.

When you arrive at our Birmingham rehab clinic, we first talk with you about why you are here and how we can help you achieve sobriety. This will help us assess your case and get the ball rolling.

You will then go through the steps of our comprehensive addiction treatment programme which includes detox, therapies, relapse prevention planning and aftercare services.


Detoxification Process

The first step of inpatient residential rehab is medical detox. This is the part of rehab that many people are nervous about when they undertake a typical rehab programme near Birmingham.

Although detox is often the most unpleasant aspect of your rehab treatment due to withdrawal symptoms, it is also the most vital part as it flushes the toxins from your body.

You will most likely experience some withdrawal symptoms during this process, which can be uncomfortable and hard to manage. This is why the support of our medical recovery team during your medically assisted detox is so beneficial to you.

The recovery staff are available 24/7 to manage your withdrawal symptoms, they can organise a Doctor to order prescription detox medication to alleviate your symptoms, as well as offer you general guidance and care.

After you have finished the detox process, you will then start therapy treatment. You will receive a range of therapy treatments, which consists of both 1-1 and group sessions.

With group sessions, many people are apprehensive about sharing at first. However, group therapy is a judgement-free zone where you can talk with others in the same situation.

It is often very beneficial to share experiences with others, and programmes often follow the 12-steps which were first founded by Alcoholics Anonymous.

You will be given many tips about dealing with triggers and avoiding them wherever possible during group therapy sessions which will help to prepare you for life outside our Birmingham rehab clinic.

However, we do not just abandon you once you leave us; our aftercare team will be there for you. The aftercare treatment services will help you deal with relapse triggers and steer you in the right direction. They will aid you in developing healthy habits which will help you readjust to everyday life.

Watch the below video to find out more about what drug and alcohol rehab is like and how it works:


Addictions We Treat

Addiction looks different for everyone struggling with it, which is why it is so important to seek personalised treatment programmes to help you overcome your exact substance abuse problem. Every person is different, which is why it is key to find treatment that works best for you.

At Cassiobury Court we can provide a variety of treatments to help you overcome drug and alcohol abuse.

No matter the type of addiction you have, we will work to help you overcome it.

Some of the addictions we treat include:

To learn more about our treatment and therapies, get in touch with us today on 0800 001 4070. Start treatment at rehab in Birmingham today.


Therapy for Addiction Treatment

The therapy treatment options that are provided to you at Cassiobury Court will help you to achieve long-term recovery.

We offer cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy, family therapy and other holistic therapies such as art therapy.

These are conducted by our specialist medical professionals who are trained and extremely experienced with all cases of substance addiction and mental health conditions, no matter how complicated yours are.

We also offer dual diagnosis treatment for people who have co-occurring addiction problems and mental health conditions. This means that our recovery staff are equipped to handle all forms of psychological addiction treatment.

For more information about our therapies, please contact us today. You can call us on 0800 001 4070 or fill out our contact form.


Dual Diagnosis Treatment

It is common that people with alcohol and drug addictions also suffer from mental health problems. This can be either a result of substance misuse or mental health may have been the leading cause of an addiction developing.

The term “dual diagnosis” refers to the presence of both conditions, and it is common for individuals with a substance use disorder to also experience symptoms of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or other mental health conditions.

Dual diagnosis treatment typically involves a combination of medical, psychological, and behavioural therapies, as well as support from our team of medical professionals and recovery worker. The goal of dual diagnosis treatment is to address both the substance use disorder and the mental health condition in a holistic way, rather than treating them separately.

Some common components of dual diagnosis treatment may include:

  1. Assessment and diagnosis of both the substance use disorder and the co-occurring mental health disorder during the pre-admissions assessment.
  2. Individual and group therapy, including cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT).
  3. Medication management to treat the mental health condition and support recovery from the substance use disorder.
  4. Support for managing triggers and developing healthy coping mechanisms.
  5. Family therapy and support to help loved ones understand and participate in the recovery process.

Overall, dual diagnosis treatment in our rehab is designed to provide comprehensive care that addresses both substance use and mental health, with the goal of helping individuals achieve long-term recovery and improved quality of life.

For any questions about our treatment programmes, call today on 0800 001 4070.


Signs You Need Rehab Treatment

It is a very daunting thing to decide that you require rehab treatment, and it can often be difficult to know if you need professional help. There are a number of signs that you require professional help for your addiction, especially if thoughts of consumption are taking over your life and affecting you day to day.

