We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Hartlepool

Addiction to alcohol or drugs is a serious problem in Hartlepool, as it is in much of the UK. Across 2018-19, alcohol misuse was identified as a ‘concerning factor’ at the end of 5,920 social services assessments across the North East. Drug misuse was identified as an issue at the end of 6,880 or a quarter of all assessments.

And the families referred to social services represent only the tip of the iceberg. Problem drinking and drug misuse can affect people and households of all types, from every part of society and the social spectrum. This drug misuse can easily tip into full-blown addiction and this can be extremely difficult to beat and recover from.

Treatment Hartlepool
Drug and Alcohol Centres Hartlepool

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Hartlepool

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Hartlepool

One of the most effective ways is to attend a treatment program in one of the UK’s dedicated drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres. If you’re looking for rehab in Hartlepool, contact us today to find out how we can help.


Do You or Someone You Know Have a Problem with Drugs or Alcohol?

Addiction can sometimes creep up. A person’s drinking or recreational drug use goes up and up until they find themselves at the point where they cannot get by without it. Many dependent drinkers and drug users will downplay or deny the facts, to themselves and to others.

Some signs that substance misuse has tipped over into full-blown addiction include:

  • > Increased use of the substance
  • > Daily use of the substance
  • > Taking it in larger amounts or for longer periods than intended
  • > Needing more of it to get the same effect
  • > A persistent but unsuccessful desire to cut down the amount you use
  • > Drinking or taking drugs in secret; lying about the extent
  • > Craving the substance when you don’t have it
  • > Feeling ill or ‘wrong’ when you don’t take the substance
  • > Drinking or drug use causing you not to fulfil responsibilities at home, work or school
  • > Missing or giving up other social activities
  • > Using the substance in hazardous circumstances (such as before driving)

The list above is not exhaustive and meeting any one of these criteria does not necessarily mean you have a drug or alcohol addiction. A single one can serve as a warning sign, however, and if several of the above apply to you, it may be time to seek help.


How You Can Help a Loved One

It can be difficult to admit that you have a problem though. These days, addiction is considered to be a disease. It can strike anyone but there is still a stigma attached to it in some quarters. The addict might also feel shame about some of the actions and behaviour associated with their substance misuse and might cling to denial.

This can be extremely painful for family and other loved ones. Addiction does not just affect the addict and can have a detrimental effect on relationships of all kinds. Family members can often feel shame and a sense of failure themselves as they watch their own loved one harm themselves with their addiction.

We can offer completely confidential help and advice for family members and others who believe a person they know is in need of addiction treatment. At the end of the day that person must consent to contact and enter any rehab centres. They cannot be forced but we can offer expert advice on how to approach the subject and talk to a person with an addiction problem.

This could involve staging an intervention. You might think you know how these things should go from films and TV but an intervention is a very delicate and structured process. It is best led by a professional interventionist with input from the people who know the addict best.


The Admission Process

Whether you start the ball rolling or are convinced you need help by concerned friends and family members, you will need to let the rehabilitation team know how best to help you. This will involve an interview during which you will talk about your own circumstances and your drinking or drug use. There are a wide range of treatment options available and the best treatment programmes are always the ones that are tailored towards you as an individual.

The admissions team will have a lot of experience dealing with people from all sorts of backgrounds and with all sorts of addiction and substance misuse problems. They will not be shocked by anything you have to say and will offer a non-judgemental, sympathetic and confidential ear as they work out the right treatment service to ensure your long term recovery.


What to Expect from Rehab

When you enter drug or alcohol rehab the first big step is usually detoxification, commonly known as detox. This is the period where your system metabolises the toxic elements already there – essentially the point where you get clean and sober. This can be a very difficult process and is best done under medical supervision at a professional detox clinic. The physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms can be severe. They are almost always unpleasant and in some cases can be dangerous.

A supervised detox will also be accompanied by a range of drug and alcohol treatment sessions in the form of different therapies. These could include things like cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), group therapy and counselling sessions. Alternative or complementary therapies such as art therapy, mindfulness and diet and nutrition workshops can also get you ready to embrace a healthier lifestyle once you leave our doors.

Drug and alcohol treatment centres can equip you with the tools you need to get clean and stay that way but the process of recovery does not end on the final day of your programme. All recovering addicts face challenges, but we can also provide aftercare that can help you to avoid the risk of relapse.

Addiction is a terrible disease that wrecks lives. Ignoring a problem does not make it go away so contact us today to find out how we can help you to beat your addiction once and for all.

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