We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Eastbourne

Published by Raffa Bari

At Cassiobury Court, we can offer guidance, advice and a plethora of leading treatments to those suffering from drug and alcohol addictions.

Rehab treatment in Eastbourne
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Eastbourne

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We offer residential treatment which is close to the Eastbourne area

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Eastbourne

The problems associated with drugs and alcohol addiction are not going to go away any time soon and it is unrealistic to believe that we will ever live in a drug-free society but that does not mean we should just accept things the way they are. Drug and alcohol addiction are extremely destructive and even if you can’t change society or your local community, you can change your own life or that of someone close to you. If you or a friend or family is suffering from drug or alcohol abuse, there are drug and alcohol rehab treatment services in the Eastbourne area.

Residential drug rehab is the most effective treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. It removes you from the environment and the bad influences that are enabling your drug abuse and it also gives your family an opportunity to take a break and regroup. Our residential drug and alcohol recovery service provides a safe, discreet, non-judgemental environment where you can focus entirely on your recovery and not be distracted by outside influences. For the entire duration of your rehab, you will stay in a comfortable single room and have access to our ample grounds, individual therapy rooms, multipurpose group activity room, communal lounge and a well-appointed dining area. Our facility offers everything you need to make your stay as comfortable as possible and help you deal with the stress of detox and rehab.


Inpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Eastbourne

There are several different ways to treat addiction and not every method works for every person, but inpatient rehab has proved to be one of the most effective and successful ways of treating various types of addiction. Residential rehab can last from a quick nine-day stay to an extended 90- day admission but the typical time that most addicts spend in rehab is 28 days.

Since the symptoms, type, length and substance of addiction differ greatly, there is no one cure for all strategy and every case needs to be treated individually in order to achieve the most positive outcomes. Because of this, when you enter a residential rehab treatment facility you will have an in-depth interview with a medical professional who specialises in addiction treatment. You will be asked questions about the length of your addiction, the type of substances that you are addicted to and the frequency of your substance abuse. You will also need to disclose any significant medical history and any other forms of rehab that you have tried in the past. They will also discuss the various addiction treatment options and which ones will be most effective for you.

Once the interview is complete the medical professional will draw up a personalised treatment plan for you and they will discuss it with the rehab facilities team of carers and recovery workers to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Depending on the type of substances that you are addicted to, you may have to undergo medically assisted detox to wean your body off drugs or alcohol.

Medically assisted alcohol detox can only be carried out in a rehab facility because it requires medical supervision. During medical detox, you will be prescribed medication to help alleviate the withdrawal symptoms and help your body cope without drugs. This process can last a couple of days or even a week depending on the type and severity of your addiction.

Inpatient rehab in a private facility is an intensive programme. During detox, you will be under constant supervision and the rehab facility will try and make the process as comfortable as possible, but you do need to prepare yourself for a few rough days. But one of the biggest benefits of being in an inpatient rehab facility during this time is that you are constantly surrounded by medical professionals and staff members who have your best interest at heart and are there to get you through this difficult time.

Unlike trying to end your addiction on your own or being part of an outpatient rehab treatment programme, during residential rehab you will not be tempted by bad influences or have access to drugs and alcohol.


Therapy during drug and alcohol rehab in Eastbourne

Residential rehab offers a number of therapeutic benefits that are essential to your recovery. You will be given intensive cognitive behaviour therapy, family support counselling, peer support group sessions and you will be taught the skills that you need to cope once you leave the facility.

If you have physical, medical or mental health issues, suffer from long term addiction or are addicted to multiple substances, then residential rehab is probably your best chance of breaking the hold that substance abuse has on your life.

Therapy will help you identify and understand the triggers of your addiction. This is an essential part of your recovery and cognitive behavioural therapy will enable you to identify the negative thought processes and emotions that drive you towards substance abuse.

Our addiction specialist counsellors will then teach you how to cope with your triggers and how to alter your thought processes to have positive outcomes. Part of our drug and alcohol support service is group therapy and this allows you to engage with other addicts and learn from their experiences, just as they are able to learn from yours.

Drug and alcohol addiction is a growing problem in society and many local communities are suffering as a result. In the past year, drug-related deaths have reached a new high in England and Wales but with the right support and rehab services you can recover from addiction and go on to live a happy and fulfilling life.

We provide assistance for individuals struggling with drug and alcohol addiction in various locations throughout East Sussex, such as Worthing, Hove, Eastbourne, and other areas. Our team is dedicated to supporting those in need and helping them overcome their addiction for a healthier and happier life.

All you need to do is take the first step and we are here to help you find the right rehab solution for your addiction. Many people think that the cost of private rehab is prohibitive, but we offer a range of packages designed to suit your needs and budget. Our specialised treatment centres offer discreet addiction treatment in serene surroundings. Call us today to find out what we can offer you.


Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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