Are you concerned about the amount of alcohol your loved one is drinking? Perhaps your loved one is drinking in the morning. You might even begin to smell alcohol on your partner when he or she returns home from work. Another classic sign that your loved one is drinking too much is when he or she hides alcohol away. When you discover this hidden away alcohol, you will likely be concerned about your loved one’s drinking.
This concern is one sign that your loved one could be suffering from a mental condition known as alcoholism. Alcoholism is classified as a ‘disease of the mind’, and so we do not recommend you chastise your loved one for his or her condition. No matter how much denial your loved one may present, it’s important for you to keep cool. You need to assess your loved one’s treatment options that will correctly address the issue effectively.
Overcoming denial
When you question your loved one about his or her drinking, it’s important to value the expression of denial. Denial may be useful in the long term, because it’s a sign that your loved one is seriously considering the notion that he or she may be experiencing alcoholism. In time, your loved one will overcome denial. This is often termed ‘hitting rock bottom’. This is when the benefit of continuing to drink alcohol is overtaken by the pain of continuing to do so.
The reality of alcoholism vs. the myth
At Cassiobury Court, many of our clients have an ‘image’ of what it means to suffer from alcoholism. Many of these views are formed by watching films and TV programme. ‘Joe public’ often views an ‘alcoholic’ as somebody who is homeless and spends all day sitting on a park bench drinking alcohol. During therapy sessions, we help clients re-write these faulty beliefs and bring them more in line with reality. Click here for more information concerning the signs and symptoms of alcoholism.
Avoiding defensiveness
When you confront your loved one about his or her drinking, you may trigger a defensive reaction on behalf of your loved one. Your loved one may point out that you drink too much yourself. If this is the case, you must take steps to reduce your own drinking too. Whilst you may not suffer from alcoholism, it’s important to be aware that your drinking will only serve as ammunition that fuels your loved one’s denial and defensiveness when you attempt to help.
When discussing your concern about your loved one’s addiction, it’s important you do not set off a defensive reaction. Do not use a tone of language that could be construed as accusative or aggressive. Whilst your loved one may deny his or her addiction, it’s important to know that your loved one may secretly accept this assertion.
If your loved one is aggressive or offensive when under the influence of alcohol, it’s likely he or she will attempt to minimise or ‘laugh off’ this behaviour the following day. It’s important to keep notes of incidents of this nature to prove your loved one’s drinking is getting uncontrollable. Minimising hurtful and aggressive behaviour following a heavy drinking session is also a sign your loved one could be suffering from alcoholism.
Get help – don’t suffer alone
If the above discuss affects you, we offer you a free intervention service. This service is delivered by our knowledgeable team of admission officers. Many of these officers are themselves living in recovery. For more information, contact us today on 01923 369 161, or alternatively, contact us through this website.