We have treatment centres for alcohol rehab in Harborne

Published by Raffa Bari

Did you know in Birmingham 16% of all deaths are related to chronic alcohol misuse? Harborne in South Birmingham is one such place that records a higher mortality rate through alcohol in comparison to the rest of the country.

Rehab Treatment in Harborne
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Harborne

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We offer residential treatment that is close to the Harborne area

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Harborne


Beating an addiction to drugs and alcohol requires a great deal of motivation. You need to eliminate the psychological and physical dependency on the substance that you’re addicted to. You will also need to address any behavioural problems that could lead to you becoming an addict in the first place.

Attempting to stop using drugs or alcohol quickly without the help of professionals can be very challenging and can sometimes be very dangerous. This is especially true in cases where there is an underlying physical dependence on the substance.

Drug and alcohol addictions are very bad for your mental and physical health. Many addicts will also experience a range of behavioural changes that are often greatly noticed by the people around them, such as their friends and family members.

If you want your treatment to be a success, you will need to undergo a range of behavioural changes during the course of your treatment. Your recovery program is designed specifically for you, and it will focus on the behavioural changes that are necessary for a full recovery.

Drug and Alcohol Therapy Options in Rehab

When you attend a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Harborne, you will take part in a wide range of different therapy options as a part of your recovery program. You will usually have one to one therapy sessions as well as group therapy sessions.

Your therapy sessions will be run by a qualified professional who will be an expert in working with people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Therapy within a rehab clinic allows patients to identify any mental triggers that may lead to substance abuse.

The therapy sessions within rehab help to teach you how to deal with these mental triggers without having to turn to the substances that you usually would.

Rehab treatments also allow you the opportunity to go through alternative methods such as reflexology and meditation. These ancient types of therapy have been proven to help fight cravings – especially when the rehab treatment is over.

Aftercare and Relapse Prevention After Rehab

Rehab centres offer a great range of benefits, and one of the main benefits is the aftercare program that is offered when you leave rehab. This means that you can continue your treatments and therapies even long after you have left the rehab clinic.

Aftercare sessions will usually include a range of therapies, including group therapy sessions and one to one therapy sessions. This allows you to share your journey and accomplishments with others and will also help you to stay on track with your recovery goals.

There are a number of triggers that may lead to relapse when you return home to your normal setting in Harborne. This is why the aftercare program is so important. You will have regular check-ups and a lot of care and support that is very important for ensuring addicts remain sober.

Is Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Difficult?

Anyone who has suffered from any type of addiction knows that there is nothing easy about it. The same rule applies when it comes to recovering from an addiction as well. There will be many ups and downs that you can expect on the road to addiction recovery, and the temptation to give up will often be quite high.

However, at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre, all of the staff members are trained to look out for any signs of distress and can help you to deal with them in an appropriate manner. So that you can be sure you’re getting proper care, there is always support around you 24 hours a day.

A drug and alcohol rehab centre provides you with a comfortable and safe environment that feels a lot like a home rather than feeling like a clinical setting. You will find that there is a lot of space for you to relax and unwind in the rehab centre, and you can enjoy your experience of recovery rather than letting it feel like it’s a chore.

Rehab will also provide you with various nutritious and healthy meals so that you can always feel your best and aid with your recovery. The staff in the rehab centre are fully trained and will truly understand all of the things that an addict has to go through during their recovery.

The staff in rehab will conduct themselves professionally at all times with the understanding and care that you need. Their aim is to help make your recovery process as simple and calm as possible. You will always be treated with respect, and you will be provided with all of the care and support you need to help reduce any anxieties that you may experience along the way. Your well-being is always prioritised in rehab, and there is always someone around to help keep you motivated when things start to feel a little tough.

Am I Ready For Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment?

Many addicts view the thought of addiction treatment as very overwhelming. However, if you are here reading this now, then that is already a clear sign that you’re ready to take that first step towards addiction recovery.

Through reading this page, you have already proven that you have recognised your addiction and that you know something needs to be done about it. This means that you know that your addiction has become a problem in life and that something needs to be done about this.

There is no better time than now to take control of your life again and tackle your addiction once and for all. No matter the severity of your addiction and no matter how long you’ve been an addict, there is a treatment available for you. It is never too late to get support for your addiction and make your dependency on drugs and alcohol a thing of the past.

The specialist teams in rehab can provide you with a treatment plan that suits your particular level and type of addiction. This means that your chances of making and maintaining a full recovery are at the highest level.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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