Some signs that you require addiction treatment at rehab include:

  • Neglecting friends or family
  • Prioritising drug or alcohol consumption
  • Extreme drug or alcohol binges
  • Thoughts of substance use on the mind frequently
  • Decrease in work performance/more absences
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or previous interests
  • Frequent consumption of substances
  • Deteriorating mental health
  • Extreme changes in mood and behaviour

If you are concerned about your substance use but are unsure if you require rehab treatment, get in touch with our admissions helpline where you can receive free support and advice. Call on 0800 001 4070.


Choosing Rehab Treatment

There are a number of options to choose from once you have decided that you need to seek rehab treatment for your addiction.

You should consider your physical and mental health, your personal needs and your treatment preferences when making a decision about your treatment.

The two main treatment options to overcome addiction are outpatient and inpatient treatment programmes. These are both beneficial options to help you throughout your recovery journey, but are more suitable for some than others depending on your personal requirements.

Outpatient rehab in Birmingham is a great option for people with milder drug or alcohol addictions who require less intensive treatment. Outpatient is often local in Birmingham, is cost-effective or free NHS services, and allows you to continue with your other commitments.

Outpatient rehab is often extremely busy and may have long waiting times, the treatment is not as intensive which means it has lower long-term success rates, and it means that you remain in your own environment which may have triggers that threaten your recovery.

Residential rehab treatment however is intensive and works to treat both the physical addiction and the mental side.

This provides residents with the highest chance of success as alcohol and drug addiction impact physical as well as mental health, so it is important that both are addressed during the initial recovery stage.

Our drug and alcohol rehab is just a short drive away from Birmingham and provides you with the best treatments available. From group therapy, holistic treatments and a medically-assisted detox, you can be sure that you are receiving the best level of care available.


Why Do People Become Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol?

The reason why people become addicted to substances is not an easy question because everyone will have different experiences and origins.

However, addiction is not a simple act and habit of taking drugs or repeatedly drinking, as there is often a deeper underlying cause that you need to get to the bottom of.

Many addicts in areas such as Birmingham find that they have unresolved issues in childhood, a present negative scenario in their life or underlying mental health issues.

These things are often combined, and the addict feels like they have no choice but to drink or take drugs to cope. What starts as self-medication quickly becomes a daily necessity for a person to function.

Some common reasons for drug and alcohol addiction:

  • A family history of substance abuse
  • Mental health disorders
  • Childhood neglect
  • Environmental factors
  • Genetics
  • Personality – some people tend to have what is known as an addictive personality

When all seems hopeless, it is hard to imagine that you can turn your life around. However, that is precisely what we can help you with.

Our alcohol and drug rehab can help you to understand the root of your addiction, whether your addiction is to alcohol, cocaine or any other drug addiction. We aim to resolve any issues and get you sober. We will help you rebuild your life.


How Do You Know You are Ready for Rehab in Birmingham?

This is not an easy question to answer, but remember that everyone struggles to admit they need help. It can be difficult to feel 100% ready for rehab in Birmingham, but holding treatment off forever will not help you to recover and get your life back; delaying your treatment only hinders your recovery.

Substance abuse is taking over your life

Addiction starts small and often gradually impacts your life, getting worse and worse. It might start by affecting your sleep pattern, damaging your relationships or getting in the way of your career. Once a stable life becomes rocked by addiction, it is a slippery slope that can quickly worsen.

Often addiction affects job performance, relationships with family and loved ones, as well as personal care such as eating, sleeping, and hygiene. If you feel that your substance addiction is having an impact on your lifestyle, you need to receive rehab treatment.

Putting toxic substances into your body can have serious consequences. Your mental health can go downhill, but you may notice physical health problems too.

You may become ill frequently due to a weakened immune system, as well as regularly getting injured while intoxicated. These are just some of the problems you may face as a result of alcoholism or drug addiction.

Eventually, you could find yourself suffering from long-term serious health problems such as kidney damage, liver and heart disease, strokes, cancer and seizures.

This is scary and should be taken seriously. To avoid serious addiction-related health problems, it is important that you receive addiction treatment as soon as possible.

You prioritise your addiction

Often for people who struggle with alcohol addiction or substance abuse, thoughts of the next time they consume or purchase their addictive substance is a consuming thought which is prioritised over everything else.

