How to Detox From Cocaine Safely

How to Detox From Cocaine Safely

Deciding to end your cocaine addiction is a massive step – and the first one on a long journey. Many people don’t get to this stage because they are concerned about detoxing and what withdrawal will be like.

A detox from cocaine can be uncomfortable, but it is something you need to go through, and you shouldn’t fear it. Arming yourself with the knowledge of cocaine withdrawal symptoms, how to detox and what happens afterwards will help you make that essential first step.

Understanding Cocaine Addiction

To know how to stop using cocaine, you need to understand the addiction better.

The reason why cocaine addiction is dangerous is because of the effects it has on your brain. Cocaine can cause changes in your brain chemistry, hijacking your reward circuit. This means that eventually, you need more and more cocaine to get the same pleasure from it as before – it also diminishes the pleasure you get from other activities not related to cocaine.

It can also reduce impulse control, affecting your prefrontal cortex – which is responsible for problem-solving and decision-making.

Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction

It’s important to know the signs of cocaine addiction. Some common symptoms include:

  • Mood swings
  • Paranoia
  • Sniffing
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Increased energy
  • Weight loss
  • Dilated pupils

The Dangers of Long-term Abuse

With going to cocaine rehab, the addiction will only worsen. There are many dangers of long-term addiction you need to be aware of.

  • Collapse of nasal structure
  • Increased risk of heart problems
  • Respiratory problems
  • Damage to mental health
  • Financial problems
  • Breakdown of relationships
  • Social isolation

What Happens During Cocaine Detox?

Cocaine detox is the first step in ending your addiction. Going through detox means stopping your cocaine use to purge your body of all traces of the drug. This is done so your body can recover and begin to work better without the presence of cocaine, ending your physical dependence on it.

When you stop taking cocaine, your body and brain will have a physical reaction to it. This is called withdrawal, and many symptoms can occur in reaction to the absence of cocaine.

Cocaine causes more dopamine, the pleasure hormone, to be in your brain. Eventually, your brain becomes reliant on the heightened levels, and when the levels suddenly drop – your body reacts. Now, the systems in your body are not used to the norm and need time to reset – all this activity causes the withdrawal symptoms you experience.

Timeline of Cocaine Withdrawal and Detox Phases

There are three distinct detox stages.

  • Stage 1 – Occurs within the first 24 hours after your last consumption of cocaine. You will experience most of the physical withdrawal symptoms here, and it will last for around a week.
  • Stage 2 – This stage begins after the first week when physical symptoms diminish. During this time, experience more psychological symptoms and cravings can spike, fade away and then come back randomly.
  • Stage 3 – After a month, you are through withdrawal. However, without dealing with the addiction, symptoms such as cravings and mood swings can persist for much longer.

Common Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Becoming more educated about the cocaine detoxification process means being aware of withdrawal. Knowing about potential symptoms can help you be more prepared for any eventuality.

Physical Withdrawal Symptoms:

  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Low energy
  • Fatigue
  • Sleeping more
  • Increased appetite

Emotional and Psychological Withdrawal Symptoms:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Paranoia
  • Cocaine cravings

The worst stage of withdrawal, when you experience all the physical symptoms, tends to last for a week to ten days. These types of symptoms will peak a couple of days after the initial crash stage of the withdrawal.

How to Detox From Cocaine Safely

The safest way to undergo cocaine detoxification is under medical supervision. At a treatment centre, you can go through withdrawal in a safe and supportive environment. Medical staff will be on hand to help you through the process, and you may have access to medication that can ease your symptoms.

Detox centres and inpatient facilities ensure your safety first and foremost. Going through detox at one of these places means a smooth transition to the rest of your recovery.

Home Detox: What to Avoid and When to Seek Help

You can go through a safe cocaine detox at home. It does put you more at risk of relapse or medical emergency, but if your addiction is not severe, then it can be done.

You should avoid going through it without consulting a medical professional. They can offer guidance and advice beforehand. Making other people aware of it is essential as they can provide practical and emotional support.

If your withdrawal symptoms are severe, then you should seek professional help and avoid a home detox if you are suffering from concurrent mental health issues. Withdrawal can worsen mental health problems, and the risk of suicide is higher.

Seek help if you are not sure of home detox or if you feel you may relapse.

Coping Strategies During Cocaine Detox

There’s no denying that safe cocaine detox is hard but there are several ways to better manage withdrawal symptoms. What you may experience during withdrawal can put you off wanting to get clean but being better prepared can help take away the fear and leave you on a better footing to achieve long-term recovery.


Eating well and remembering to drink plenty of fluids is important to a safe detox from cocaine. Being well-fuelled can decrease mood swings and cravings and leave you feeling physically healthier.

Keeping Busy

Addiction can take over your thoughts. During this time, it’s important to stay occupied. Being active, watching your favourite TV show, and spending time with someone – these are all things that help you stay away from cocaine.

Get Support

Professional support can be a great help during detox. Recovery groups are filled with people who have gone through the same thing and can offer practical advice. Therapies and professional counselling can help bring structure to your life and provide you with healthier coping methods. You will also learn more about your addiction and start dealing with the root causes.


During detox, you won’t be feeling your best. This is why it is vital to take care of yourself. Sleep well, practice good hygiene, relax when you need to and exercise every day. Take time out to practice meditation and mindfulness to centre yourself. Improving your overall well-being is so important to the detox process as you come out of it more determined to end your cocaine addiction.

What Happens After Detox? Long-term Recovery Strategies

Addiction is more than just a physical dependence on a substance. That is why detox is only the first step on the recovery journey. To fully recover and maintain sobriety, you need to come to terms with your addiction, understand why it happened and learn better ways to cope with the issues that drove the addiction.

Ongoing therapy after rehab and continuing to go to group support meetings are vital to staying sober. In these environments, you can get the support you need, hone your coping techniques, and maintain a healthy structure in your life.

Aftercare plans and relapse prevention strategies can help as they provide you with goals to reach for, keep you connected to the recovery community, keep you accountable and act as a support network.

Find Out More About How to Detox From Cocaine Now

Effective rehabilitation begins with detox. Beforehand, you may wonder how to detox from cocaine and if you can do it safely. The good news is there are plenty of resources available to help.

We at Cassiobury Court provide detox and residential treatment programmes that are effective and catered to you. For more information, call us now at 0800 001 4070 or text HELP to 83222.