Get Help From our Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Nottingham

If you, or your loved one is struggling with the burden of drug and alcohol addiction, then you have already made the best first step for them by seeking help from Cassiobury Court.

Taking that first step towards recovery is always tough, but we want to make it go as smoothly as possible. All of our rehab centres are conveniently located and easily accessible to everybody.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Nottingham

Get Help Now

We offer residential treatment which is near to the Nottingham area

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Nottingham

Will Drug and Alcohol Rehab Work for Me?

In short, yes.

Drug and alcohol rehab centres have programmes that are specifically designed to be a place that is free of judgement and a homely safe space that has the ability to get you on the road to addiction recovery.

We find that a lot of people who contact our drug and alcohol rehab Nottingham service have once tried to quit either on their own, with the support of family members or maybe even outpatient treatment options.

The sad reality is that no matter how you go about it, the chance of recovering on your own is very slim. The side effects of detox and the withdrawal symptoms can also be potentially dangerous if not treated correctly.

Here at our addiction treatment clinics, we have a team of highly trained staff dedicated to helping you overcome your drug or alcohol addiction in the safest way possible, which is why we can confidently say that our drug and alcohol rehab in Nottingham has the facilities to contribute to your goal of a sober lifestyle.


How to Know When You Need Drug and Alcohol Rehab

There are some telling signs that you may require addiction treatment, and when it comes to alcohol addiction, it can often be easy to be in denial about any help you may need since it is such a social activity.

That being said, this social activity can land you in alcohol rehab should you not take care of your intake. So, see below some signs that might be telling you that you’re actually suffering from drug and alcohol addiction.

#1 You Can’t Imagine Situations Not Drinking or Using Drugs

What may have started innocently at first may have now spiralled into full-blown dependency. If you feel you can’t see a life without it then you should contact rehab quickly.

#2 You Take Risks You Wouldn’t Otherwise

The effects that substance abuse has don’t just cover ‘the high’. People under the influence often don’t make the same decisions that they would if they were sober. This can start to get you in hot water quickly, a common example of this behaviour is bar fights or driving under the influence.

#3 It’s Starting to Affect Your Health

Side effects from long term alcohol abuse or drug abuse can have huge strains on your body. The number of deaths in the UK from drug and alcohol addiction has been steadily rising over the past few years.

#4 It Is Affecting Your Work

If working starts to become something you do only to fund your addiction then this is a worrying sign. Once your employer finds out you are struggling with addiction then this may sadly affect your job, which in turn will make it harder for you to fund the addiction.

#5 You’re Losing Touch with Your Friends and Family

It’s not just yourself you are harming, your family life and social circle can take a huge hit once addiction takes hold. The draw to addiction may start to have long term effects on your personal life.


Why Choose Cassiobury Court Drug and Alcohol Rehab

If you find yourself agreeing to the aforementioned signs of addiction, why should you contact Cassiobury Court today?

Our alcohol and drug rehab is a residential rehab in which you can feel at home, work on your mental health, get dual diagnosis treatment and work towards real long term recovery.

You can see our facilities below…

You can see that this isn’t the clinical environment you may expect. We aren’t a stereotypical drug and alcohol rehab in Nottingham, we understand that within residential treatment should be within a place that has the correct mental health support, offers group therapy, drug and alcohol detox, and ultimately, the professional help and support network that you truly need when going through active addiction recovery.


What to Expect from a Stay at Cassiobury’s Drug and Alcohol Rehab Residential Programme

Our alcohol and drug rehab addresses substance abuse at more than one level.

We understand that there isn’t just one kind of addiction, and thus, there isn’t one kind of addiction treatment either. That in mind, here is what you should expect from a drug and alcohol residential rehab with Cassiobury Court.

First, you’ll onboard by calling up Cassiobury Court and it is here that we will get to know you.

We will get to know whether you have an alcohol or drug addiction, or, both. We will explain the addiction treatments and also listen to any mental health concerns you may have.

