We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Sunderland

Published by Raffa Bari

Find rehab treatment for alcohol or drug addictions here in Sunderland.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Sunderland

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Sunderland

It is often a very tough subject to talk about, but the fact of the matter is, you will likely know or have met somebody in your lifetime that has struggled with alcohol addiction or substance abuse.

A lot of people rarely admit that they have a problem. It can take either a big push from a friend or family member or for the person to hit ‘rock bottom’ before they realise they need help.

In these times, it is very important to remember that there is always a purpose built rehab centre near you. You will never be alone in your recovery when you enter one of our rehab clinics in Sunderland. Our rehabilitation centres are some of the best in the country.

With the United Kingdom suffering from a large number of people who need treatment for drug and alcohol addiction, the fact about how this addiction starts and the effects it causes can often be overlooked.


Why do people become addicted in the first place?

This is a very easy question to ask but the answer can vary for every person. Each individual that is affected by drug and alcohol addiction may start on their path to substance abuse in a different way.

Some people may have come from a background where they didn’t have the best upbringing due to an abusive family. This is something that is hard to deal with while it is happening, but even harder to deal with once addiction has grabbed hold. Turning into somebody with an alcohol problem is a very common method to cope with their life.

You will often hear the term ‘gateway drug’ when it comes to people with addiction. This means a different substance may have altered a person’s lifestyle enough for them to move onto harder drugs. Marijuana has often been described as a ‘gateway drug’, but the reality is, it doesn’t matter how you got started, once you get addicted, it can quickly turn into something more serious.

Another kind of ‘gateway drug’ can be painkillers. Although something that is prescribed to you from a doctor may seem safe at first, the moment you start to abuse it, is the moment problems start to arise. Many people become addicted to painkillers that have to keep being increased in strength in order to retain the same painkilling effect. This can cause dependency on the drug. It is also important to remember if you don’t wean off properly you will experience withdrawal symptoms.

Although using drugs and alcohol may not pose a problem in the short term, the long term consequences of alcohol or drug addiction can be life-changing. It can lead to a variety of problems in life ranging from physical to affecting mental health.

Getting started on the path to recovery early is the best way to stop long term damage to your body and to rid yourself of any alcohol problem or substance abuse.

At Cassiobury Court we have a large number of treatment centres in the north east of the United Kingdom. You can find rehab clinics in Sunderland and the Tyne and Wear areas to suit your needs.


What are some of the negative effects of drug addiction?

If you are addicted to either drugs or alcohol you will start to find that the stability of your life will quickly unravel. Family members of people with drugs and alcohol addiction can see a person they have known all their lives, change in a matter of months. This can cause relationships to break down and suddenly you may find that you no longer have the support network you used to.

One of the worst negative effects that drug addiction can have on a person is harming their mental health. When all a person can focus on is their next ‘fix’, this can bleed into normal day to day life. When it starts to affect your work, your family life and your personal life you may start to experience a lot of problems.

Depression is not discussed enough currently. There is a mentality that exists in the United Kingdom of just ‘getting on with it’. Although this is a good mentality to have at times, when it stops people talking openly about their problems is when it becomes harmful.

Although depression can often be classed as a root cause of addiction, it is also a consequence. Some people turn to substance abuse to ward off negative thoughts. This is where residential rehab may help as well as therapy sessions that can get to the root cause and start to fix it.

Once you have decided to treat your drug or alcohol addiction at one of our rehab clinics in Sunderland you will soon be on the path towards full recovery.


What to expect at drug and alcohol rehab Sunderland

Our rehabilitation centres aren’t like what you see in the movies! That is one of the first things a lot of people expect… locked rooms, faceless doctors and an all-round negative vibe. We have made sure that all of our rehab centres allow patients to be as comfortable as possible. While you are receiving drug and alcohol rehab it may feel like you are staying in a luxury hotel! This is all to make the patient feel as comfortable as possible while getting better.

Our purpose built rehab centres in the north east are easily accessible for anybody looking for a rehab centre in Sunderland. We are easily accessible by public transport, we can also provide you with transportation if needed.

At Cassiobury Court, our friendly staff and medically trained professionals will be with you every step of the way throughout your recovery. There is counselling available as well as group therapy sessions to guide you on your path to recovery. Any withdrawal symptoms can be dealt with swiftly by our staff. These moments will be tough, but they won’t last forever. You will be back to yourself in no time.


How to get started with Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Sunderland

The first step is always the hardest. Now that you’ve decided it’s time to get yourself back on the right track, all you need to do is contact us and we will find you a rehab centre for drug and alcohol rehab in Sunderland.

We provide help for drug and alcohol addiction in many parts of Tyne and Wear, including the likes of Wallsend, Washington, Gateshead and more.

Get in touch with our admissions team by contacting us via 0800 001 4070 or fill in our quick contact form.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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