We have treatment centres for alcohol rehab in Swansea

Published by Raffa Bari


Clinically Reviewed by Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Swansea

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All information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

Treatment Swansea
Alcohol Rehab Centres In Swansea

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Swansea

Getting help for Alcohol or Drug Rehab in Swansea

If you or a family member is struggling to cope with an alcohol or drug addiction and you need help finding rehab in Swansea, it’s time to give us a call at Cassiobury Court. Data for 2017-18 from Public Health Wales has revealed that hospital admissions related to cocaine use in the area have increased by an alarming 114% since 2013.

Overall, there were 564 admissions, affecting no age group in particular. The rising levels of cocaine and general drug use is down to purity and availability, meaning that drugs are more potent and potentially fatal when taken. In 2017 alone, almost 300 people died in Wales from drug abuse.

It can be challenging trying to find alcohol and drug rehab in areas such as Swansea due to cuts in government funding, meaning that waiting lists are long for places at NHS clinics. If you need urgent assistance for a drug or alcohol addiction in Swansea, it may be a better idea to consider a private treatment clinic such as Cassiobury Court.

Cassiobury Court has helped over 3000 people overcome problems with drug and alcohol addictions for over 8 years, with a range of successful therapy programmes that work time and again. We have 20 luxurious bedrooms and lots of facilities on offer to help clients beat their addiction and escape the distractions their normal daily lives bring.

Together, we can help you on a journey to recovery, making sure that you do not relapse. Our friendly and experienced staff have helped many people overcome addiction, and are highly knowledgeable in their field of expertise. We can assist in helping you identify your triggers and the causes of your addiction, aiding acceptance that can help you move on to recovery.

an aerial from the beach, near a drug and alcohol rehab in swansea

Cocaine Rehab in Swansea

Cocaine is often associated with parties and a drug used to have fun, making the taker feel more confident about themselves and talkative. However, those suffering with a cocaine addiction often experience serious mental health issues that place them in a vulnerable state, including paranoia, anxiety, depression and insomnia. If you want to stop your cocaine habits, we are here to give you a helping hand.

Understanding why you excessively use cocaine is vital for dealing with the underlying issues that cause your addiction. When you take part in a 28-day rehab programme, you will work with our counsellors and therapists to talk about your feelings and past experiences, to understand your thought patterns and find ways to manage your behaviour.

Cannabis Rehab in Swansea

Long-term cannabis use does not entail a physical dependency, however it’s psychological or ‘perceived’ addiction can often ruin relationships and enable the user to isolate themselves in daily life. Do you want to stop your cannabis use but are not sure where to start? Our personalised treatment programmes are designed to help you overcome your cannabis addiction and build a brighter future for yourself.

One of the many benefits of our residential inpatient clinics is that you are able to take yourself away from your normal environment, to be immersed in your recovery and take part in counselling sessions. Joined by other people with a cannabis addiction, you are able to share your experiences and take a deeper insight to understanding your drug habits without any fear of judgement.

Prescription Drug Rehab in Swansea

It can be hard for an individual to admit an addiction to prescription drugs due to the lack of awareness, however the rise in prescription drug addiction is on the rise, even more so than illegal drugs such as cocaine and heroin. If you suspect that you may be addicted to prescription drugs and are seeking help, speak to Cassiobury Court.

During your stay at our prescription drug rehab, you will be able to safely detox whilst being medically supervised, and take part in evidence-supported treatments such as cognitive-behavioural-therapy (CBT) which help you understand your habits and how to manage your behaviour to prevent future relapse.

Alcohol Rehab in Swansea

Alcohol addiction often comes with a stigma, which can make it hard for those suffering with the condition to come forward and seek the help they desperately need. At Cassiobury Court, we understand that there are many factors that can cause alcohol addiction, so we offer no judgement when you visit one of our rehabilitation centres.

Following a safe detox process, you will be able to take part in individual therapy or group therapy sessions with our experienced team of medical professionals to help you understand the reasons for your addiction. Once you are able to understand why you have an addiction issue, it is much easier to learn about any triggers and how to deal with them effectively, so that you can take back control of your life.

Rehab at Cassiobury Court

We pride ourselves on our compassionate and understanding approach to client care. Our centre requires patients to be based with us on an in-patient basis, so they can experience the full benefits of our treatment centre. To try to make your stay with us as comfortable and relaxing as possible, we will tailor your therapy sessions and recovery programme based on your needs and the severity of your addiction.

At our centre you will be in the care of those who have suffered and recovered from addiction themselves, so you can be sure that our staff will always be discreet, professional and understanding. Our staff have helped many people overcome addictions and a range of mental health disorders.

If your drug or alcohol abuse is being triggered by an underlying mental condition, we have the facilities and expertise to help. All of our programmes have a 12-month aftercare package as standard, so you will always feel supported long after you have left Cassiobury Court.

We will focus on the mental and physical effects of your drug or alcohol addiction, and you should prepare yourself for withdrawal symptoms when undertaking a detox programme, which is very common. Withdrawal symptoms vary from person to person, and can last up to several weeks.

