We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Maidstone

If you live in the Maidstone area and suffer from drug or alcohol addiction, there is help available. We offer alcohol rehab clinics near Maidstone so that we can provide a wide ranging treatment service for anyone in need. Whether or not this is for drug rehab or alcohol addiction. We are here to help.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Maidstone

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Maidstone

We know the huge impact drugs and alcohol can have on someone’s life. It can completely change a person, from their mood, their health, personality and even their outlook on life. Families are often torn apart by caring for an alcoholic or trying to get them to see the light and join some kind of support service.

It is often impossible to try and force an addict into some kind of alcohol rehab clinic. They either have to have decided ‘enough is enough’ or the process won’t have the same effect. Support groups exist for people who are not quite ready to go into full rehab treatment, but if someone decides to accept any kind of mutual aid then that’s a great first step.


How can alcohol and drugs be so addictive?

Different people all have different addictions. Some people just don’t understand how somebody can be addicted to alcohol. It’s easy for them to stop, so why can’t you? Of course, we know it isn’t that simple and that it takes a lot of courage to even admit you have a problem. The next step is to address it, we can point you towards rehab facilities in or near Maidstone that can provide help.

Some people can start drinking at an early age, this may be due to a bad family situation at home or simply just because they enjoy doing it. After all, drinking alcohol can be fun, but when you can’t stop drinking and it starts to affect your personal and professional life… that’s when it becomes a problem.

Of course, all problems have a solution, if alcohol addiction stems from a bad family history then the person in question may be more suited to one of the support groups we offer. Other people may benefit from rehab treatment that takes away all the person’s bad influences and allows them to concentrate on the wide-ranging amount of treatment programmes available.


“How do I know that I am ready to start treatment”

Only you can answer that question. Even if you may not be fully addicted to drugs and alcohol, treating addiction early on is of the best ways to address the issue. This can be the key point in stopping it from growing into a fully-fledged addiction.

However, If you think you may already be addicted then you should seek help immediately. It may be tempting to address the issue by going ‘cold turkey’, but suddenly stopping drinking or taking something you are addicted to can cause major withdrawal symptoms and be dangerous to your health.

There are a number of signs to look out for to gauge how badly drugs or alcohol addiction may be affecting your life as shown below:

  • Constant feeling of tiredness
  • Not able to focus or keep on task
  • Counting down to your next drink, or drug use
  • Struggling for money fund the drugs and alcohol

If you find you heavily use drugs and alcohol and experience a number of the symptoms of alcohol abuse, then there is no better time to seek drug and alcohol rehab Maidstone than now.


What to expect in rehab

A rehab centre isn’t a scary place, but it can be a little bit intimidating to make yourself walk into at first. You have to remember that first and foremost, we are here to help. We have your best interests in mind and have a dedicated team of staff to help you curb whatever wide ranging addictions you may have. Our service users feel comfortable within minutes of getting started.

Some treatment programmes work great for some people and have no effect on others. We will analyse your problem and try to find the root cause of the addiction. Once we have found this, we will be able to work out how best to treat you. Our rehab centre offers a wide ranging variety of treatment service to not only get you to stop using, but also to stay clean.

One of the treatment programmes we offer at the drug and alcohol rehab centres located near Maidstone are group sessions, these are useful in creating a bond with other people who suffer the same problem, it lets you know that you are not alone.

Therapy sessions are also available to help find any root causes of addiction but also to keep an eye on your mental health. We also focus on withdrawal and relapse management and have a team of medical professionals who are able to care for you if you have any bad symptoms. As well as all of this, our addiction counsellors in the West Kent area are on hand to help you through the whole process.

If you have any problems after you have completed the treatment programmes or feel that you are going to relapse, we are only a phone call away and will be able to talk you through what to do. We are also here for you to book into rehab treatment again if you feel you need it.


Get help today from our drug and alcohol rehab facilities in the  Maidstone area

If you believe you are ready to start your recovery journey. Don’t wait until the right time to get in touch, as soon as you make that first step and get the ball rolling the better. The longer you leave it, the more difficult it becomes to treat. With our help, you will be addiction-free before you know it.

Our facilities near the Maidstone area can be easily accessed by public transport. If you require any help on finding us or getting here, just give us a quick call on the number below.

If you need any further information on anything you have read today, or simply want to get in touch to start the process of healing, then don’t hesitate to get in touch on 0800 001 4070. If you prefer not to use the phone then we can also be contacted by filling in the short form on this page.

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