We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Dartford

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Dartford

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We offer residential treatment which is near to the Dartford area

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Dartford

The chances are that you know somebody or will yourself become affected by drug or alcohol abuse at some point in your life.

Of course, no one thinks it will ever happen to them, and yet it’s incredibly common. Drug and alcohol addiction is not just something that happens to other people, it affects people from all walks of life. The damage can be immeasurable and for many, it’s impossible to break out of without professional intervention.

At Cassiobury Court, we offer private drugs and alcohol rehab. If you live in, or near the Dartford area then we may be able to help you.


What causes alcohol or drug addiction?

Alcohol addiction and substance abuse are more complex than they appear. That means there’s rarely just one singular cause for the addiction.

  • You may be genetically predisposed to addiction – Some people are simply more likely to become addicted to something than others. Where consumption of substances might be an occasional thing for some, it can trigger an addictive response in others. That’s why doctors are particularly wary about prescribing painkillers to those with a history of substance abuse.
  • Addiction might turn into a habit after taking prescription drugs – On the subject of painkillers, many people who take painkillers regularly for things like back pain can end up becoming addicted to painkillers. This is particularly true of painkillers that are opiate-based.
  • Upbringing or environment can have an effect – If you are raised or have found yourself in an environment where substance abuse occurred, you are much more likely to develop these tendencies yourself.
  • It starts off small – Many drug users start off on drugs that aren’t as addictive such as cannabis or alcohol. This can easily develop into harder alcohol use or trying more addictive drugs such as heroin which is a lot harder to stop taking.
  • Mental health problems – When someone has mental health issues such as depression or anxiety, many turn to drinking or drugs to help them cope. This is pretty common, but becomes a problem when you can no longer function without the alcohol or drugs you’re using.
  • Life circumstances – When things go wrong, it’s easy to reach for something to drink but it can be a slippery slope downwards. Problems such as job loss, relationship breakups or bereavement can be masked or made worse when you turn to drink or drugs.


How we approach drug and alcohol addiction in our rehab clinics

At Cassiobury Court, we offer residential addiction treatment for those in the Dartford area, to help addicts recover in a safe environment.

With our rehab facility, you can get settled into one of our private accommodations the same day if required. No waiting around for urgent care. This is what really sets our drug and alcohol rehab facilities apart from the rest.

One of the first things we do when you arrive at our rehab centre is to get you signed up through a quick admission process to get you settled in. This is followed by a detoxification process to remove all the harmful substances in your body. We will also help you through the withdrawal process which we can make much easier.

Once a detox has been completed, it’s time to start the real work – therapy and counselling.

In therapy, you will learn to start taking control of your impulses and learn the tools to fight your addiction. This is the hard part, making real-life changes that will help you long after you’ve left our rehab facility.

We will need to get to the root of the problem, the real reason for your addiction, and we’ll explore all of this in your therapy sessions. We can then move forward and implement changes and new habits to avoid relapsing.


Are you ready for drug or alcohol rehab?

Admitting you’re ready for such a huge step is always difficult. There are a few signs to watch out for that may mean you’re ready for rehab. However, if you’re reading this, wanting help is enough of a reason to seek it out.

  • Your doctor has warned you about your health – If your doctor has expressed concerns over your drinking or drug taking or has found health problems relating to them, this is a serious warning you need to take seriously.
  • You’re finding yourself in dangerous or criminal situations – Being under the influence can lead to injuries or you making dangerous or criminal judgements. For example, driving while drunk or on drugs.
  • Stability is starting to slip – Those with addictions find it much harder to hold down a steady job, stay in education or keep a healthy marriage going. If you reach the point that you lose any of those things, it becomes a fast downward spiral.


What is drug and alcohol rehab really like?

Don’t believe what you see in the movies. Rehab isn’t a scary place you’re forced to go to and locked away. We want you to enjoy your time with us.

The drug and alcohol rehab we offer in our local clinics offer you your own private space where you can stay in comfort. Our rehab facilities are located in beautiful residential settings with peaceful, discreet gardens and grounds free for you to explore. Rehab is about healing, not about punishment after all.

If you require transport to and from our Dartford rehab clinic, this is easily accessible and can be arranged before you get started.


Get started with your recovery process in our rehab facilities

Are you ready to get started with your recovery journey? It all starts with professional addiction treatment at one of our drug and alcohol rehab clinics.

We offer a wide range of addiction treatment options, our most popular one being residential addiction treatment.

We will work with you to combat your drug problem and our free and confidential aftercare service will support you further down the line.

When you join Cassiobury’s rehab support services, we can help you achieve sobriety in a sustainable, healthy way. Our service offers a chance for you to finally take back control over your life. Wherever you live in the United Kingdom, there will always be a clinic within travelling distance to you.

Turn your life around today with the first steps forward – call today for more details on our recovery service via 01923 369 161 to speak about our treatment services.

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