Warning Signs of Alcohol Abuse

Warning Signs of Alcohol Abuse

Are you struggling with alcohol and worrying about what the warning signs of alcohol abuse are?

Understanding the complexities of alcohol abuse is the first step towards learning how to recognise there may be a problem developed. In this article, we cover the key knowledge about alcohol abuse, highlighting the clear and often subtle indicators to be vigilant about.


What is Alcohol Abuse?

Alcohol abuse, in short, is when drinking becomes a problem in your life. Think of it as a line that’s been crossed from drinking socially or enjoying a glass of wine with dinner, to a point where alcohol begins to call the shots.

When alcohol abuse is happening, it can lead to serious knock-on effects on multiple parts of your life. For starters, it can play havoc with your health. Your liver, brain, and heart – these are all areas that can take a serious hit from excessive drinking. Even beyond physical health, it can also interfere with your personal life and relationships.

So to put it simply, alcohol abuse isn’t about enjoying a drink every now and then. It’s when alcohol begins to control parts of your life in negative ways, creating problems where there weren’t any before. But the good news is, recognising the issue is the first step towards getting help and reclaiming control.


The Common Signs of Alcohol Abuse

The misuse of alcohol can manifest in a myriad of detrimental ways, significantly impacting various aspects of life. Here are some common indicators that someone might be struggling with alcohol misuse:

  • Health complications: Excessive alcohol consumption can bring about a host of health-related problems. These can range from physical ailments such as cardiovascular disease, liver deterioration, and an elevated risk of cancer, to psychological issues like anxiety disorders, depression, and other mental health conditions.
  • Legal consequences: Persistent alcohol misuse often leads to involvement in legal troubles. These may include driving while intoxicated, public inebriation, or instances of aggression or assault, which can result in severe penalties and potentially long-term legal repercussions.
  • Strained relationships: Those struggling with alcohol misuse often find their interpersonal relationships under strain. This could affect familial bonds, friendships, or romantic relationships, leading to conflict, isolation, or even estrangement.
  • Workplace difficulties: Workplace efficiency and productivity can significantly decrease due to alcohol misuse. It could lead to repeated absenteeism, a decline in work quality, and in severe cases, may even result in job termination.


Physical Signs of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse can have a number of physical effects on the body, both in the short term and the long term. Some of the most common physical signs of alcohol abuse include the following:

  • Changes in appearance: Alcohol abuse can cause weight loss, changes in skin tone, and the development of bruises or cuts.
  • Changes in behaviour: Alcohol abuse can cause changes in mood, personality, and behaviour. People who abuse alcohol may become more aggressive, irritable, or depressed. They may also struggle with making decisions or concentrating.
  • Changes in health: Alcohol abuse may also lead to a range of negative health problems, including heart disease, liver damage, cancer, and mental health problems.

In the short-term, alcohol abuse can cause a number of physical problems, including:

  • Drunk driving: Alcohol impairs judgment and coordination, which can lead to drunk driving accidents.
  • Blackouts: Blackouts are periods of time when a person is not aware of their surroundings or their actions due to alcohol intoxication.
  • Hangovers: Hangovers are classed as a group of unpleasant symptoms that happen after drinking too much alcohol. They can include headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and light sensitivity.

In the long term, alcohol abuse can lead to several serious health problems, including:

  • Liver damage: Alcohol can damage the liver, leading to liver disease such as cirrhosis.
  • Heart disease: Alcohol can increase the risk of heart disease, including heart attack and stroke.
  • Cancer: Alcohol can give you an increased risk of certain types of cancer, such as liver cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer.
  • Mental health issues: Alcohol abuse can result in a number of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia.


Behavioural Warning Signs of Alcohol Addiction

You may also notice some behavioural warning signs when it comes to alcohol addiction. Some of the behavioural warning signs of alcohol addiction include:

  • Drinking more than you intended: If you find yourself drinking more than you planned to or if you have difficulty controlling your drinking, this could be a sign of a problem.
  • Drinking in dangerous situations: If you find yourself drinking and driving, operating heavy machinery, or engaging in any other risky behaviours, this could be a sign of addiction.
  • Making excuses for your drinking: If you find yourself making excuses for your drinking, such as saying that you need to drink to relax or to deal with stress, this could be a sign of an alcohol issue.
  • Losing interest in activities you used to enjoy: If you find yourself losing interest in activities you used to enjoy, such as hobbies, spending time with friends and family, or going to work or school, this could be a sign of a problem.
  • Withdrawing from family and friends: If you find yourself withdrawing from family and friends, or if you find that you are spending more and more time alone, this could be a sign of alcohol addiction.
  • Having problems at work or school: If you find yourself having problems at work or school, such as not showing up, decreased productivity, or job loss, this could be a sign of alcohol issues.
  • Experiencing legal problems: If you find yourself experiencing legal problems, such as arrests for drunk driving or public intoxication, this could be a sign of a problem.


The Mental and Physical Health Symptoms Associated With Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse often has a significant impact on both mental and physical health. Here are some of the most common mental and physical health problems that can be caused by alcohol abuse:

Mental health problems:

  • Alcohol dependence: Alcohol dependence is a chronic condition characterised by compulsive alcohol use despite negative consequences. It’s a very serious mental illness that can be extremely difficult to overcome without help from professionals.
  • Depression: Alcohol abuse can lead to depression. This is a mental illness that can cause feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and worthlessness. Depression can be very debilitating and can make it difficult to function in everyday life.
  • Anxiety: Alcohol abuse can also lead to anxiety. This is a mental illness that can cause feelings of fear, worry, and nervousness. Anxiety can be very disruptive and can make it difficult to relax and enjoy life.
  • Schizophrenia: Alcohol abuse can trigger schizophrenia, a mental illness that can cause hallucinations, delusions, and disorganised thinking. Schizophrenia is a very serious mental illness that requires professional treatment.


Physical Health Problems:

  • Liver damage: Alcohol abuse can damage the liver, leading to liver disease such as cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is a typically serious liver disease that can be fatal.
  • Heart disease: Alcohol abuse can increase your risk of developing heart diseases, including heart attack and stroke.
  • Cancer: Alcohol abuse can increase the risk of certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer, liver cancer, and colorectal cancer.
  • Brain damage: Alcohol abuse can damage the brain, leading to memory loss, cognitive impairment, and dementia. Dementia is a serious brain disorder that can cause memory loss, difficulty thinking, and personality changes.
  • Pancreatitis: Alcohol abuse can cause pancreatitis. This is an inflammation in the pancreas. This can be very painful and may lead to serious complications.


Seek Alcohol Treatment for Yourself or a Loved One

If you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol abuse, reach out for professional help today.

At our residential rehab clinic, we help many who are living with alcohol addiction, offering a fast and easy admissions process through our caring and understanding specialist team. Patients receive personalised treatment that is tailored to their unique needs, giving them the best possible chances of successfully overcoming their problems with alcohol. For more information, speak to our team today at 0800 001 4070.