Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Bristol

Published by Raffa Bari

Looking for a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Bristol? Look no further, our centres serve Bristol and the South West. Spaces are available so call now.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Bristol
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Bristol

Get Drug and Alcohol Addiction Help

We offer drug and alcohol rehab in Bristol and the South West of England

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Bristol

It will be rare to find someone who has not experimented with drugs in their youth. After all, it’s considered a fairly normal issue for a lot of young people to try some things out due to the rebellious nature of our youth.

Most young people get off quite easily, but there are others who don’t. Some drugs could lead to death, whether that will be in the short term, or that being in the long term due to addiction.

Drug addiction can happen to anyone. Worldwide, millions people have suffered from addiction, and not only young people.

The constant flow and high availability of drugs worldwide causes that drug addiction will not be completely eradicated. However, if you are addicted to drugs, it is not too late for you.

You might struggle to keep yourself away from drugs, but help is on the way.

At Cassiobury Court, we offer drug and alcohol rehab Bristol. We can help you get clean within 28 days, through a bespoke rehab service that includes specialist therapy and medical detox – fully customised to you needs and wants.

Our line is open 24/7, and if you wish to get clean and leave the life of drugs and/or alcohol behind you, call us for more information.


How Drug and Alcohol Rehab Bristol Works

If you indeed have been suffering from drug and alcohol addiction, and you wish to make a change in your situation – the solution is simple. Call us today and one of our specialists will be able to have a quick chat with you about your situation, and how we can help you.

After you have spoken to one of our specialists about these issues, we can take you in at our Bristol rehab centre, that is based in the city of Watford, only an hour and a half away from Bristol.

We are able to transport you from your home to our centre in Watford. You will have your own room and space, where you can rest and focus on your recovery.

This will then lead to something we have been dealing with in a short amount of time. Many people struggle to ensure

Once you arrive at our rehab centre, we will start off with an a detox and rehab afterwards. Rehab mostly consists of therapeutic treatments that can help you become one with yourself, and learn how to deal with the cravings and triggers of drug or alcohol addiction.

Detox on the other hand, will be a difficult period of no alcohol intake in order for you to get clean. There will be withdrawal symptoms present, but we employ specialists who are able to help you get better immediately.

Our rates of relapse are low. This is due to our FREE 12 month aftercare programme which supports our patients after they have left residential alcohol rehab.


Free Drug & Alcohol Support in Bristol

There are many free support options for drug and alcohol addiction in Bristol. Here are some helpful options;

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in Bristol

Bristol Central Union Lunchtime
Broadmead Baptist Church, 1 Whippington Court, The Horsefair

Time: 12:30 – 13:30 duration 1hr
Distance: 0 miles
Postcode: BS1 3HY
(wheelchair access available)


Narcotics Anonymous Meetings in Bristol

Monday Night Newcomers Meeting
Main Church Hall, Trinity Tabernacle, Hassell Drive, Bristol, Somerset

Time: 19:00 – 20:00 duration 1hr
Distance: 0 miles
Postcode: BS2 0AN


I’m Not Sure If I’m Addicted to Drugs

Addiction is not black and white, and you cannot diagnose someone with an addiction by just looking at a person. The only person that can tell whether or not you might be addicted, is yourself. That is why it is important you have a good look into the mirror and ask yourself some tough questions.

Do you feel your substance use is interfering with your ability to function properly both in your personal circle and in your professional circle?

Do you feel you are in financial trouble due to drug use? Most importantly however, do you feel that any of those questions are applicable to yourself?

Many addicts believe they aren’t addicted, and there are a variety of reasons behind that. Many addicts believe that they are not addicted because their brain has been affected by repeated drug use. Your brain is essentially hijacked due to severe drug abuse.

Addiction is an illness

To add to that, there is a certain stigma around addiction. People still believe that addicts are weak, and that admitting to an addiction is weak. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Addiction is an illness. Like many people with an illness, there is not much you can do about, so you do not have to be ashamed at all. This is why it is important that you look for help.