If you start to pay less attention to things in your daily life such as children, family or commitments, this indicates that you need to receive addiction treatment.


What Is Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Birmingham Like?

Most people are surprised when they walk through our clinic which is close to Birmingham, as they expect something quite bleak and hospital-like.

Our residents get access to luxury accommodation and private rooms so that they can recover and heal in comfort and peace.

The sooner you get in touch and arrange to visit our rehab clinic, the better. If you are looking for a drug and alcohol centre, we have the perfect rehab clinic near you.

Cassiobury Court is based in the outskirts of Greater London, which is only an hour and a half drive away. We also have partnering alcohol and drug rehab clinics which are based all over the country so that you can receive treatment in a location which suits you.

We can also arrange transport for anyone in the Birmingham area to attend our clinic.

Group of people in support group clapping


Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol abuse is unfortunately very common in the UK as a result of social binge drinking and other societal factors.

For people who are suffering from severe alcohol addiction, inpatient rehab is the best option to receive treatment as it provides you with constant support and the state-of-the-art rehab facilities and therapies that are needed to make a full recovery.

Similar to drug addiction treatment, a withdrawal process with be the first step of your recovery programme at our private rehab. Alcohol addiction requires both withdrawal and therapy in order to get the body prepared for recovery.

To find out more about our alcohol rehab treatment, visit our page.


Drug Rehab

Drug addiction is rife and can have a hugely negative impact on your life. Although for many drug addiction starts as a casual drug habit, it can easily become a problem that needs addiction treatment.

Dependence on drugs looks different for everyone, and drug addictions can vary greatly. At Cassiobury Court, we offer drug rehab for cocaine, heroin, prescription drugs, cannabis, meth and many more.

If you have any special requirements or would like to get in touch to discuss treatment options for your addiction, please contact a member of our team today on 0800 001 4070.

Once you are admitted to our inpatient rehab, your detox will begin. The withdrawal symptoms that are experienced during a drug detox can be incredibly uncomfortable and hard to manage alone.

That is why completing detox at an inpatient residential rehab is the safest option for you, as you have access to detox medication, support and management from our team of specialists, and you will be in a comfortable environment.

Drug withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Tremors
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Intense cravings
  • Insomnia
  • Diarrhoea
  • Sweating
  • Mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety
  • Muscle pain

Once you have completed the detox element of your drug addiction treatment, you will then start therapy to treat you mentally.

Typical drug addiction treatment includes talking therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy and group therapy. This has been proven to be highly effective in treating addiction.

It is important that your mental health is good in order for you to maintain sobriety and long-term recovery after leaving our rehab centre. Narcotics Anonymous are also a great service which is available to you after completion of your treatment programme.


Outpatient Treatment vs Residential Rehab

Deciding between treatment options is an important part of the recovery process. Outpatient treatment is a type of addiction treatment that allows individuals to receive therapy, counselling, and support without requiring them to stay at a residential facility. There are a number of local addiction treatment options in Birmingham such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Weekly support meetings take place across Birmingham to provide you with addiction help. Some locations include:

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in Birmingham

Birmingham Nechells
St Vincents RC Church, Nechells Parkway, Francis St

Time: 19:00 – 21:30 duration 1hr 30mins
Distance: 0 miles
Postcode: B7 4JY
(wheelchair access available)

Narcotics Anonymous Meetings in Birmingham

Birmingham Wednesday Group
9 Allcock Street, Birmingham, West Midlands

Time: 19.30 – 21:00 duration 1hr 30mins
Distance: 0 miles
Postcode: B9 4DY

While outpatient treatment has many benefits, it may not be the best option for everyone.

Below are some of the pros and cons of outpatient treatment:

Pros of Outpatient Treatment

  1. Flexibility: Outpatient treatment is often more flexible than inpatient treatment, as it allows individuals to continue working, going to school, and managing their daily responsibilities while receiving treatment.
  2. Affordability: Outpatient treatment is often more affordable than inpatient treatment, as it does not require the same level of medical and residential care.
  3. Support: Outpatient treatment offers access to a variety of support services, such as group therapy and counselling, which can be essential for those in recovery.
  4. Continued connection to the community: Outpatient treatment allows individuals to stay connected to their community and support system, which can be helpful in maintaining recovery.

