Treatment for Drug and Alcohol in Cornwall

Are you searching for support to end your drug and alcohol abuse? Our private residential rehab in Cornwall is the perfect place to achieve long-term recovery from addiction to alcohol or drugs. With a highly-skilled team of psychiatrists, therapists, and the leading therapies in addiction treatment, we’re confident that we can help you eliminate your drug and alcohol abuse once and for all.

Rehab Clinics in Cornwall

We Can Help You Today!

We offer for drug and alcohol rehab in Cornwall

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Cornwall

If you’re ready to commit to turning your life around for the better, then we’re ready to accept you into our rehabilitation centre. Completing your personalised treatment programme at our rehab in Cornwall, truly is the most rewarding and life-changing experience you can go through. Contact our friendly team today on 01923 369 161.


Finding the right drug and alcohol services for you

When searching for addiction treatments, you’ll likely be faced with an overwhelming amount of drug and alcohol treatment options. It’s possible to enquire about low-cost or free addiction treatments with local health services through the NHS. However, due to the NHS being significantly under pressure with lack of resources and lack of funding, they’re sadly unable to offer immediate treatment to those who really need it. They’re also unable to offer personalised treatment programmes and instead provide a generic approach to each client which hasn’t proven to be very successful. There are outpatient drug and alcohol services available, however, these tend to only be effective if the effects of your addiction are very mild.

Studies have proven that the most successful method in achieving long-term recovery from drug and alcohol abuse, is to follow a bespoke addiction treatment programme, in a residential rehabilitation centre like ours in Cornwall. It’s highly beneficial to undergo your addiction treatment in a residential setting, as your sole focus during your stay is to recover, there’s no other distractions or temptations which could be present in your familiar, home environment.

Despite what many people’s perceptions of rehabilitation centres might be, we can reassure you that our drug and alcohol rehab is a warm, welcoming, and positive environment, where we provide all the home comforts you could wish for. In addition to delivering exceptional, evidence-based therapies, our dedicated team also ensure you’re comfortable in your private room and take care of your housekeeping, laundry and provide you with daily nutritious meals to aid your recovery.

Aside from your therapy sessions, we also make sure you have plenty to do to enjoy your downtime at our rehabilitation centre. We arrange social activities such as quiz nights, film nights, group runs or walks, and can also arrange family visits if you like.


What is the process of drug and alcohol rehab in Cornwall?

One of the most difficult things to do when you’re suffering from drug and alcohol abuse is to admit that you need professional support. Once you’ve made the brave decision to get in touch with us, we can begin your journey to long-term recovery. We will conduct an initial assessment to get a better insight into the nature of your addiction and will look at the history of your physical and psychological health. This assessment will be conducted by trained doctors and professionals under the strictest confidence. The results of this will help us to design the most effective treatment programme for your unique needs.

A crucial factor throughout your drug and alcohol rehab is that you must be willing to accept your situation and be prepared to do anything in order to rectify the problems. You must take responsibility for your actions to see real change in your negative behaviours; this is highly beneficial for your long-term recovery.

Once the above is achieved, it’s likely you’ll then visit our detox clinic to undergo a full drug or alcohol detox. This process is essential, as by reducing your consumption of alcohol or drugs, you’re cleansing your body of the harmful toxins, allowing your mind to see clearly too. Detoxification can be an uncomfortable treatment, especially when you begin to experience drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms could include feelings of nausea, dizziness, the shakes, migraines, and in more severe cases you could be faced with insomnia, seizures or even delirium tremens (DT’s) which require emergency medical attention. This is why we can’t stress enough the importance of going through detox in a professional and safe environment like our rehab in Cornwall. It’s extremely dangerous to attempt drug or alcohol detox without the support of medical experts, it’s also likely to be ineffective resulting in a pointless exercise.

Upon completing your drug or alcohol detox, you can then move onto the rest of your treatment programme which includes a mix of psychological and well-being therapies. By following our structured plan, you will learn to understand the underlying issues which may have caused your drug and alcohol abuse. This realisation helps significantly in maintaining your long-term recovery and sobriety.


We offer the best aftercare treatment available

After you’ve completed your treatment programme, which typically lasts around 28 days, you will automatically receive our free 12-month aftercare plan. Many people worry about what will happen upon returning home which is only natural. Throughout your stay with us, you will have developed the skills and tools needed to identify your triggers, therefore avoiding a drug or alcohol relapse.

Our committed aftercare team will be there to help you as best they can through dedicated helplines, to offer any additional therapies or counselling; we will also recommend local support groups for you to take advantage of. These are very effective as they give you the opportunity to share your experiences with others in a similar situation to yours and also listen to how they’re coping. We also recommend visiting your local Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous who provide useful 12 step programmes to maintain your sobriety.

Contact our friendly team today on 01923 369 161 or at, to start your journey to recovery.

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