How addiction affects those around you

Published by John Gillen | Last updated: 16th March 2021

How addiction affects those around you
One of the biggest obstacles to recovery is denial and many addicts will justify their drug or alcohol use in many ways. One of the most common responses that we hear is “it’s my choice, it’s not hurting anyone”.
This is simply not true; in fact, the people who suffer the most are usually the family and friends of the individual who has an addiction. The actions of an addict can have all sorts of negative effects on those around them and make their lives difficult. Whilst the actions of every addict are different, there are some common trends that affect many people.



Living with someone who has an addiction is never easy. Arguments are a regular occurrence with the addict often blaming everyone and everything except for themselves when things go wrong. Genuine concern can be mistaken for interfering or deliberately trying to make life difficult.
One of the many effects of addiction is paranoia, which can lead to an addicting making their loved ones feel guilty or ashamed when they have done nothing wrong.



Having an addiction makes it difficult to carry out the responsibilities that are required of a parent. Alcohol and drugs affect the ability to think clearly and make good decisions and often children will be left to fend for themselves for periods of time. If you are arguing a lot with your spouse, it can also be traumatic to your children.



Maintaining an addiction is expensive. Funding alcohol or drug use will take high priority and essential financial responsibilities may get neglected. This can have serious consequences on your family, your partner and your friends. Bills can go unpaid, which can lead to debt collectors getting involved or even losing your home. Money that should be spent on food can get spent on alcohol or drugs instead, meaning that your children can go hungry.



If you become addicted then your partner, your family and your friends will worry about your health and wellbeing. The decline in your physical and mental health will cause great worry and distress. Your partner may start prioritising your needs ahead of their own, which results in their health beginning to suffer.



An addict’s family and friends will do everything they can to help, but everybody’s patience has limits. Eventually, there will come a time where they will have to walk away. That leaves them with the daunting prospect of planning for life on their own as well as worrying about what they have left behind.

If you have a loved one who has an addiction, we understand that it can be difficult for you. If you require help getting them into treatment or holding an intervention, contact Cassiobury Court now on .

John Gillen

John Gillen - Author Last updated: 16th March 2021

John Gillen is a leading addiction treatment expert with over 15 years of experience providing evidence-based treatment methods for individuals throughout the UK. John also co-authors the book, The Secret Disease of Addiction, which delves into how the addictive mind works and what treatment techniques work best.