Cons of Outpatient Treatment

  1. Less structure: Outpatient treatment may provide less structure and support than inpatient treatment, which can make it harder for some individuals to stay on track with their recovery.
  2. Risk of relapse: Outpatient treatment may be associated with a higher risk of relapse, as individuals are still exposed to triggers and temptations in their daily lives.
  3. Limited medical oversight: Outpatient treatment may not offer the same level of medical oversight and intervention as inpatient treatment, which can be a concern for individuals with more severe addiction or mental health issues.
  4. Limited access to resources: Some outpatient programmes may have limited access to resources such as medication-assisted treatment or medical detox, which may be needed for some individuals in recovery.

Overall, outpatient treatment can be a great option for those who are motivated and committed to their recovery, but it may not be the best fit for everyone. It is important to consider individual needs and circumstances when deciding on a treatment programme.

To discuss your recovery options, please phone a member of our team on 0800 001 4070 to find rehab in Birmingham.


Benefits of Inpatient Rehab

Although all types of rehab are beneficial for people suffering from addiction and substance misuse problems, residential treatment programmes are the best available and have the highest success rates. This is because every treatment plan at a private rehab provides patients with person-centred treatment and intense detox and therapies to treat both the mind and body.

Outpatient rehab in Birmingham is beneficial for anybody looking for local treatment which is flexible. Outpatient services often have very long waiting lists, however, as resources are slim and very in demand.

This is why private rehab is the best option for those seeking addiction treatment. It provides you with intensive treatments which are tailored for you, so no time is wasted on techniques which may not suit your needs.

Some of the benefits of inpatient residential rehab include:

  • Medically assisted detox with recovery experts
  • Laundry and catering
  • Beautiful grounds for recovery
  • Safe space away from any triggers at home
  • Dedicated space to recover with others in similar positions
  • Top-quality personalised treatments
  • 12 months of free aftercare and follow up
  • A variety of addiction therapy, including group, art therapy and family therapy
  • Dual diagnosis treatment for those suffering from addiction and existing mental health conditions

Although it might seem daunting to move to residential rehab, our centre is only a short drive away and is a fantastic centre to recover in. Our recovery staff are extremely experienced and many have been through similar experiences themselves so are able to understand how you feel.

You won’t be able to experience similar treatment elsewhere, as inpatient rehab is extensive and has very high success rates. Contact us today to find out more about our treatment options and what our rehab facilities have to offer here at Cassiobury Court.


How Long Does Rehab Last?

Inpatient residential rehab programmes last for varying amounts of time and depend on the type of treatment you are receiving.

The recommended length of stay at a private rehab facility such as ours at Cassiobury Court is at least 28 days, as this enables enough time for you to complete detox during the first 10 days and then receive numerous therapy and addiction treatments in the weeks afterwards.

Completing therapy treatments gives you the best chance at recovery as it allows you to address the reasons for your addiction and allows you to learn relapse prevention techniques to keep you sober after your treatment programme has finished.

If a 28-day stay is not in your budget, however, we offer 10-day treatment programmes which contain only a detox. Although this is not the recommended length of treatment, it is still highly beneficial and safest to go through the detox process with medical professionals and 24/7 support.

We also offer treatment programmes which last longer than 28 days for people who are looking for a comprehensive addiction treatment programme.

To find out the cost and your treatment options, call a member of the team on 0800 001 4070 to get an accurate quote for your particular medical needs and budget.


Why Choose Cassiobury Court

Cassiobury Court is a UK-leading private rehab centre which is located very close to Birmingham.

Our centre is made up of 21 single bedrooms so you can be assured that you are in a comfortable and private environment. We pride ourselves on our centre’s facility which is beautiful and peaceful for you to detox and receive treatment.

As part of our offer, we provide:

  • Private individual therapy rooms
  • Cosy communal lounge and dining area
  • Large multi-purpose group activity room
  • Comfortable TV lounge
  • External courtyard and outdoor seating area
  • Wellbeing services
  • Tranquil gardens
  • Around-the-clock care
  • Nutritional food

Our onsite chef cooks nutritional meals throughout your stay to ensure that you are well looked after physically, something which is very important after substance abuse to get your physical health back on track.

Our centre is comfortable and welcoming so you can feel at ease throughout your stay with us. We also have an excellent team of cleaning staff on hand to help you keep your space clean during your programme.

We are located extremely closeby to Cassiobury Park so there are plenty of nice walks and views to enjoy throughout the programme. We think it is very important to work on well-being as well as address your addiction issues, which is why we promote daily walks and other wellness exercises such as yoga and meditation.