Once you feel happy to go ahead and onboard with one of our drug and alcohol rehabs, you will likely begin a medical detox (if necessary for your alcohol or drug addiction). This will detox the body of substances and is a vital part of moving away from substance dependencies and is the safest alternative to going cold turkey,

Once you have safely gone through detox and left the withdrawal symptoms behind, we can start to tackle the problems that cause substance abuse.

We do this by aiming to address the root cause of the addiction, mainly through the use of therapy. This will help you develop coping mechanisms and set you up with the best defences to avoiding relapse once you leave us and continue your treatment plan.


The Benefits of Moving Away for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Nottingham

We currently have inpatients from all over the UK.

You will be free to socialise with them outside your sessions, which many people find is one of the most useful factors of inpatient addiction treatment programmes. By moving away from the environment that your addiction developed, you’re not only mentally moving away from addictive substances but physically too so that you’re able to have professional assistance to hand.

You have the chance to receive treatments that are diagnosed by medical professionals in our Nottingham rehab programmes and by being in a safe haven, away from temptation that could impact the success of your sobriety.

As well as that, many inpatients believe that group therapy sessions are an essential part of the treatment centre and are an effective in making you feel less lonely in your recovery.


What Happens Next?

Your journey doesn’t end once you leave us. We make sure that the skills you have learnt during your stay are effective in the real world, not just within a rehab treatment centre.

We have years of experience, so your aftercare treatment won’t be anything generic, it will be tailored to you. If you need any help once you have left then we are always available for a chat with our aftercare team – drug rehab, or alcohol rehab are all parts of your long term recovery plan, so don’t hesitate to continue on with your treatment programme at home.


How Do I Get Started?

We are simply a quick phone call away, it can be difficult to take that first step but we aim to make it as easy as possible and since you’ve gotten this far you’re already on the right path drugs and alcohol treatment.

Once you arrive at our drug alcohol rehab (Nottingham clinic) you will be given a private room and time to settle into your new surroundings. Once you are settled in, we can then introduce you to our professional addiction counsellors who you will spend a lot of time with on your road to sobriety.

