A speedball is a term which describes the mix of the illegal drugs cocaine and heroin or other combinations of stimulants. It may also be referred to as “speedballing”, which is the act of consuming the mixture, either by needles, snorting or a mix of both.
Speedballing can result in death and must be appropriately dealt with, as overdoses are common with this type of substance use. Ingesting a combination of stimulants and depressants can create numerous issues in a person facing drug addiction. Speedballing is often more intense and longer-lasting than the effects of the one drug on its own, producing a more intense high.
What is Speedballing?
What is a speedball and what is speedballing? This type of drug consumption can be potentially dangerous and even fatal. Speedballing may be the combination of cocaine, amphetamines, opioids and more. When they are mixed together and not taken separately, they can alter your body chemistry.
Cocaine and heroin for example are a mix of depressants and stimulants, which create different chemical reactions in the body – one slowing the bodily functions down and another one stimulating it, resulting in confusion in the body and possibly life-threatening complications. Generally speaking, speedballing means your body needs to create more oxygen, which can result in different symptoms. Offering temporary euphoria may feel good to the user, but it often means that you are already addicted to two or more illegal substances, which means a deeper level of addiction and one that should be addressed as soon as possible.
A speedball can be very dangerous, and overdose is a huge risk when abusing this type of drug.
Dangers of Speedballs
There are numerous long-term health dangers of Speedballing, some of which include physical, psychological, and social consequences. Addiction itself is a disease and can impact every element of your life. Heroin and cocaine mixed together can create a potentially dangerous chemical reaction in the body. Whilst physical health changes may occur, psychological issues may arise or pre-existing ones may become exacerbated. In terms of social consequences, trouble at work, strained relationships, and toxic social circles could also contribute to your poor mental health.
Any type of addiction must be dealt with effectively and professionally to ensure that you can become sober and remain this way.
Speedball overdose and other risks and consequences may be caused by the following:
- The purity and amount of the drugs used
- The way a speedball is administered
- The people around them at the time of administration and the social circumstances
- The individual who is Speedballing – precious mental health issues, physical health, medical history and the individual biology
Drug abuse is extremely dangerous, and the risk of speedballs is very large. This is why it is important to seek treatment for heroin and cocaine addiction as soon as possible.
Physical and Psychological Speedballing Symptoms
There are also various withdrawal symptoms that can result as a direct cause of Speedballing. A stimulant-depressant cocktail affects the cardiovascular, respiratory, and central nervous systems and overall has a negative impact on your general well-being.
When addiction is not treated appropriately, it may be that you become more dependent on the drug to get you through daily tasks. Long-term effects of speedball abuse, however, can cause unpleasant health consequences, some of which include:
- Confusion or incoherence
- Blurred vision/visual impairments
- Drowsiness/sleepiness
- Paranoia/anger and altered emotional state
- Mental impairment and loss of cognitive function
- Uncontrollable movements/ physical alterations
- Rapid heartbeat and elevated blood pressure
- Risk of overdose
Some short-term implications of Speedballing include:
- Weight loss
- Heart problems such as arrhythmias
- Stroke
- Anxiety and depression
- Seizures
- Sleep problems (insomnia)
- Kidney damage
- Lung problems
- Chance of being diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and hepatitis B and C (if cocaine is used)
- Death by overdose
Treatment and Recovery for Speedballing
Speedballing is a dangerous activity to engage in and is a severe drug addiction to overcome. Learning to tackle the situation head-on is the best way to make a full recovery from speedballing. Accepting and admitting that you have a problem is the biggest first step, and there are ways in which you can adopt a healthy route to recovery. Self-help forums, support groups, NA meetings and private rehab treatment are all possibilities. Without a professional route to sobriety, you may find yourself feeling lost, helpless and unable to make the change.
Reaching out and speaking to a professional allows you to unburden yourself, and see things in a positive light. Treatment for speedball abuse is most effective when you enter private rehab.
Private rehabilitation has the highest success rates for Speedball addiction and can be undertaken at a convenient time for you. A therapeutic programme in the inpatient clinic will be specifically devised to your every need and is carried out by a multi-professional team of doctors, psychotherapists, clinical and health psychologists, social workers, addiction counsellors and more. You will gain access to addiction treatments which form a supporting and structuring framework to help heal and motivate you in the next steps.
In addition to therapeutic sessions, you will also be able to be part of a new social circle which is healthy and inspirational, away from any distractions. The recovery for Speedballing may vary from person to person depending on the severity of the addiction. However, you will enjoy various leisure activities that will give you a chance to let off steam and gain a new perspective on life. Physical activity and art therapies may be used in conjunction.
Often, a rehabilitation journey at Cassiobury Court for Speedballing will begin with detox therapy which lasts around 7 days. This is followed by a few weeks of therapies, including CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and counselling, which will allow you to change behavioural patterns, heal from past and present traumas and learn to become dynamic and realistic in real-life situations. Coping strategies, tips and tricks will be helpful for your recovery. Whilst rehabilitation isn’t a miracle cure, it offers all the tools with high success rates.
If you would like more information on how to get the help you need for drug addiction, then please get in touch with us today. Our friendly and professional team will be there for you 24/7. Please call us today on 0800 001 4070 or text HELP To 83222.