If you are reading this page, it means that you are on the right path as you have given your drug use a thought. Admitting that you are indeed addicted to it is the first step towards recovery.

If you indeed have been suffering from drug addiction, and you wish to make a change in your situation – the solution is simple. Call us today and one of our specialists will be able to have a quick chat with you about your situation, and how we can help you.



How Do I Know If I’m Suffering From Alcoholism

Alcoholism is considered to be a physical and mental health issue by medical professional standards.  An addiction to alcohol occurs when an individual becomes physically dependent on alcohol. When the individual ceases to drink alcohol for several hours, physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms will begin to appear.

Alcoholism is often determined by a questionnaire, as the only person who can really measure up the alcohol intake, is the drinker himself.

The most known questionnaire would be the CAGE questionnaire. A good test for you to determine whether you might have a problem with alcohol dependence.

The questionnaire asks the following questions:

  1. Have you ever felt you needed to Cut down on your drinking?
  2. Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
  3. Have you ever felt Guilty about drinking?
  4. Have you ever felt you needed a drink first thing in the morning (Eye-opener) to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover?

If you have answered yes to two of these, you might be suffering from alcoholism yourself.

Suffering From Alcohol Addiction in Bristol

Alcohol is one of the most popular substances worldwide. Worldwide, billions of people consume it regularly and responsibly. There are no health issues associated with occasional use of alcohol – in fact, in some cases it can improve your health. However, there is a dark side to alcohol use that  – to this day – has not been addressed properly.

Alcohol in large volumes is one of the largest killers for all demographics. The health risks that that come with a single binge-drinking session can already lead to death.

In the long term, alcohol addiction will most likely result in death as well, let alone the guaranteed irreversible damage it will do to your body.

Your body won’t be the only thing that will deteriorate in the long term. Psychologically, alcohol abuse will take its toll, and your mental health and personal life will take a turn for the worse.

Alcohol and depression are linked together, and many families , relationships and friendships have been broken though alcohol addiction.

The problem with alcohol addiction however, is the fact that it’s not voluntary. For many people, it’s simply just not that easy to quit. Addiction is an illness, and it will be very hard to stop on your own.

Do you feel like your regular drinking has become an uncontrollable addiction? Do you live in Bristol?  There is help available if you answered yes on both questions.

Help is available when you need to book yourself in for alcohol rehab Bristol. At Cassiobury Court we have been helping people beat their alcohol addictions for many years and we can cater for you if you’re interested in undergoing a structured alcohol rehabilitation programme to give you the best chance of a long-term recovery.

We are passionate about helping clients achieve their targets, and the fact that members of our team have had their own experiences with alcohol addiction means we are able to offer an understanding and compassionate approach.

Whether you are seeking luxury facilities or are on a tighter budget, we can assist you. Having helped people from a wide range of backgrounds, we have the experience and expertise needed to cater for various needs.

Get The Help You Need

After you have spoken to one of our specialists about your issues, we can take you in at our Drug Rehab Bristol Clinic, that is based in the city of Watford, only an hour and a half away from Bristol.

We are able to transport you from your home to our centre in Watford. You will have your own room and space, where you can rest and focus on your recovery.

After we take you in, we start off with drug detox. Our drug detox treatment programme is primarily designed to help clients develop new ways of controlling their drug use or achieve total abstinence from drugs and help you stay that way.

Choosing our treatment programme will inevitably mean you will need an initial drug detox programme. This aims to eradicate the drug presence from your system with the support of a clinical prescribing regime to help you safely detox from alcohol and cope with the withdrawal effects that can be experienced while detoxing.

Once you have finished the Drug Detox period, we follow up with the rehab programme. During the twenty-eight-day rehab programme, we shall mostly focus on life after rehab.

Many ex-addicts relapse due to the fact that there are no coping mechanisms for problems that caused them to drink in the first place. From Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to alternative therapies such as Reiki – there are many options based on your situation.

Taking rehab could be the best thing you have ever done for yourself and it’s never too late, call us and start your road to a full recovery.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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