We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Banbury

Published by Raffa Bari

Effective Drug and Alcohol rehab near Banbury

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Banbury

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We offer residential treatment which is near to the Banbury area

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Banbury

It can be extremely scary to realise that you or a loved one are suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction. There are many negative portrayals of people with addiction in the media, and while it’s an unpleasant disease, it is something you can overcome with the right help. If you’re searching for drug and alcohol rehab in Banbury then you’ve already taken the first step and admitted you need help, and Cassiobury Court can help you through the next part of the journey. Our rehabilitation programme combines scientifically proven and holistic methods to give you the best possible chance of overcoming your addiction for life.

View of Banbury


How addiction develops

Addiction doesn’t happen overnight. You don’t just wake up one morning and find you have a compulsion to drink or use drugs, it’s something that often develops over years, sometimes triggered by an event in the addict’s life. No matter how badly they or their loved ones’ lives are affected by this person’s use of drugs or alcohol, they simply can’t stop.

When you come to Cassiobury Court, you’ll work with addiction counsellors to determine the underlying causes of your addiction. This helps you find coping mechanisms outside of drugs and alcohol and gives you the tools you need to prevent relapses in future.

Addiction can be difficult to treat because it hijack’s your brain’s pleasure centres, which reward us when we do pleasurable things from drinking water to socialising. It also affects your frontal lobes, the area of our brains that tells us to stop doing things and helps us make wide decisions, hence, getting caught in negative cycles. However, once you go through detox and rehab, your brain will start to heal, so you can begin to enjoy life again.


How addiction is treated at Cassiobury Court

Cassiobury Court offer residential rehab, which means you’ll stay at our centre in Watford for 28 days. While you may be specifically looking for drug and alcohol rehab in Banbury, it’s worth considering this location, as it’s less than 90 minutes by car, but gives you a break from any negative influences.

The first stage of your rehab is going through a full assessment, which will help us tailor your treatment programme. Many people who come to us have a dual diagnosis, which means they have a drug and/or alcohol addiction in combination with eating disorders, mental health issues or a behavioural addiction such as sex or gambling. It’s important that you’re honest during your assessment so we give you the right support during your stay.

When you begin drug or alcohol rehab, you’ll need to go through a detox, which will get any remaining substances out of your system. It’s common for people to come to rehab under the influence of these substances, so we ask that you have a friend drive you, or ask us to arrange transport, so you can arrive safely.

Detox takes a few days, and you can be helped through it with prescription medication, as well as getting plenty of support. Because you’re in residential treatment, you are well looked-after during the process, and this support continues when you start your rehab. From individual therapy to group sessions, you’ll be kept busy during your time at Cassiobury Court but will also have time to relax and enjoy the country surroundings, as well as a few organised outings.


Cocaine rehab in Banbury

At Cassiobury Court, we are experts at what we do. As well as alcohol addictions, we commonly treat cocaine addiction through rehabilitation therapies and prescription medications.

Unlike addictions to alcohol, painkillers or heroin, cocaine does not require a drug detox as it is not a physically addictive drug. Cocaine causes psychological addiction which can cause strong cravings, insomnia and headaches during withdrawal, which is why our cocaine rehab provides sleep medication and round the clock support to help you recover.

At our private rehab you can expect to receive a variety of therapies including cognitive behavioural therapy, group therapy sessions and holistic treatments to help your recovery. Cocaine addiction also commonly causes mental health problems including depression and anxiety, which is why dual diagnosis treatment is available at our rehab.

If you suffer from cocaine addiction in Banbury as well as alcohol or other substance abuse, we can help at Cassiobury.


Cannabis rehab in Banbury

Rehab for cannabis addiction is available at Cassiobury to help you get your life back on track. Our detox programme typically lasts 5-10 days and provides you with all of the support you need.

The detox process is typically the most challenging phase of rehab treatment and cannabis addiction is commonly accompanied with addictions to other drugs and alcohol. Our team of medical professionals work with you to ensure the detox phase is completed as safely as possible.

Once you have completed detox, rehabilitation treatments and aftercare in Banbury are provided by our recovery team to help you treat the mental side of addiction. These treatments help you to understand your addiction and increase your chances of long term recovery.


Prescription drug rehab in Banbury

Although prescription drugs are deemed to be safe, if they are taken for longer periods of time than advised or are abused, prescription drug addiction can occur. This is particularly common in painkillers or opioids such as cough medicine or sleeping tablets.

Signs that you are experiencing prescription drug addiction include withdrawal symptoms or cravings when you have not taken a tablet for a short period, headaches, irritability, trouble sleeping, loss of interest in hobbies or relationships and much more.

If withdrawal symptoms are experienced, it is important that you consider treatment for addiction.

Our prescription drug rehab programme involves a medical detox, addiction treatment therapies and one year of aftercare to support you long after you have completed rehab treatment at our residential facility in Banbury.

If you are searching for rehab in Banbury, we provide prescription drug rehab at our centre just a short distance away – contact us by phone on 01923 369 161 to learn more or to seek treatment today.


Alcohol rehab in Banbury

Our alcohol rehab programme is designed with our clients in mind to help them achieve long term addiction recovery. Our treatments involve an alcohol detox, where withdrawal symptoms will be monitored and managed by our onsite recovery specialists, followed by an alcohol rehab programme consisting of a variety of therapy treatments.

Alcohol addiction can be hard to identify for many people as a result of binge drinking culture and denial. If you or a loved one struggles with alcohol abuse, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible to give yourself the greatest chance of recovery.

Our alcohol detox programme and addiction therapies will help you overcome alcoholism and remain sober once you leave our alcohol rehab. Aftercare sessions and outpatient alcohol treatment in Banbury will then help you maintain your sobriety after you have left our residential centre.

For more information about our alcohol rehab or if you have questions about our residential rehab centre, get in touch with our team today.


Getting a place at Cassiobury Court

If you think Cassiobury Court might be right for you, all you need to do is pick up the phone to discuss getting a place for rehab treatment. We don’t ask for a GP referral, although we’ll assume that you are happy for us to pass along medical notes to your doctor. If you would rather your GP not be informed about your stay, just let us know.

Unlike NHS services, there isn’t a long wait for treatment at Cassiobury Court. A big advantage of using private rehab clinics is that admission is fast and easy, and we can often get you a bed within 48 hours. This means that you or your loved one can get into treatment faster than you think.


When you leave Cassiobury Court

While it’s hard to look to the future when you’re just now looking for alcohol or drug rehab, Cassiobury Court think that aftercare is extremely important to the journey and to keeping you on track. Stay with us for 28 days and you’ll get a year of free aftercare to help you continue living a sober life.

In addition to our free aftercare, we can help you find services that help people who’ve just completed drug and alcohol rehab in Banbury. For example, the Turning Point centre is an excellent local hub where you can get lots of help and support whether it’s for housing, legal issues or employment. In the long term, you may also find it useful to go to groups such as Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous, as the 12 step programme is an excellent way to keep you on track and you can get help if you’re worried about relapsing.

When you’re looking for drug and alcohol rehab in any of the East Anglia areas like Banbury, Oxfordshire, Henley, or Cherwell, call the team at Cassiobury Court on 0800 001 4070. You can also text HELP to 83222 or fill in the contact form on our site. We will assume it’s OK to contact you to tell us more about our services.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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