We have treatment centres for cocaine rehab in Birmingham

Published by Raffa Bari

Cocaine can be a very addictive drug, and it is important to get help if you are struggling with addiction. If you live in the Birmingham area, there are several excellent rehab facilities that we can offer you to help you overcome your addiction.

Recovering from cocaine addiction can be difficult, but it is worth it to get your life back on track. There are many different programs available and we can assist in finding one that fits your needs, please do not hesitate to contact our admissions team today to kick start your recovery.

Cocaine Rehab Birmingham
Cocaine Rehab Clinic Available in Birmingham

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We offer residential cocaine rehab in the Birmingham area

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Cocaine Rehab in Birmingham

Cocaine, or coke, as it’s more commonly known, is a highly addictive drug. The brain changes if you use it, releasing dopamine that makes people feel happy and confident. But these effects only last for just a short time. You crave more as they start to wear off, leading to excessive use and addiction.

There are 3 types of cocaine, all different in appearance. Coke is a fine white powder; crack is rough like tiny rocks; freebase is hard and crystalline. Despite having differing appearances, all three types are highly addictive and produce similar effects. You’ll likely use one kind of cocaine over the other, either by snorting, injecting as a prepared liquid or smoking it.


Signs That A Family Member Or Friend Is Addicted

There is no typical cocaine addict. Many people have typically ‘blue-collar’ jobs, a university education, and come from comfortable middle-class backgrounds. Others struggle with unemployment, family issues and a difficult upbringing. Knowing when a friend or family member is addicted to cocaine can be tricky, as many take drugs in secret.

Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Regular nosebleeds or misshaped nose septum due to snorting the drug
  • Sudden excitement, mood swings, aggression, arrogance or becoming very talkative
  • Dilated pupils and a runny nose
  • Weight loss
  • White powder crusted around the nose
  • Drug equipment in the person’s room, such as rolled-up banknotes, spoons (for burning cocaine to inject) and syringes
  • Changes in sleeping habits such as sleeping late or not at all
  • Money, relationship and family problems


How Do I Know If I’m Addicted?

If you’ve tried to reduce the amount of cocaine you’re taking and it hasn’t worked, you’re likely addicted. You don’t have to take cocaine every day to be an addict; it can be a few times a week, but if you crave it, you have a problem. If you recognise any of these signs in yourself, then it’s time to seek help:

  • One of the first things you’ll notice is that you’re spending lots of money on cocaine. At around £40 for a one-gram bag or £20 for a rock, addiction is a drain on your finances. You may borrow money, use high-interest loan sharks, steal from family or sell your personal possessions to fund your habit.
  • You crave cocaine and want more of it when the euphoric effects wear off.
  • You’re staying up late, all night or using it throughout the day, rather than occasionally.
  • You often feel aggressive, over-confident, or talkative when using cocaine. When these effects wear off, you feel anxious, unconfident, panicky or sad.
  • Your nose and throat hurt due to cocaine, and you’re often getting nosebleeds.
  • Weight loss. Cocaine suppresses the appetite.
  • You’re taking risky behaviours such as having unprotected sex, or getting into fights.
  • You may have lost your job or are experiencing work problems due to mood changes, tiredness, or lack of focus.
  • You feel generally unwell, both physically and mentally. For example, you’re feeling more anxious than usual.


Could Cocaine Rehab in Birmingham Help Me?

Cocaine Rehab BirminghamConquering an addiction on your own can be tricky. A stay at a specialist drug rehab centre in Birmingham such as Cassiobury Court will help you beat your cocaine habit and give you the tools to live a drug-free life.

People are often nervous about staying away from home, but rehab centres are welcoming and comfortable sanctuaries. As an inpatient, you’ll meet other people who are determined to break their addictions — this is a big motivator and support.

The first step of rehab is a drug detox. Detox is a safe process, monitored by doctors, where you stop taking cocaine. Your body detoxes the drug, and you’ll experience some uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms as toxins leave your system, but doctors are with you for the duration. A detox lasts between 7 and 10 days, depending on your addiction. You may be prescribed medication to help your cravings.

After completing your detox, you’ll start the long-term rehabilitation journey, starting with therapy. People become addicted to cocaine for many reasons, and you’ll explore your own story through individual counselling and group therapy. Talking therapies such as CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) get to the root of why you became addicted and give you tools to help you avoid drugs in the future.

People stay in a rehab centre, such as Cassiobury Court in Birmingham, for 30 to 90 days. Every rehab centre has an admissions team who advise what kind of treatment plan you need. If you have a mild addiction, you can complete outpatient cocaine rehab, meaning you stay at home and attend rehab every day or a few times a week. Outpatient rehab works for people who need to work or have family commitments.


Addiction Has Impacted My Mental Health – Will Cocaine Rehab Help?

Cocaine addiction has a massive impact on mental health. Cocaine rehab centres help you manage your mental health through a combination of therapy and, in some cases, medication to help get it under control.

If you’re already managing a mental health condition such as anxiety or depression, cocaine use worsens it. Excessive use leads to paranoia, anger and aggression, psychosis and hallucinations. Mental health specialists will work with you to help you feel your best. You’ll likely try various forms of counselling, group therapy and family therapy, all designed to help you better understand your mental health.


Will I Get Any Long-Term Support?

Your treatment plan doesn’t end when you leave a drug rehab centre; you’ll usually get 12 months of free aftercare and support. Staying away from temptations and changing destructive routines is key to breaking a cocaine addiction. Support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous are a fantastic help, as you’ll meet others who motivate and inspire you to stay drug-free.

You’ll continue receiving individual counselling, family therapy and 24-hour phone support from professionals if you need it. Cocaine rehab isn’t just short term; relapse prevention plays a massive role in your recovery. With the right support package, thousands of people break their cocaine addictions for life.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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