In this guide, we signpost you to free addiction helplines that exist in the United Kingdom. Fortunately, there exists many helplines and organisations to assist people suffering from addiction.
However, the sheer number of these services may mean people who could benefit from these services could become confused. Some believe that when a person is faced with many options, the person may end up taking no action at all due to the confusion that arises.
To assist people to make sense of the various addiction helplines, we’ve written this guide to free addiction helplines. We outline exactly what these helplines offer people who suffer from addiction. This includes addiction to drugs, alcohol and prescription medications.
Once you’ve read this guide, you will better understand the various offerings free helpline offerings. Importantly, you will be better able to select the helpline that fits in with your specific needs.
Many of these helplines offer you support and options. They also provide you with somebody to listen to your problems. Often this alone will help you through many of the issues you face with addiction.
How addiction helplines work
The majority of these helplines aim to assist you through times of crisis. Many of these helplines offer a free ‘listening service’. Many of these people who work for these helplines are themselves ‘recovering addictions’, and so they understand exactly what you are going through. The call handlers will be able to relate to your experiences and offer non-judgement advice and support.
We now list and detail many popular addiction helplines available in the United Kingdom today. We list these helplines alphabetically.
1. Addiction NI
About: Addiction NI is a registered charity providing treatment and support for people affected by drug and alcohol addiction. Addiction NI serves Northern Ireland, where it provides tailor-made treatment programmes in community settings. Addiction NI is open 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Thursday and 9 am to 1 pm on Fridays.
Phone: 0289 066 4434
Website: https://www.addictionni.com
2. Action Addiction
About: Action on Addiction is a national charity founded in 2007. As well as providing free telephone support, Action on Addiction also offers inpatient treatment in London and in Wiltshire.
Phone: 0300 330 0659
Website: https://www.actiononaddiction.org.uk
3. Addaction
About: Addaction assists people suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. It helps these people alter their behaviour and make lasting changes to their lives so they are no longer dependant on drugs and alcohol. Addaction is based across the UK and it is the country’s largest addiction charity.
Phone: 020 7251 5860
Website: https://www.addaction.org.uk
4. AdFam
About: Adfam is a national charity with the aim of improving life for families affected by drugs and alcohol. Adfam also aims to empower family members and carers, support frontline workers and influence decision-makers to stop drug and alcohol use.
Phone: 020 3817 9410
Website: https://www.adfam.org.uk
5. Alcoholics Anonymous
About: AA offers free ‘mutual support’ groups across the United Kingdom. AA provides a fellowship for both men and women. AA’s aim is to assist people with their recovery and continued sobriety. During AA meetings, members are given a platform to share their experiences. Members help to solve common problems and help others recover from alcoholism.
Phone: 0800 9177 650
Website: https://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk
6. Gamblers Anonymous
Website: https://www.gamblersanonymous.org.uk
7. Know the Score
About: Know the Score offers free, confidential information and advice for people suffering from drug addiction. Know the Score was founded by the Scottish Government and the service is for people living in Scotland.
Phone: 0800 587 5879
Website: https://www.knowthescore.info
8. Talk to Frank
About: FRANK is a national drug education services established by the Department of Health. FRANK aims to decrease drug and alcohol use by educating young people about the dangerous effects of these substances. Frank offers a website, a 24/7 confidential helpline and a service to locate counselling and treatment.
Phone: 0300 123 6600
Website: https://www.talktofrank.com