To get started, simply contact us by calling 0800 001 4070. Our friendly admissions team will get you set you up with all the information you need. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Jo Alistoun
Jo Alistoun
Id like to thank everyone at Cassiobury Court and I mean everyone, nobody excluded, who helped me with my recovery. I was always treated with love and respect. Everyone is helpful, kind and always very professional with a great sense of humour This is the most wonderful place, I was so scared and afraid on my first day but within hours I found myself laughing and feeling safe - I just knew I was in the right place. The staff are simply out of this world. The location is peaceful, beautiful and the accommodation/food excellent My journey at Cassiobury helped me get on the right side of the road, I stayed focused and happy to say - today I'm still sober Today I can start living "one day at a time", they have given me a new life filled with hope, peace and love. Ive never felt happier Jo
Rosie M
Rosie M
I spent 2 weeks at Cassiobury, really think it might have saved my life, Jane walked me in on the first day and told me I wouldn't want to leave by the end of it, she wasn't wrong. Every member of staff were amazing and so supportive. Having had two not so good experiences at other rehabs I was very nervous and in a really bad way, at my worst point in drinking ever and thinking there was no way out, but now I feel better than I have in 4 years :) so apprecitive to literally everyone there, so welcoming and understanding. The food is amazing too, and will cater to your needs, felt so looked after and genuinely cared for, will forever be grateful for this experience x
Nimra Khan
Nimra Khan
Going for an experience of rehabilitation can be an extremely daunting one. Most people arrive broken, emotionally, financially and spiritually bankrupt; and most of all, they feel alone. My experience at Cassiobury Court exceeded all my wildest expectations. Immediately, I was swept up in a system of support, understanding and care. The staff was incredible - professional yet loving. The sessions there provided me with a solid foundation and understanding of my issues, leaving me equipped to deal with the outside world upon my discharge. The environment inside was like family where close ties were soon formed with no judgements being passed and only mutual care being cultivated. It was one of the most enriching experiences of my life and I am so grateful for having had this opportunity to pause my life and work on my well being towards a more wholesome future. If you’re needing help, this place is the best choice. You’ll be in great hands, highly recommended!
Eye Wonder
Eye Wonder
Cassiobury Court is a Unique Rehabilitation Facility I can’t thank the team at Cassiobury Court enough for their support through one of the lowest points of my life. From the management down to the recovery team, therapists, catering team, medical team, maintenance team and housekeepers. They all go above and beyond for the people in their care. Many of the staff members have personally been affected by addiction, so understand how it feels like to be at your lowest most broken point in life. It’s especially helpful for people going through their first rehab where they are gently led to understand their addiction and supported by a team of therapists. For anyone whose unfortunate enough to have had a relapse, they welcome you back without judgement and it’s like seeing old friends. The catering team are fantastic and will accommodate any dietary requirements. They have a simple aim - to nourish you back to health. The full English breakfast, regular roasts, salad bars, snacks and late night sandwiches are to die for. You can talk to the recovery team at anytime of the day, even if its just for a hug or reassurance. I know I've needed a hug on a couple of occasions. The experience at Cassiobury is very intimate, with around 25 guests at anytime all of whom quickly become a community providing support and will quickly climatise and welcome any newcomers. They too were anxious and confused when they first arrived. The internet and wifi has excellent coverage and it’s great to have Netflix available in your bedroom. You can also use your phone as long as your respectful of others. I’d like to especially thank Rebecca for her helping me at my most vulnerable and for her aftercare plan. I’d also like to make a shout out to Martin whose recovery sessions and general advice are always on point. Ollie for his super charged sessions and a Pauli for his breath coaching. Oh and you also get 12 months of aftercare with a weekly midday zoom call... I will end this by saying that with any rehab, you get what you put in. Go in with an open mind and use the time their to reset your life and deal with any demons from the past. Be truthful and honest with your piers and leave the past behind at Cassiobury Court. Then walk out of the gates to your new life. I wish you well in your recovery journey. Mr NA - West London
Fabian Conway
Fabian Conway
I was admitted to Cassiobury Court on Tuesday 3rd January 2023 for a 28 day period, suffering from alcohol addition. Having not been in rehab previously, I was unsure what to expect, Cassiobury Court provides detoxification, group sessions/discussions and 1-2-1's to its Clients in a relaxed atmosphere whilst also encouraging the completion of the 1st 3 steps from the AA 12 step programme. Anyway, everyone was very welcoming and I spent the 1st few days in the detoxification process, in which my sleep and appetite returned. I also felt very comfortable and had no compulsion to drink alcohol. From the start of the following week, I started attending the group sessions and numerous 1-2-1 sessions with counsellors, key workers or therapists. I have found everyone at Cassiobury Court, management, counsellors, key workers, medical staff, chefs and cleaning staff to be excellent n being very welcoming, enthusiastic and approachable at any time, with an effort on our recovery. The group therapy is excellent and the fellow clients support each other in recovery. The accommodation is excellent and the food (breakfast, lunch, dinner with late night sandwiches) are also excellent. You can get hot drinks, a range including water, teas, herbal teas, coffee and hot chocolate and yoghurts, fruit and biscuits, 24 hours/day. They offer an excellent weekly laundry service where your clothes are returned clean and folded within a few hours. Also, they provide a 12 month support service which involve weekly Zoom meetings. I left on Tuesday 31st January 2023 , in a much better place having competed the 1st 3 AA steps, and willing and ready to follow the AA 12 Step Programme. I would highly recommend Cassiobury Court to anyone who is looking for a alcohol or drug rehabilitation service. Finally, a big thank you, to all the staff at Cassiobury Court..