We will always guide you through the process so you feel supported at all times. During your stay with us you will undertake the following therapies to help you break free from the destructive cycle of alcohol and drug abuse:

– Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
– Group speech therapy
– Family speech therapy
– 1-2-1 Counselling

Pros and Cons of Private Rehab

  • Intensive form of addiction treatment
  • High recovery rates
  • Aftercare support in Swansea
  • 24/7 support in luxury facilities
  • Treatment programmes can be expensive
  • Rehab may not be in local area
  • May need to take time off work
  • Time away from family and friends

Want to get in touch?

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Do I need to go to Rehab?

You may be wondering whether rehab is right for you or whether it is necessary. You can complete the below self-assessment to find out whether rehab is a good first step for you. Give the answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the following questions:

1. Has anyone in your family ever had a problem with drugs or alcohol?
2. Have you turned to drugs or drink because of the influence of others around you?
3. Have you ever used drugs or started drinking heavily because of life stressors such as the loss of a job, loss of a loved one or the break-up of a relationship?
4. Do you feel as though you cannot control your drinking or drug taking?
5. Do you think about drugs and alcohol a lot of the time?
6. Are you experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as feeling sick when you do not consume alcohol or take drugs?

If you have said ‘yes’ to three or more of the above questions, you should call us immediately to enquire about Cassiobury Court’s rehab services for drug and alcohol abuse. Those in Swansea who do contact us for help are often concerned about the rehab process and suffering withdrawal symptoms.

It is important to remember that you should not try and detox by yourself without advice from a medical professional, as this can prove fatal in some cases. At Cassiobury Court, we have medications and the medical know-how to guide you through the detox process safely, while making the experience of withdrawal as comfortable as possible.

Hear Jack talk about his experience at one of our rehabilitation centres:

What support do I have after leaving Rehab?

It is completely normal to feel apprehensive and scared after you have successfully completed your therapy programme in rehab and the day has come for you to return to your everyday life in Swansea.

Our supportive staff will exercise empathy and will help you to look at the situation differently so you feel stronger and more upbeat about going back to a life that is free of drugs and alcohol. Our committed aftercare programme will help prevent relapse so you stay on track and keep progressing. We will give you the tools you need to tackle any temptations you have to return to your past life of abuse.

Our aftercare programme begins immediately after leaving the centre, lasting into the following months when you are at the greatest risk of relapse. We make all aftercare therapy bespoke to each patient, depending on their needs and triggers.

We take into account the nature of your addiction, age, occupation, family situation, location, social life and the substances you previously took to create a plan that works for you. You will also have access to a support team that you can talk to should you have any concerns of relapse.

If you’re trying to find alcohol or drug rehab services in Wales, get in touch with us at Cassiobury Court today on 01923 369 161.

Free Drug & Alcohol Support in Swansea

There are many free support options for drug and alcohol addiction in Swansea. Here are some free options available:

Alcohol Anonymous Meetings in Swansea

Swansea the Strand

Venue: Missionary of Charities Sisters, The Stand
Opening hours: Monday & Wednesday 13:00
Disabled access: Full wheelchair access

Helpline: 0179 230 1907

Swansea Christ Church Beginners

Venue: Christ Church Hall, Rodney Street, Sandfields, SA1 3UE
Opening hours: 19:30 (1hr)
Disabled access: Full wheelchair access

Helpline: 0179 230 1907

Swansea Women’s Afternoon

Venue: GROW Cymru, Unit 12 St David’s Square, St David’s Place, SA1 3LG
Opening hours: 16:00 (1hr)

Helpline: 0179 230 1907

Swansea High Street – Beginners

Venue: Matthews House, High Street, SA1 1LW
Opening hours: 19:30 (1hr)
Disabled access: Full wheelchair access

Helpline: 0179 230 1907

Narcotics Anonymous Meetings in Swansea

Monday Swansea Meeting Quaker House

Venue: Pagefield House, Page Street, SA1 4EZ
Opening hours: Monday 20:00 (1hr)

Swansea Wednesday

Venue: Pagefield House, Page Street, SA1 4EZ
Opening hours: Wednesday 20:00 (1hr 30mins)

Swansea Woman’s Meeting

Venue: Pagefield House, Page Street, SA1 4EZ
Opening hours: Thursday 11:30 (1hr 30mins)

Swansea Woman’s Meeting

Venue: Pagefield House, Page Street, SA1 4EZ
Opening hours: Friday 20:00 (1hr)

Swansea Saturday

Venue: Pagefield House, Page Street, SA1 4EZ
Opening hours: Saturday 18:30 (1hr)

Help from Local GP’s

If you require support then consider seeking help from your local GP. Here are some local GP’s in Swansea:

Marina Surgery

Maritime Quarter

High Street Surgery

160 High Street

Brunswick Health Centre

140 St Helen’s Road

The Grove Medical Centre

6 Uplands Terrace

Kingsway Surgery

37 The Kingsway

SA1 Medical Centre

St Thomas

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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