We have Treatment Centres for Alcohol Rehab in Crosby

Published by Raffa Bari

Addiction is a serious and dangerous problem, one with debilitating and often deadly consequences.
Treatment in Crosby
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Crosby

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Crosby

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Crosby

An alcohol addiction can lead to unhealthy blood pressure levels, cause irreparable damage to your liver and increases your risk of developing several types of cancer. It can also increase the chances of an acute medical emergency such as a stroke or a heart attack.

A drug addiction carries similar risks, though of course the exact dangers will depend largely upon the kind of drug that you are addicted to. Most recreational drugs are highly addictive, and as your tolerance increases with greater consumption, it becomes more and more likely that you will experience an overdose.

Addiction is a destructive cycle, and it is incredibly difficult to break free. The safest and most efficient way to kick an addiction and return to sobriety is through drug and alcohol rehab.


What we offer through Rehab in Crosby

When it comes to seeking help for addiction, there are a number of different treatment options available. You can access addiction treatment through the NHS, but unfortunately many public drug rehab programmes are underfunded and have long waiting lists attached to them.

Time is of the essence, so the last thing you want when struggling with addiction is delayed treatment. Many public addiction programmes are in the form of outpatient rehab, which means you would have to manage your own appointments and would still be in your regular environment.

We offer private drug and alcohol rehab, which means you will get residential treatment. With residential rehab you will be in a safe and regulated space, away from the triggers and stresses of your everyday life, with room and time to focus solely on your recovery.


Going through Detoxification in Rehab – the first step

Concerning your actual treatment, the first step on your road to recovery is drug or alcohol detox. The word itself sounds daunting, and you might have certain fears about this stage of the process, but there is nothing to be scared of.

Drug detox or alcohol detox is a vital and unavoidable part of rehabilitation- if you want to be sober, you need to get the substance out of your system. Once your body has metabolised and gotten rid of the drug, you will enter withdrawal. This is an uncomfortable and often painful process, whereby your body will react to the absence of the thing it thinks it needs to function.

Withdrawal can manifest as generic aches and pains, mildly inconvenient, or it can be more serious in the form of crippling pain, seizures and even hallucinations. The reason it is so hard to get clean on your own is that these withdrawal symptoms can be extremely difficult to cope with, and so many addicts give in to their urges and carry on drinking or using.

At an alcohol or drug rehab centre, however, medical help will be on hand 24/7 so that you will never be in any danger, and we will work to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible.


Relapse Prevention in Rehab – the second step

Once the drugs are out of your system and you are no longer suffering from the physical effects of withdrawal, it is time to address the psychological side of your addiction. Addiction is behavioural just as much as it is physical, and there is often an underlying or root cause.

Many addicts initially turn to alcohol or drugs in an attempt to help them cope with extreme stress in their life. It is accepted now that there is a very clear link between addiction and issues with mental health.

Mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression often contribute towards the development of addictive behaviours, and substance dependency can likewise lead to the development of mental health conditions in previously well people.

When an addict also suffers from a mental illness like depression, it is referred to as a dual diagnosis. It is critical that these problems are properly addressed, otherwise it is likely that you will relapse once you leave the rehab centre and return to your usual routine.

At our facility you will be able to engage in a number of therapies and holistic treatments designed to let you explore your harmful behaviours and their root causes, as well as fostering the self-discipline you will need to resist the temptation to drink or use in the future.

Yes, once you leave our clinic you will still have access to support and guidance through our aftercare programme. Those early days are the most important, and it is then that you will be most at risk of relapse. We will stay in touch and you will be able to maintain contact with your counsellor through regular appointments for up to a year.

Yes, we run a family referral service so you can get help for a loved one who isn’t yet in a position to do so for themselves. We cannot and will not force someone into rehab who does not want to be there, but we can offer you valuable advice on how to gently and respectfully help them acknowledge their problem. If they are willing to accept help, there is a place for them with us.

There are lots of different warning signs that you may be developing an addiction, and no list will be definitive. The biggest red flags to look out for are if you find yourself constantly looking forward to or planning your next drink or hit, and if you find yourself feeling unwell or unusual if you haven’t had any alcohol or drugs. If you regularly find yourself drinking or using in secret, or feeling ashamed and trying to hide your consumption from friends and family, that may also be a sign that things are getting out of hand. Ultimately, if you find yourself truly worried that you may have developed an addiction, the chances are that there is a problem growing. The best thing to do is reach out for help and advice.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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