Cassiobury Court is a safe and homely environment so you feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible during your treatment programme. The detox process can be very challenging and a hard phase to go through, which is why the environment and support are so beneficial to residents.

To learn more about our facilities, call our admissions helpline on 0800 001 4070.


How Much Does Rehab Cost?

The cost of receiving addiction treatment at a rehab centre depends on the length of treatment required.

Our cheapest rehab treatment plan lasts ten days with prices starting at £3,000, which includes a medically-assisted detox surrounded by medical professionals. During this time you will also receive healthy nutritional meals which are cooked onsite, as well as walks and communal time with the residents.

Although it is best to receive therapy treatments alongside a detox programme, a 10-day detox stay is beneficial for the support and medical assistance which is provided during the detox.

The length of treatment most recommended is 28 days, as this gives you the most comprehensive treatment and allows enough time for detox recovery, so more attention is given to the psychological side of addiction rehabilitation.

We also offer extended rehab programmes for anyone with extremely severe addictions or anybody who feels they could benefit from extensive treatment at our rehab centre. You can call us to discuss our prices and any concerns you may have about funding on 0800 001 4070, or learn more about the cost of rehab here.

We can also discuss any insurance policies you have and discuss how these are used with you.

See the below table showing the prices of our different treatment options:

Length of Stay Cost
7 Days (Detox Only) £1,900 – £2,900
10 Days £3,000 – £4,300
14 Days £4,650 – £6,400
21 Days £7,300 – £9,650
28 Days £9,250 – £12,500


Why Go to Rehab?

Taking the initial plunge and deciding to go to an alcohol or cocaine rehab can often be a daunting prospect and may stop some people from seeking treatment. It is crucial to stop drug or alcohol use if you feel that you have a drug or alcohol problem as a number of health problems can arise as a direct result of substance abuse.

Addiction can impact relationships, job performance or employment, as well as have a negative effect on your health, which is why rehab is such an important service available.

Health Implications of Drug and Alcohol Addictions

Alcohol and drug addiction can cause a huge number of health problems if use is chronic and used for long periods of time. Some of the health problems that can be caused by drug and alcohol abuse include:

  • Organ damage to the liver, pancreas and/or heart
  • Cancers including breast, bowel, liver, mouth and neck
  • Strokes
  • High blood pressure that can lead to heart attacks
  • Mental health disorders including depression and anxiety
  • Infertility
  • Dementia

The health problems which can be caused by alcohol abuse and drug addictions are a huge reason to seek rehab treatment in Birmingham. Not only does substance abuse cause damage to relationships and lifestyles, but it also puts your health and well-being at risk. This is why it is so important to seek rehab treatment if you are showing signs of addiction.

Alcohol and drug rehab is the best place to receive support and assistance during the difficult withdrawal process. At an inpatient rehab centre such as ours at Cassiobury Court, you receive around-the-clock support during detox and therapy sessions which is often necessary to achieve long-term recovery.

You can find out more about the residential rehab treatment programmes which we offer at Cassiobury Court by calling us on 0800 001 4070.

