We have treatment centres for alcohol rehab in Radcliffe

Published by Raffa Bari

Cassiobury Court’s private rehab centre provides high-quality treatment and support for those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Our expert team is well-versed in working with people with addictions and various mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

If you are based in Radcliffe, Greater Manchester, get in touch with us for help today on 0800 001 4070.

Rehab Treatment in Radcliffe
Drug and Alcohol Centres in Radcliffe

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We offer residential treatment that is close to the Radcliffe area.

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Radcliffe

How Do I Ask for Help for a Drug and Alcohol Addiction?

Many people who are struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction find it incredibly difficult to recover from home. Addiction can have seriously detrimental effects on your mental and physical health, as well as being hard for your loved ones. It’s important to put your well-being first, and reaching out for help allows you to do just that.

There are several ways you can seek help for a drug or alcohol addiction, including:

Speaking to your GP

Your GP can help you with addiction by assessing your health, providing referrals and letting you know about the different treatment options available.

Contacting a Rehab Centre

Rehab facilities (also known as residential treatment) provide onsite intensive treatment for addictions and mental health issues over a period of time.

Behavioural treatments

Behavioural treatments can help you to understand your addiction and introduce you to healthy coping mechanisms to help you manage your mental health.

Going to a support group

Attending a support group will allow you to talk about your struggles with people who understand and empathise with you.


What is the Right Kind of Help for me?

If your addiction is making your day-to-day life challenging in Radcliffe, it may be appropriate for you to reach out to a drug or alcohol rehab centre. At Cassiobury Court, our residential treatment is uniquely designed to provide people with addictions with the best possible support.

Not sure if rehab is right for you? Our friendly, expert team are happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact Cassiobury Court by calling us on 0800 001 4070 or emailing us at info@cassioburycourt.com.


Side Effects of Short and Long-term Abuse

Some people think that negative side effects from drugs or alcohol only occur after long-term use. However, there are several unpleasant side effects of short-term substance abuse that you may not realise is related to addiction.

Some short-term side effects of alcohol or drug abuse are:

  • Withdrawals
  • Feeling very low energy (crashing)
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Feeling paranoid
  • Hallucinating
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • Getting very irritable (short tempered)
  • Depression

In addition to these side effects, there are also long-term side effects you can experience that can pose a severe risk to your physical and mental health.

Long-term side effects of drug or alcohol abuse include:

  • Major depression
  • Early-onset Alzheimer’s
  • Schizophrenia
  • Hallucinating
  • Extreme paranoia
  • Psychosis
  • Damage to internal organs

As well as negatively affecting your mind and body, drug and alcohol addiction can majorly disrupt your life – including your personal relationships, finances, job and hobbies.


The Benefits of Private Rehab

Private Drug and Alcohol Rehab is extremely beneficial for people who are unable to recover from home, or who are lacking a support network in their life. It can be dangerous to attempt to recover from addiction alone, so finding the right support and treatment for you is crucial.

At Cassiobury Court’s Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centre, you can expect comfortable, high-quality accommodation alongside compassionate, expert treatment. Our skilled team are with you for every step of your recovery journey.

Residential treatment can provide you with a much-needed escape from ordinary life. A change of scene combined with bespoke treatment can lead you down a path of long-term recovery.


What Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Involve?

There are several stages to addiction treatment at Cassibobury Court. These include drug and alcohol detox, therapy and aftercare.

The Clinical Detox Stage

To begin your treatment, our experienced clinical detox team works to rid your body of harmful toxins and safely reduce your drug or alcohol intake over time. Each of our clients can expect 24-hour support, allowing you to be guided through the withdrawal symptoms that come with detox. Our clinical team puts your safety first, making sure the detox process is uniquely tailored to your body and needs.

Therapeutic Rehabilitation

We provide several specialist therapy sessions to help clients work through issues and concerns, as well as equip them with the tools they need to sustain long-term recovery. Some forms of therapy we offer include cognitive behavioural therapy, talking therapies, group counselling, family therapies and art therapy.

We believe long-term recovery through medication alone is very rare, our therapy allows us to give our clients the best chance of getting their lives back on track.


Post-rehab, we offer aftercare services that are invaluable for guiding you through the challenges of sober living. Aftercare can be accessed for a year after the completion of rehab for free. We do this to support you throughout the process of recovery.

Working through a post-residential addiction treatment basis, our aftercare can help to make sobriety easier.


What are the services provided through Cassiobury Court Rehab?

At our Rehab Centre, you can expect:

  • A Full Clinical Assessment
  • Detox Medication & Treatments
  • 24/7 Recovery Staffing
  • Family Telephone Helpline
  • A Tailored Recovery Plan
  • 12 Months FREE Aftercare
  • Family Intervention
  • Bespoke Day Case Options
  • Treatment To Suit All Budgets
  • Private, Secure Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centre


How Do I Refer a Family Member to a Rehab Centre?

If you’re concerned about a family member going through drug or alcohol addiction, you can refer them to one of our rehab centres in the UK. Learn more about our family referrals process.


Contact our team About Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Our comfortable, secure accommodation in Radcliffe is a safe space for our visitors to relax and recover. If you’re struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, you’re in safe hands with our team. We’re committed to helping all of our clients overcome their challenges and live the life they want.

Reach out to us by calling 0800 001 4070, or filling out our contact form.


Frequently Asked Questions

Rehab treatment plans come in all shapes and sizes, therefore different treatment plans can cost different amounts. Cassiobury Court’s inpatient treatment plan, the plan which we strongly recommend for the highest chances of a long-term recover from addiction, may be more expensive than most outpatient programmes, but the extra cost will be worth it. We are also able to accommodate all manner of budgets, so the best way to find out our price plans will be to contact our helpline.

Here at Cassiobury Court we want to make sure that our rehabilitation centres are comfortable and welcoming. Our residential rehab will provide you with a warm, private, ensuite room for you to enjoy during your stay. Furthermore, you will have three home-cooked meals provided for you each day, all cooked by our nutritional specialist chefs. We also have recreational and entertainment suites/areas for you to relax and unwind when you are not engaged with one of our state-of-the-art treatments

Rehab programmes can vary, often due to the fact that some people opt for inpatient and some people opt for outpatient treatment. However, the majority of the inpatient treatment plans that we provide here at Cassiobury Court typically last for around 28 days. This might seem like quite a long time to be with us, but the time will fly by.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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