We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Gateshead

Do you live in the North East of England? Are you looking for drug and alcohol services in the Gateshead area? Are you concerned for your welfare, or are you looking for a family and friend referral? If so, be assured that Cassiobury Court is here to help you.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Gateshead

Get Help Now

We offer residential treatment that is close to the Gateshead area.

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Gateshead

Battling a drug or alcohol addiction is a difficult experience, and people want a long-term recovery but do not know what help they can get or where to get it.

Getting the help that you require is often a difficult step to take. Many of our clients speak of feelings of embarrassment or shame.

But when you get in touch with us, we can assure you we will not judge you or your situation – we just want to help you.

Everyone has different reasons for deciding to seek help. For many, the moment is when someone realises that their drug and alcohol abuse is having severe, negative effects on their relationships with family and friends.

They may also have severe financial issues and workplace problems. We have been helping people in Gateshead for a long time and we are able to provide a personalised, structured treatment programme that has a track record of success.

We will also work with you to create follow- up drug and alcohol addiction strategies, which allows you to take back control of your life.

Here at our rehab centre, our team of experienced and caring professionals will help to manage your treatment and long-term recovery.

But we need help from the most important person in this process – you. If you match our passion and commitment towards your recovery, then you will succeed and take back control of your life.

Please contact Cassiobury Court today on 0800 001 4070, or text HELP to 83222 and let’s make a start without delay.

Cocaine Rehab in Gateshead

Suffering from a cocaine addiction can have a physical and psychological impact on an individual, resulting in depression or restlessness, as well as being at high risk of a heart attack. Withdrawal from cocaine can lead to psychological symptoms that can make it hard for users to detox properly and instead, leads them to continue using. At Cassiobury Court, we can help you overcome your addiction with our 28-day rehab programme.

Visiting one of our cocaine rehab centres allows you to detox whilst being medically supervised, as well receive evidence-supported therapy treatments and counselling sessions that are designed to help you manage your addiction and prevent future relapse.

Cannabis Rehab in Gateshead

Cannabis addiction is often associated with significant psychological symptoms when used over a long period of time, often leading to depression or anxiety. If yourself or a loved one are suffering from mental health issues, or any other symptoms, due to excessive cannabis use then we can help.

Our inpatient residential clinics are effective in helping people with a cannabis addiction, offering evidence-supported treatments by medical professionals and counselling sessions that encourage residents to understand their addiction.

Prescription Drug Rehab in Gateshead

Often given to those requiring medication to ease pain symptoms, prescription drugs are easily accessible for the general public and highly addictive which can have a detrimental effect on people’s lives. With years of experience helping residents overcome their prescription drug addiction, Cassiobury Court can help you get your life back on track with our 28-day rehab programme.

When you visit our prescription drug rehab, we provide medically-supervised detox to help ease any withdrawal symptoms, as well as therapy and counselling sessions that allow you to share your experiences with others.

Alcohol Rehab in Gateshead

Do you feel like your alcohol addiction is gone out of control but are too ashamed to tell anyone? We want to let you know that you shouldn’t be ashamed to reach out and seek help. As well as speaking to family and friends about your addiction issues, we are here to help you start your road to recovery.

Following your medically-assisted detox at our alcohol rehab centres, our specialist team will give you the knowledge to beat your addiction to alcohol and manage your bad drinking habits to prevent future relapse.

Long-term recovery

In order to achieve a long-term recovery, we recommend a 28-day commitment to our residential rehab.

Whilst this might seem like a long time to be treated, this gives you the best opportunity for a physical and psychological recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.

You will be free of the stress of your everyday life and you’ll be able to completely focus on your recovery.

One of the biggest benefits of residential rehab is that you can stay away from ongoing bad influences, whether these be people or places that cause you to become involved with drug or alcohol abuse.

There are outpatient treatment programmes available in the Gateshead area, but we do not believe that these allow you to have the optimal approach to your recovery.

These services are available via the NHS or local charities, but you leave their rehabilitation centre at weekends and evenings.

This will place a lot of responsibility on you early into your treatment and many clients do not handle this well and suffer from a relapse.

Private rehab is not the cheapest option, but Cassiobury Court are reasonably priced. We can work with you to find a treatment plan within your budget and there are no hidden fees.

Drug and alcohol addiction treatment is available on the NHS but due to government cuts in the last decade, the waiting lists are prohibitively long. Whilst on the waiting list your condition may worsen and endanger your health.

Why not contact us today for a no obligation addiction consultation?

Pros and Cons of Private Rehab

  • Intensive form of addiction treatment
  • High recovery rates
  • Aftercare support in Gateshead
  • 24/7 support in luxury facilities
  • Treatment programmes can be expensive
  • Rehab may not be in Gateshead
  • May need to take time off work
  • Time away from family and friends

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The importance of a detox clinic

When you first arrive in our care, we’ll perform a thorough assessment of you both physically and mentally. This allows us to get to know you as an individual and plot the best way forward.

Our drug and alcohol services and treatment are bespoke, and we take the time to find out what works best for you.

At this point we can also diagnose any underlying mental health conditions, the probable root cause of your addiction.

This dual diagnosis treatment is essential in relapse prevention – if we treat your underlying condition, we significantly reduce the chances of a relapse in the future.

When we fully understand you and your situation, it’s time for you to enter our detox clinic. There’s no getting around the fact that detox is not pleasant.

It is likely the hardest part of your treatment and you will probably feel like giving up. The purpose of detox is to remove the toxins from your body that have been caused by a sustained period of drug and alcohol abuse.

However, the body will react negatively to this via a series of withdrawal symptoms. These can vary from uncomfortable to somewhat dangerous.

However, when you undergo detox in a Cassiobury Court rehabilitation centre, our staff offer round the clock care and can offer prescription medication to alleviate your discomfort if required.

Therapy in Gateshead

A big part of your rehab in Gateshead is therapy. We combine more traditional therapy treatments, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), stress management and group therapy with more holistic approaches such as art therapy and exercise classes and yoga lessons.

There isn’t a magic cure for a drug or alcohol addiction, this is an illness that you learn to overcome and control. Cassiobury Court will provide you with a fresh new mindset and new outlook on life.

We will give you all the tools you require to take control of your addiction. But you will need to put the work in to ensure that you stay free of drugs and alcohol for the rest of your life.

See how we helped Jack overcome his addiction with our 28-day rehab programme:


When you are preparing to leave our care, we will provide you with a free, comprehensive aftercare plan. This will prepare you for the return to your normal life in Gateshead.

You will be encouraged to join local support groups, who will help you to continue your recovery journey.

You will also have access to a 24-hour helpline in the critical year after your rehab, which is the timeframe in which a recovering addict is their most prone to suffering from a relapse.

Suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction is a difficult and often lonely path. Why not get in touch with Cassiobury Court today on 0800 001 4070, or text HELP to 83222 and see how we can help you?

Free Drug & Alcohol Support in Gateshead

There are also free support options for drug and alcohol addiction in Gateshead. Here are some free options available:

Alcohol Anonymous Meetings in Gateshead

Gateshead Library 

Venue: Gateshead Library, Consort Road, NE8 4LN
Opening hours: 1st Friday each month 10:00 (1hr)

Helpline: 0191 521 4400

Low Fell Keep it Simple

Venue: St Peter’s Church Hall, Kells Lane, Low Fell, NE9 5HY
Opening hours: 18:15 (1hr)
Disabled access: Chit system available

Helpline: 0191 521 4400

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