Jo Alistoun
Jo Alistoun
Id like to thank everyone at Cassiobury Court and I mean everyone, nobody excluded, who helped me with my recovery. I was always treated with love and respect. Everyone is helpful, kind and always very professional with a great sense of humour This is the most wonderful place, I was so scared and afraid on my first day but within hours I found myself laughing and feeling safe - I just knew I was in the right place. The staff are simply out of this world. The location is peaceful, beautiful and the accommodation/food excellent My journey at Cassiobury helped me get on the right side of the road, I stayed focused and happy to say - today I'm still sober Today I can start living "one day at a time", they have given me a new life filled with hope, peace and love. Ive never felt happier Jo
Rosie M
Rosie M
I spent 2 weeks at Cassiobury, really think it might have saved my life, Jane walked me in on the first day and told me I wouldn't want to leave by the end of it, she wasn't wrong. Every member of staff were amazing and so supportive. Having had two not so good experiences at other rehabs I was very nervous and in a really bad way, at my worst point in drinking ever and thinking there was no way out, but now I feel better than I have in 4 years :) so apprecitive to literally everyone there, so welcoming and understanding. The food is amazing too, and will cater to your needs, felt so looked after and genuinely cared for, will forever be grateful for this experience x
Nimra Khan
Nimra Khan
Going for an experience of rehabilitation can be an extremely daunting one. Most people arrive broken, emotionally, financially and spiritually bankrupt; and most of all, they feel alone. My experience at Cassiobury Court exceeded all my wildest expectations. Immediately, I was swept up in a system of support, understanding and care. The staff was incredible - professional yet loving. The sessions there provided me with a solid foundation and understanding of my issues, leaving me equipped to deal with the outside world upon my discharge. The environment inside was like family where close ties were soon formed with no judgements being passed and only mutual care being cultivated. It was one of the most enriching experiences of my life and I am so grateful for having had this opportunity to pause my life and work on my well being towards a more wholesome future. If you’re needing help, this place is the best choice. You’ll be in great hands, highly recommended!
Eye Wonder
Eye Wonder
Cassiobury Court is a Unique Rehabilitation Facility I can’t thank the team at Cassiobury Court enough for their support through one of the lowest points of my life. From the management down to the recovery team, therapists, catering team, medical team, maintenance team and housekeepers. They all go above and beyond for the people in their care. Many of the staff members have personally been affected by addiction, so understand how it feels like to be at your lowest most broken point in life. It’s especially helpful for people going through their first rehab where they are gently led to understand their addiction and supported by a team of therapists. For anyone whose unfortunate enough to have had a relapse, they welcome you back without judgement and it’s like seeing old friends. The catering team are fantastic and will accommodate any dietary requirements. They have a simple aim - to nourish you back to health. The full English breakfast, regular roasts, salad bars, snacks and late night sandwiches are to die for. You can talk to the recovery team at anytime of the day, even if its just for a hug or reassurance. I know I've needed a hug on a couple of occasions. The experience at Cassiobury is very intimate, with around 25 guests at anytime all of whom quickly become a community providing support and will quickly climatise and welcome any newcomers. They too were anxious and confused when they first arrived. The internet and wifi has excellent coverage and it’s great to have Netflix available in your bedroom. You can also use your phone as long as your respectful of others. I’d like to especially thank Rebecca for her helping me at my most vulnerable and for her aftercare plan. I’d also like to make a shout out to Martin whose recovery sessions and general advice are always on point. Ollie for his super charged sessions and a Pauli for his breath coaching. Oh and you also get 12 months of aftercare with a weekly midday zoom call... I will end this by saying that with any rehab, you get what you put in. Go in with an open mind and use the time their to reset your life and deal with any demons from the past. Be truthful and honest with your piers and leave the past behind at Cassiobury Court. Then walk out of the gates to your new life. I wish you well in your recovery journey. Mr NA - West London
Fabian Conway
Fabian Conway
I was admitted to Cassiobury Court on Tuesday 3rd January 2023 for a 28 day period, suffering from alcohol addition. Having not been in rehab previously, I was unsure what to expect, Cassiobury Court provides detoxification, group sessions/discussions and 1-2-1's to its Clients in a relaxed atmosphere whilst also encouraging the completion of the 1st 3 steps from the AA 12 step programme. Anyway, everyone was very welcoming and I spent the 1st few days in the detoxification process, in which my sleep and appetite returned. I also felt very comfortable and had no compulsion to drink alcohol. From the start of the following week, I started attending the group sessions and numerous 1-2-1 sessions with counsellors, key workers or therapists. I have found everyone at Cassiobury Court, management, counsellors, key workers, medical staff, chefs and cleaning staff to be excellent n being very welcoming, enthusiastic and approachable at any time, with an effort on our recovery. The group therapy is excellent and the fellow clients support each other in recovery. The accommodation is excellent and the food (breakfast, lunch, dinner with late night sandwiches) are also excellent. You can get hot drinks, a range including water, teas, herbal teas, coffee and hot chocolate and yoghurts, fruit and biscuits, 24 hours/day. They offer an excellent weekly laundry service where your clothes are returned clean and folded within a few hours. Also, they provide a 12 month support service which involve weekly Zoom meetings. I left on Tuesday 31st January 2023 , in a much better place having competed the 1st 3 AA steps, and willing and ready to follow the AA 12 Step Programme. I would highly recommend Cassiobury Court to anyone who is looking for a alcohol or drug rehabilitation service. Finally, a big thank you, to all the staff at Cassiobury Court..
