We have treatment centres for alcohol rehab in Skegness

Have you come to realise that you have become reliant on drugs or alcohol?  Have you started to feel somewhat unwell if you are unable to administer drugs or alcohol?

Treatment Skegness
Alcohol Rehab Centres In Skegness

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We offer for drug and alcohol rehab in Skegness

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Skegness

Have you come to realise that you have become reliant on drugs or alcohol?  Have you started to feel somewhat unwell if you are unable to administer drugs or alcohol?Do you now find yourself searching for a drug and alcohol rehab in Skegness for support and guidance?

Although the thought of seeking professional help from a drug and alcohol rehab in Skegness may seem somewhat daunting, if you are struggling with an addiction, it is vital that you do so.

What Signs and Symptoms Are Associated with A Drug and Alcohol Addiction?

As an addiction to drugs or alcohol progresses, an adverse amount of physical, psychological and behavioural symptoms will gradually arise.   These signs and symptoms will be felt by the individual suffering and may also be observed by loved ones.

If you have come to realise that your drug or alcohol consumption has increased, and have reason to believe that you may be addicted to substances, you may have encountered some of the following signs and symptoms.

Physical Signs and Symptoms That An Addiction Is Present

  • – Weight loss
  • – Red eyes
  • – Changes in complexion
  • – Persistent headaches
  • – Nausea

Psychological Signs and Symptoms That An Addiction Is Present

  • – Memory loss
  • – Paranoia
  • – Increased anxiety
  • – Insomnia
  • – Frequent mood swings

Behavioural Signs and Symptoms That An Addiction Is Present

  • – Becoming extremely secretive
  • – Avoiding specific locations or people
  • – Isolating yourself from your loved ones
  • – Calling in sick to work
  • – Spending an increasing amount of money on drugs or alcohol

If you have experienced any of the above signs and symptoms, seeking support from a drug and alcohol rehab in Skegness is imperative.

Why Seeking Professional Treatment for A Drug and Alcohol Addiction Is Vital

Many individuals struggling with drug and alcohol addictions fail to seek the support that they need to overcome their addiction. Sadly, the number of people silently suffering with addictions continues to increase.

As the physical and psychological side effects that an addiction presents eventually arise, they will cause you to become extremely unwell.  Although some of the side effects that addictions present can be treated, a number of side effects are regrettably irreversible.

In addition to having various negative repercussions on your physical and psychological health and well-being, your addiction will eventually have adverse consequences on your relationships with others.  As your addiction heightens, the behaviours that you will adopt will cause you to push your loved ones away.

There may also come a point when you begin to isolate yourself from others in a bid to keep your addiction a secret.  In order to salvage your relationships, attending a drug and alcohol rehab to overcome your addiction is essential.

How Can Residential Rehab Support You?

As you search for a drug and alcohol rehab in Skegness to gain an understanding of the facilities and support available to you, it is likely that you will have come across several private residential rehabs.

Although your thoughts may have originally been to attend an outpatient rehab so that you can return home to your family in the evenings, residential rehab will provide a more substantial amount of support.

Here at Cassiobury Court, our residential rehab supports individuals from all walks of life through the implementation of bespoke treatment programmes, aftercare support programmes and relapse prevention programmes.  We also provide a comfortable home away from home to make your stay in our rehab that little bit easier.

Below, we have outlined how our residential rehab can support you as you overcome your addiction and look towards a substance-free future.

Bespoke Treatment Programmes

At Cassiobury Court, we pride ourselves on ensuring that each individual that enters our facility for addiction treatment has a bespoke treatment programme in place.  With our bespoke treatment programmes, you can rest assured knowing that the treatment we provide will assist you in your long term recovery.

Although the basis of our treatment programmes will see those in recovery undergo detoxification, rehabilitation and aftercare support, each stage of our recovery programmes will incorporate treatments and therapies that are deemed suitable based on the way in which an addiction has impaired your life.

Our Rehab Facilities

Aftercare Support

Seeking professional treatment from a drug and alcohol rehab in Skegness, or our residential rehab in Watford, will further provide you with support as you embark on a long-term recovery.

Although many individuals believe that overcoming an addiction purely consists of attending a drug and alcohol rehab and undergoing a treatment programme, this is not true.  Completing a treatment programme is just the first step in your recovery.

Upon completing a treatment programme, you will be offered after care support. This support will continue to assist you in your recovery by providing you with the ability to attend addiction support groups.

Aftercare will also outline your bespoke relapse prevention plan and the steps you should take if you have reason to believe that a relapse is imminent.  Should you decide to attend our residential rehab here in Watford, you will be provided with 12 months of free aftercare support.

Relapse Prevention Programme

When the time comes for you to leave our rehab facility, our recovery team will ensure that you have a solid relapse prevention programme in place.  This programme will consider your personal circumstances and detail how you can mitigate and manage any triggers that may arise as you return home.

Combined with your aftercare support programme, your relapse prevention programme will help you secure a substance-free future.

Are You Ready To Seek Support For Your Addiction?

Armed with an understanding of the support that is available to you, you may not feel ready to take the first step in addressing and overcoming your addiction.

If this resonates with you, we welcome you to contact us today.  Although we are not based in Skegness, our residential drug and alcohol rehab is on hand to support you now and in the future.

Simply give us a call on 01923 369 161 today.

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