We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Shropshire

Published by Raffa Bari

If you are interested in a drug or alcohol rehab in Shropshire, then get in touch with us today to find out more about our state of the art facilities.

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Shropshire

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Shropshire

Within the Shropshire area, there are hundreds of people who are suffering with addictions to drugs or alcohol. Many people are ashamed to admit that they have an addiction problem and try to to hide it from their friends and family because they believe that addiction is a sign of weakness. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Drug and alcohol addictions are actually an illness and can happen to absolutely anyone. If you are someone who is suffering with an addiction to drugs or alcohol and you are aware that it is a problem in your life, then you should start thinking about quitting.


Why You Should Not Delay Rehab Treatments

If you delay your rehab treatment, there could be many consequences as a result. If you choose not to seek help right away, your addiction could get a lot worse. You will also most likely find that your mental health is getting worse and worse the longer time goes on, or you may begin to notice that your addiction is affecting your finances in a negative way. Not only that, but your addiction may also put a huge strain on your personal relationships with those closest to you. All of the above are clear reasons why delaying drug rehab treatment should not be an option.

People who suffer with addictions to drugs or alcohol with usually go through a period of denial. This is often what prevents people from reaching out for help when they need it. However, once you’re able to break through that period of denial, there is a small window in which you can receive help for your addiction problem. This small window is the best time for you to reach out for help from a rehab centre. When you’re out of the stage of denial, you will finally be able to get the motivation needed in order to successfully overcome your addiction through rehab treatment.


What Are the Issues with Self-Help?

Many people believe that they can overcome their addiction alone. While this is entirely possible, it almost never fully works and is never usually a long-term solution. You may find it quite easy to stop consuming drugs or alcohol for a number of days or maybe even weeks, however, the chances of you relapsing shortly after are extremely high. You will then end up right back in your addiction.

According to research, every time you relapse, it gets harder and harder for you to quit your addiction again – even if you really want to quit it. With this in mind, it is extremely important for you to seek out effective treatment for your addiction in a rehab centre. This will give you the best chances of giving up your addiction for good. By attending a drug or alcohol rehab in Shropshire, you can get all of the help, support, and motivation you need to successfully make a full recovery from your addiction.

Addiction is seen as a mental health disease. With this in mind, in order to overcome your addiction, you will need to take part in some professional therapy sessions that focus on your mental health and wellbeing. If you truly want to achieve long term sobriety, there is a lot more to recovery than simply stopping consuming the substance that you’re addicted to.

In addition to refraining from taking any more of the addictive substances, you must also go through a mental healing process. This is achieved through therapy sessions and counselling. Without doing this, you will most likely end up relapsing, despite your determination towards sobriety.


The Key to Succeeding with Long Term Recovery

Addictions are often fuelled by negative thought processes and negative feelings. The tools and resources that you are provided with in rehab are essential as these will help you build up the skills to ensure you recovery from addiction is permanent. You will learn strategies to prevent relapse which can help to ease the transition between life in the rehab centre and life back in your normal home environment.

Addictions to drugs or alcohol are known as progressive disorders. This means that you didn’t just wake up one day as an addict. It is more likely that your addiction developed over a number of months or years.

During your therapy sessions in rehab, you will learn about the possible causes of your addiction. You will also learn about the emotional and physical triggers of your addiction and how to work your way around these to prevent relapse. By understanding your addiction on a deeper level, you will learn how to move on with your life without having to depend on those harmful substances.

After you leave rehab and return to your home life, you will be armed with the skills you need to live your life at home in recovery on a long-term basis. Abusing substances can often be a way of helping you escape your reality so that you can avoid the negative feelings which feed your addiction. When you’re in rehab, you will learn a number of coping strategies that will help you defeat this harmful cycle and will allow you to focus more on your positive emotions. Rehab allows you to have a changed outlook on life which is much more positive.


Seeking Out a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Shropshire

If you are looking for a drug or alcohol rehab in Shropshire or the surrounding Birmingham area, then get in touch with us today to find out more about how we can help you take that first step towards long term recovery form your addiction.

Give us a call on 01923 369 161 and out friendly, experienced staff will be on hand to answer any questions that you may have and guide you through the rehab treatment process so that you can start your recovery as soon as possible.


Client Reviews

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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