We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Salisbury

Do you live in Wiltshire?  Have you been searching for a suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Salisbury?  Why not consider attending our residential rehab instead?

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Salisbury

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We offer residential treatment that is close to the Salisbury area.

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Salisbury

Addictions impair the lives of thousands of people across the United Kingdom each year.  If you are one of the many people suffering from a substance addiction in silence, we are here to help you.


How Do I Know When My Addiction Is Something To Worry About?

When it comes to drug and alcohol addictions, there is a common misconception that an addiction has to be somewhat severe before help can be sought.

Many individuals will ask if their addiction is severe enough to attend rehab.  Others will believe that because they have not been suffering from an addiction for a significant length of time, they do not need help.

With this in mind, individuals that do not believe that their addiction is a severe problem will be hesitant about seeking support. However, you must reach out for help regardless.

If you know that you are addicted to drugs and alcohol, failure to obtain professional support could have a catastrophic impact on your physical and psychological health.

Considering this, we would advise you to contact us as soon as you recognise that you have become addicted to drugs or alcohol.

Upon doing so, we will ask you to tell us about the substance that you have become addicted to and how long you have been addicted to it.  We will also ask you if you have any of the following symptoms;

  • – Nausea
  • – Frequent headaches
  • – Increased anxiety
  • – Insomnia and trouble sleeping
  • – Memory loss
  • – Inability to concentrate
  • – Mood swings
  • – Weight loss

Based on the answers to your questions, we will begin to determine the overall impact that your addiction has had on your life.  We will also be able to recommend treatment that will help you overcome your addiction.


Why Should I Visit A Drug and Alcohol Rehab In Salisbury?

As our admissions team delves into the treatment options available to you, you may still wonder why you should visit a drug and alcohol rehab in Salisbury.

You might even believe that you can recover from your addiction on your own.  However, we highly advise against this.

Addictions are diseases that require professional treatment.  Failure to attend a drug and alcohol rehab for treatment will see your addiction become worse.  Eventually, your addiction could spiral beyond your control and have irreversible repercussions.


What Are The Benefits Of Attending A Rehab Away From Home?

As you decide that the time is right for you to look for a rehabilitation centre that can help you overcome your addiction, your first thoughts may be to consider a drug and alcohol rehab in Salisbury.

You will likely believe this is in the best interest of both yourself and your family as you will be able to return home to them in the evenings and be close by in case of an emergency.

However, we would encourage you to look further afield and contemplate attending a rehab away from home. We understand that you may not think this is in your best interest, but there are several benefits of attending a rehab elsewhere.

Often, the factors that influence addictions surround those battling every day.  From stress at work to friendship circles and problems at home, issues that you would consider to be minuscule can contribute to an addiction.

Taking yourself away from your everyday life and attending a residential rehab like ours can offer you the greatest chance of overcoming your addiction once and for all.

As you settle into our residential rehab, you will have the time you need to reflect on your home life and address any factors that have caused your addiction to arise.

In turn, you will be able to work towards developing coping strategies that will prevent you from relapsing as you return home.


What If I Have Not Told Anyone That I Am Suffering From An Addiction?

Regardless of whether you have only recently identified that you have a drug or alcohol addiction, or have been suffering for quite some time, it is not uncommon for you to want to keep your battles private.

Unfortunately, the number of people that are suffering from drug or alcohol addictions and are reluctant to confide in others is greater than the number of people seeking help.

This is down to various factors such as shame, embarrassment and the stigmas that come hand in hand with addictions.

You may believe that keeping your addiction a secret is in the best interest of the ones you love. However, as your addiction spirals beyond your control, it will begin to have negative repercussions on your relationships.

Although you may have reservations, confiding in someone that you trust can help you begin to relieve yourself of your internal battles.  It will also preserve your relationships.

We understand that you may be worried about what others will think of you as you admit to suffering with a drug or alcohol addiction, but you must remember that those that genuinely care for you will wholeheartedly support you as you begin your addiction recovery journey at a drug and alcohol rehab in Salisbury.

If you are unsure of how to tell your friends, family or even employer that you are suffering from a drug and alcohol addiction, we can help you.

When you contact our admissions team, not only will we conduct a pre-admissions assessment to evaluate the treatment you need, but we can help conclude how best to discuss your addiction with your loved ones.


Contact Our Admissions Team Today

If you are ready to seek support from a drug and alcohol rehab in Salisbury, or further away from home, please do not hesitate to contact us.

When it comes to addictions, time truly is of the essence.  The sooner you contact us, the sooner you can start your addiction treatment.

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