Legal Highs
If you have found this page, you may well be performing some research into legal highs addiction. It may be the case that you are looking to curb your own use, or perhaps you’re concerned about the welfare of a friend or loved one.
If you are searching for terms like “Legal highs list the UK” or “legal powder highs” then you may feel that the time has come to do something about a legal highs addiction. If so, why not give Cassiobury Court a call to discuss your concerns?
We offer a no-obligation consultation via the telephone and you can pose any questions that you might have to our understanding and experienced admissions team, who are available to take your call 24 hours a day.
Please call us today on 01923 369161 or text HELP to 83222 and allow us to answer any questions you might have about legal highs. There is no wait for our services and if you need help with an addiction, then Cassiobury Court offers a range of legal high detox and rehab treatment services.
Why not call us today for an informal chat about your use of legal highs and how we can help you?
Examples of legal highs
Now seen as an alternative to taking illegal drugs, legal highs are on the rise in the UK. A legal high is a substance that imitates the effects of illegal drugs, like cannabis, ecstasy and cocaine. There is a diverse range of legal highs that are available to act as depressants, stimulants and hallucinogens.
A legal high is a pill, capsule or powder that can be snorted or ingested. Some legal highs can also be injected with a syringe. Owing to the fact that many of these drugs are relatively new to the narcotic scene, they have yet to be controlled by the Misuse of Drugs Act of 1971.
Legal high addiction
Users of legal highs often make a case that legal highs are safe. The answer to this is not simple or straightforward. The word “legal” is used very loosely as there is insufficient evidence to determine what the long-term and short-term risks of using legal highs are.
However, there are many documented cases of legal highs having dreadful long-term and short-term consequences after use, and these risks are enhanced when legal highs are mixed with alcohol.
There are also documented examples wherein a legal high has contained illegal substances. Given that the risks are unknown, it makes legal highs even more dangerous and when things go wrong it can be very difficult to correct.
The legalities of legal highs
As legal highs are not controlled by the Drugs Misuse Act, they are legal to possess but they are not allowed to be sold for human consumption.
As a consequence, many distributors take liberties with how they are described and dealers will describe them as bath salts or plant foot, or just print “not for human consumption” on the packaging.
Some legal highs have been added to the Drugs Misuse Act as research on them becomes available. A legal highs list of banned substances includes BZP, GBL, mephedrone and synthetic cannabinoids.
Legal high rehab
If your consumption of legal highs is out of your control, you have very likely developed a legal high addiction. If you would like Cassiobury Court to help you, we offer you a 28-day residential rehab that will allow you to take a step back from your everyday life and focus on your recovery.
Whilst four weeks might feel like a long time, it will allow you to recover free of the stresses that life can throw in the path of someone struggling with an addiction.
After your initial consultation over the telephone, we will arrange to admit you to our clinic with no delay. Here, you can meet your keyworkers and you will be assessed both physically and mentally to determine the severity of your addiction.
Legal high detox
Legal high withdrawal is not an easy experience but in order to fully rehab from a legal high addiction, you will need to undergo a period of legal high detox. This will involve your access to legal highs being tapered away gradually in order to avoid the worst of the withdrawal symptoms that detox will bring around.
Everybody reacts differently, but typical examples of withdrawal symptoms are cramps and muscle aches, shakes and tremors and hallucinations. The worst of legal high withdrawal symptoms will generally be over within seven to ten days.
Whilst it is an unpleasant experience, our medical staff will be on hand to ensure that you are comfortable and safe. They can issue prescription medication, such as diazepam if required in order to ease any symptoms.
Once all of these toxins have been flushed from your body, you’ll be able to complete the next part of your legal highs addiction treatment.
Cassiobury Court have immediate vacancies
When your legal high detox has been completed, you will be able to focus on the rest of your recovery. We employ the use of several therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) on both a group and individual basis. CBT enables you to challenge your thoughts and addictive behaviours and come up with a more rational solution.
Group therapy is ideal for addiction treatment as it allows you to share your experiences with other recovering addicts and to share stories and experiences as well as build up a network of contacts to depend upon after you leave our care.
We will create a bespoke aftercare plan when you leave our care in order to prepare you for a life free of legal highs. You will have access to a 24-hour helpline and weekly therapy sessions. We will also encourage you to join your local Narcotics Anonymous and SMART Recovery groups for you to continue with your recovery.
If you would like to discuss legal high addiction treatment, why not call Cassiobury Court today for a no-obligation conversation about legal highs?