Michelle P
Michelle P
I have spent some time at Cassiobury Court over the last 6 months and cannot speak more highly of the experience. I admitted myself for alcohol addiction and was very scared when I arrived and did not have any idea what to expect. The staff could not have been kinder to me. I wanted to leave on day 2 because I was very anxious and out of my comfort zone, but fortunately staff members calmed me down and I ended up staying which I am very glad about. The schedule is very good with group sessions, some one on one sessions and therapy sessions. The food is excellent and the chefs are very accommodating if you wish to have something different. There is a daily trip to the local shop to get any bits you may need. All the staff are amazing, the recovery workers, the management, the chefs and kitchen staff and all that work at Cassiobury are all so caring and it really shows. You have time to get to know the rest of the group and I ended up building close bonds and have kept in contact with many that I met in Cassiobury (and I bump into people I met at meetings outside as well as on the aftercare calls). All in all, if your are considering a treatment centre then I would highly recommend Cassiobury Court, I am very grateful for my time there.
Deborah Smith
Deborah Smith
Just completed 28 days at Cassiobury Court and I am pleased to say it has been a positive experience. I have received compassionate expert care from the staff team here who have an in-depth knowledge of addiction. My key workers have been an inspiration and have been by my side every step of the way providing a range of interventions to help me work through my addiction issues. I have been treated with kindness, privacy, dignity and respect. I leave having gained confidence and the power to succeed. Thank you to all at Cassiobury court.
Billy Price
Billy Price
I came here on January 2023. I was consumed by an alcohol addiction. I was at an all time low. Family and friends found this place for me, this was my first treatment. I felt very welcome upon entering the gates. All staff took great care of me.I was given a medical detox this made the start of the stay here very comfortable. I stayed here for 28 days and was given one on one therapy treatment, group sessions and external recovery meetings. The staff are very understanding and fair. I was given the tools and a brilliant foundation to achieve my goal with great support. Whilst staying here I started to realise there is light at the end of the tunnel to live in a positive and rewarding life if I keep myself focused. I am grateful for to have been here. My advice would be to take the first steps to get the help you need.
Where do I even start… This has been my second time in there as a year ago when I was there, I didn’t take the program seriously enough and I just wanted to get clean from drugs. However after having a few months sobriety, then relapsing as I didn’t do what was suggest to me! I ended up going back for 28 days. Let me tell you, that this experience was a one in a lifetime and I took everything on board, attended all sessions and did exactly what I was told! Every single member of staff at cassiobury go above and beyond for their clients. They put time and effort into all of us and someone is always there for you to talk to day or night. There is a huge range of sessions which you can attend and this give you the knowledge of your addiction. You also have counselling sessions once a week which helps massively🙏🏼 Cassiobury court feels like your home with your family. Leaving today was so tough as I left so many amazing people behind there. However this is the new start of my journey, I have the right tools behind me this time and I would never of been able to do it without cassiobury. Also big up the chiefs there! The food is AMAZING!!!!! I put on over a stone in 4 weeks…I think that says it all! Thank you cassiobury for giving me a new and improved way of living.
Tim Pullman
Tim Pullman
When I came in to Cassiobury I was all over the place my life was in chaos caused by me. I didn’t know what to expect when I arrived, I had been in another rehab before. I didn’t have a good experience there unfortunately. At Cassiobury I made the effort to be around everyone and learn, taking part in everything which is the only way to learn. The thing I really love about Cassiobury are staff who are in recovery themselves which is amazing - they point you in the right direction from their own experiences which has made all the difference to me. It’s been massive for me. You know when you are talking to staff they have done it themselves. Every single staff have been brilliant, they have different approaches and which has been the best therapy for me as they understand what I’ve been going through. I felt safe at Cassiobury which gave me a sense of relief and helped me to relax, release my anxieties and fears focusing on what I needed to do - from feeling broken I feel repaired. I cannot fully express what this is done for me. I can’t fault this place from the top to the cleaners. I leave Cassiobury with more understanding about addiction than I’ve ever had. I’ve got the tools I need which gives me the courage to remain sober. My loved one found this place and I’m so grateful that she did! She made a huge effort for me. You will get everything you need if you want it - don’t waste the opportunity. For me Cassiobury court will work for you but you need to work for yourself while you’re there - you won’t regret it.


