We have Treatment Centres for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Anglesey

Published by Raffa Bari

Anglesey has one of the lowest addiction rates in Wales, and whilst this is a good thing, people do still become addicted to drugs in the area and may not find the comparable treatment options available in the local community compared to big cities such as Cardiff.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Anglesey

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Anglesey

Most commonly, one of the hardest steps to take when you’re struggling with addiction can be admitting that you need professional help in order to overcome it — however, there is no shame in getting help in overcoming your addiction.

At Cassiobury Court’s drug and alcohol rehab in Anglesey, we have a supportive, caring, and highly qualified team who are on hand round-the-clock for you to confide in and to help you stay on the path of sobriety.

Addiction can sneak up on people from all walks of life and it can be dangerous to try and break out of this cycle on your own without medical support.

With the help of Cassiobury Court’s various treatments, healthcare staff, and medical resources you will be able to achieve a successful, long-term recovery in the safest environment possible.

Every day that you delay in taking steps to get professional help in overcoming your addiction is a day that you lose to your addiction, so call today on 0800 001 4070 or text HELP to 83222.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for help in approaching a friend or loved one about their drug and alcohol abuse then we can operate via a family and friend referral scheme which will help you to set up a highly effective, tactful intervention.

What Are Some Of The Effects Of Addiction?

Addiction is an incredibly complex illness; however, it is largely defined as an action or behaviour that you have no control over succumbing to, to the point where this action and/or behaviour causes physical or mental harm to you.

At Cassiobury Court drug rehab centre, we administer a series of physical and psychological treatments as we understand that addiction is an illness with multiple facets.

Without appropriate intervention and/or treatment, addiction can tear apart all forms of relationships, lead to increasingly worse debt, and result in an individual losing their job as the individual’s life-focus shift to getting that next “hit” or drink.

Due to relationships with others becoming fraught when experiencing a serious addiction, the individual suffering from the addiction can come to feel increasingly more isolated and alone in their battle against addiction.

However, Cassiobury Court is here for you, and our teams of staff are ready and waiting to help you overcome your addiction no matter what it takes.

Addiction also brings about a whole host of physical symptoms which can cause irreparable damage to your body.

Therefore, it is absolutely crucial that you waste no more time in getting professional help for your addiction, as without treatment your addiction could kill you.

Although, that being said, no matter how severe your addiction has currently become, we will be able to help you to overcome it.

The road to recovery can be long and difficult, but the fact of being able to enjoy a happy, healthy, and successful life at the end of it makes every single step of the journey worth it.

You will not only be able to enjoy a healthier life in yourself, but you will also be able to work through repairing your relationships with others.

In order to start your recovery journey with us, simply call our team for a confidential, and complimentary, phone consultation.

This consultation will help us to ascertain your current physical and mental condition with a view to us being able to curate your perfect recovery plan.

Physical Detox Can be Safely Experienced At Our Detox Clinic

Substance misuse withdrawal and alcohol withdrawal are not something that any addict necessarily looks forward to, but detoxification is a necessary part of the recovery journey.

If we do not remove the negative substances from your body and get you to a point of sobriety, then we cannot properly begin the psychological treatments which will help you to address the roots cause of your addiction.

Our detox clinic will be able to help you pass through withdrawal while on appropriately prescribed medication to control any and all of the side effects that you present with during this period.

Many addicts tragically lose their life during the withdrawal period or recovery, mainly due to not having appropriate medical support, and so we strongly recommend that you allow our detox clinic to assist you through withdrawal.

Psychological Treatment Will Be Integral To A Long-Term Recovery

Without addressing the underlying issues, be they mental or emotional, which have propagated your addiction, then it is near-impossible for you to be able to enjoy a long-term recovery without fear of relapsing.

Obviously, the great of relapsing will always be on the horizon, but our teams of addiction specialists will be able to help you curate your own relapse prevention plan.

This plan will help you to identify any and all triggers which normally cause you to resort to using, and then allow you to find more positive ways to avoid succumbing to these triggers — be it through positive thinking activities, physical exercise, meditative exercises, or anything else that you wish to incorporate into your plan.

To get to this point, however, you will have to undergo some pretty serious psychological treatment in order to dig down into your psyche and unearth the issues which are leading you down the negative pathway of addiction.

Psychological treatments which we administer to help you with this include the likes of one-to-one psychotherapy, group therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), stress management coaching, grief counselling, and much more.

While these psychological therapies will form the large majority of your treatment, we also encourage all of our patients to engage with other forms of treatment such as art workshops, exercise, family drug support counselling, massage sessions, as well as state-of-the-art technological treatments such as NAD+ brain restoration therapy and satori chair therapy.

Call us today on 0800 001 4070 to start living your life to the fullest once again.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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