Michelle P
Michelle P
I have spent some time at Cassiobury Court over the last 6 months and cannot speak more highly of the experience. I admitted myself for alcohol addiction and was very scared when I arrived and did not have any idea what to expect. The staff could not have been kinder to me. I wanted to leave on day 2 because I was very anxious and out of my comfort zone, but fortunately staff members calmed me down and I ended up staying which I am very glad about. The schedule is very good with group sessions, some one on one sessions and therapy sessions. The food is excellent and the chefs are very accommodating if you wish to have something different. There is a daily trip to the local shop to get any bits you may need. All the staff are amazing, the recovery workers, the management, the chefs and kitchen staff and all that work at Cassiobury are all so caring and it really shows. You have time to get to know the rest of the group and I ended up building close bonds and have kept in contact with many that I met in Cassiobury (and I bump into people I met at meetings outside as well as on the aftercare calls). All in all, if your are considering a treatment centre then I would highly recommend Cassiobury Court, I am very grateful for my time there.
Deborah Smith
Deborah Smith
Just completed 28 days at Cassiobury Court and I am pleased to say it has been a positive experience. I have received compassionate expert care from the staff team here who have an in-depth knowledge of addiction. My key workers have been an inspiration and have been by my side every step of the way providing a range of interventions to help me work through my addiction issues. I have been treated with kindness, privacy, dignity and respect. I leave having gained confidence and the power to succeed. Thank you to all at Cassiobury court.
Billy Price
Billy Price
I came here on January 2023. I was consumed by an alcohol addiction. I was at an all time low. Family and friends found this place for me, this was my first treatment. I felt very welcome upon entering the gates. All staff took great care of me.I was given a medical detox this made the start of the stay here very comfortable. I stayed here for 28 days and was given one on one therapy treatment, group sessions and external recovery meetings. The staff are very understanding and fair. I was given the tools and a brilliant foundation to achieve my goal with great support. Whilst staying here I started to realise there is light at the end of the tunnel to live in a positive and rewarding life if I keep myself focused. I am grateful for to have been here. My advice would be to take the first steps to get the help you need.
Where do I even start… This has been my second time in there as a year ago when I was there, I didn’t take the program seriously enough and I just wanted to get clean from drugs. However after having a few months sobriety, then relapsing as I didn’t do what was suggest to me! I ended up going back for 28 days. Let me tell you, that this experience was a one in a lifetime and I took everything on board, attended all sessions and did exactly what I was told! Every single member of staff at cassiobury go above and beyond for their clients. They put time and effort into all of us and someone is always there for you to talk to day or night. There is a huge range of sessions which you can attend and this give you the knowledge of your addiction. You also have counselling sessions once a week which helps massively🙏🏼 Cassiobury court feels like your home with your family. Leaving today was so tough as I left so many amazing people behind there. However this is the new start of my journey, I have the right tools behind me this time and I would never of been able to do it without cassiobury. Also big up the chiefs there! The food is AMAZING!!!!! I put on over a stone in 4 weeks…I think that says it all! Thank you cassiobury for giving me a new and improved way of living.
Tim Pullman
Tim Pullman
When I came in to Cassiobury I was all over the place my life was in chaos caused by me. I didn’t know what to expect when I arrived, I had been in another rehab before. I didn’t have a good experience there unfortunately. At Cassiobury I made the effort to be around everyone and learn, taking part in everything which is the only way to learn. The thing I really love about Cassiobury are staff who are in recovery themselves which is amazing - they point you in the right direction from their own experiences which has made all the difference to me. It’s been massive for me. You know when you are talking to staff they have done it themselves. Every single staff have been brilliant, they have different approaches and which has been the best therapy for me as they understand what I’ve been going through. I felt safe at Cassiobury which gave me a sense of relief and helped me to relax, release my anxieties and fears focusing on what I needed to do - from feeling broken I feel repaired. I cannot fully express what this is done for me. I can’t fault this place from the top to the cleaners. I leave Cassiobury with more understanding about addiction than I’ve ever had. I’ve got the tools I need which gives me the courage to remain sober. My loved one found this place and I’m so grateful that she did! She made a huge effort for me. You will get everything you need if you want it - don’t waste the opportunity. For me Cassiobury court will work for you but you need to work for yourself while you’re there - you won’t regret it.

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