Aftercare Services

We want to ensure that your recovery is upheld and that our treatment plan has led to your long-term recovery. This is why we offer one year of free aftercare to you upon completion of your rehab stay.

The first few months after leaving our rehab clinic are often the most difficult for residents. This is because returning to your own environment can pose challenges to your sobriety and it can be intimidating to stick to recovery without the constant support of peers and our medical professionals.

We, therefore, offer weekly sessions to ensure that you have somebody to talk to. You are able to discuss any concerns or worries that you have and receive advice from our recovery staff.

There are also support groups outside of our rehab centre that can help you stay on track. These include Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, which are services that provide support groups for people in similar situations to you who wish to live a substance-free life.

Find out more about Alcoholics Anonymous here.


Admissions Process

The admissions process to Cassiobury Court is simple and straightforward to ensure that you are able to receive the care you need as easily and quickly as possible. All you need to do is call a member of our admissions team for free on 0800 001 4070 to discuss your treatment programme options and work out a personalised rehab programme which will work for your needs and budget.

We have a number of methods to start the admissions process to rehab, including self-referrals, family referrals, and employer referrals.

During the telephone consultation, you will be asked a number of questions so our team can understand more about your needs and the best therapies and treatments to help you overcome addiction.

Questions will include your basic details such as name, address and age, as well as the nature and severity of your addiction, your physical and mental health, and whether you are on any existing psychiatric medication. These questions will be used to determine your treatment and will help our team to organise a place for you in rehab.

Family Referrals

For the family and friends of loved ones suffering from addiction, it can be extremely hard to watch, particularly if they are not aware of the severity of their alcohol and drug addiction. We offer support and guidance to loved ones to help with the difficult process of addiction.

As part of our family referral service and support, we can:

  • Provide you with tips to help a loved one receive treatment
  • Give you information about our treatment programmes
  • Offer family intervention services if required
  • Provide you with support throughout your loved one’s rehab treatment
  • Suggest methods to help you support your loved one

Although it is not an option to force someone to receive treatment for drug and alcohol misuse, family referrals can be a great first step toward somebody considering treatment. The support offered by our admissions team can help you move forward and improve your relationship with your loved one.

Employer Referrals

Addiction in the workplace can be incredibly detrimental to businesses and employers, which is why ensuring key staff are given the support they need is so important. Employers can lose a significant amount of money as a result of key employees suffering from addiction, which is why we offer employer referral services to rehab so your valued workers can recover and return to work.

The investment of key staff members in the workplace is more economical than losing key members of staff. The admissions team at Cassiobury Court can help you by working with HR or Occupational Health Services to help your staff receive addiction treatment and return to work revitalised and sober.

At Cassiobury Court we accept a number of occupational health insurance schemes which can make the cost of rehab affordable for your business. Located a short distance from Birmingham, our rehab centre treats every client as a whole, including mentally. This means that by the time treatment has been successfully completed, your employee will be well and able to perform to high standards again.

To find out more about the support we offer for employers, call our admissions staff today on 0800 001 4070.

Birmingham Rehab admissions on phone


Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of some of the most common questions we are asked by individuals considering drug and alcohol rehab in Birmingham.

Withdrawal symptoms usually occur in the first 48 hours of detox and range from mild to severe. If any severe symptoms are experienced, then the effects of that can be felt for a longer duration. Read our alcohol withdrawal timeline to find out more.

Our treatment is available to individuals from all backgrounds in Birmingham and does not require referral unless you are receiving treatment through the NHS, in which case you will need a referral from your GP.

Most addicts we deal with severely lack any self-control as the disease entirely consumes them. This makes it almost impossible for addicts to recover without receiving the proper help and support from health professionals who can guidance and accountability every step of the way during recovery.

Upon completion of drug and alcohol rehab at our clinic, you will have access to free 12 months aftercare; this will ensure that you are still receiving help long after your treatment.

Along with our aftercare, we recommend that you attend local support groups in Birmingham, such as alcoholics anonymous and narcotics anonymous.

Yes, we believe in creating an inclusive community at our clinic by creating a safe and diverse environment, meaning that all religious and cultural needs are met during your stay. You can read more about this here: https://cassioburycourt.com/about/faith-and-culture/.

We can treat mental health conditions only if addiction is the primary factor. A suitable dual diagnosis programme can be offered if our onsite doctor determines this.

Addiction treatment is provided for several substances such as alcohol, cocaine, prescription drugs, and cannabis. Call our admissions team today for more information.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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