Drug and Alcohol Rehab Sudbury

Published by Raffa Bari

Overcoming a drug or alcohol addiction involves a long road to recovery. You will need to conquer a physical and psychological dependence on addictive substances and change your behaviour, providing you with a different perspective on addiction.
Treatment in Sudbury
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Sudbury

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Sudbury

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Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Sudbury

Defeating drug and alcohol abuse without professional assistance and support is as dangerous as it is difficult. Where a physical dependency has developed and worsened over time, the body will react with drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms if you attempt to completely cut addictive substances from your life in one fell swoop.

Addictions have a profound impact on both physical and mental health and it is the behavioural elements that are most concerning to friends and family.

You may be researching family drug support, or family and friend referral, as you might have recognised the symptoms of extreme weight loss, someone losing their job and descending into a life of dishonesty to fund a habit, sudden financial hardship and a complete alteration in personality – the tell tale signs of a drug and alcohol abuse.

In order for successful drug and alcohol treatment, and a long-term recovery, you will need to make enormous changes to your behaviour during your drug and alcohol rehab. Your recovery is dependent on how willing you are to make the necessary changes.

At Cassiobury Court, you will be offered personalised treatment, including a comprehensive assessment of your health and a treatment plan that suits your requirements.

Why not contact us today to find out more about the treatment options we offer, how to choose rehab, how long is rehab and what to expect at rehab?

Admissions Process

Our admissions team will conduct an initial telephone consultation with you when you first get in touch with us. They will establish basic facts, like the substances you’re addicted to, how much you consume and your home situation.

Drug and Alcohol services in Sudbury

When you complete your initial assessment, we will provide you with the variety of options that Cassiobury Court can offer you. We provide the highest quality inpatient and outpatient treatments.

Inpatient treatments take place in our rehabilitation centre. The idea of removing yourself from everyday life can seem intimidating to clients at first, but inpatient treatment allows you to take the time you need for an effective long-term recovery.

This residential treatment takes place in our rehab clinic where you are able to recover in safety and with supervision. We generally recommend this kind of treatment for those who are suffering with an advanced addiction and who do not have a supportive home life, or a home life that may cause them to resort to further drug and alcohol abuse.

Outpatient treatment options allow you to receive treatment at times convenient to you, and to return home to your family at an evening and for the duration of weekends. This kind of treatment is effective for those who have an excellent support network and are experiencing mild addiction symptoms.

You may be aware that the NHS also offers rehab in Sudbury. Whilst this may be free, it is not always the best option. Waiting lists can be extensive and whilst you’re waiting for your treatment to begin, your addiction could deepen and your recovery be made more difficult.

Private rehab is a more expensive option, but Cassiobury Court are committed to finding a treatment option that works for you. If you have been searching the internet for “rehab near me” then please discuss your options with us.

How Rehab works

The majority of our clients begin their treatment in the detox clinic. Detoxification is the process of removing the toxins that build up in your body as a consequence of drug and alcohol abuse. Drug or alcohol detox is an uncomfortable process, but you will have the support of our staff.

We provide a medically assisted detox that tapers your access to addictive substances gradually. Whilst you will still experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms you will not have to endure a sudden shock to your system.

Withdrawal symptoms are caused by your body craving the substances it is being denied. Some of these symptoms are mild, like sweating, some are dangerous like excessive shaking. A DIY detox at home is not recommended and you should always seek professional assistance when trying to come off drugs or alcohol.

Therapy options

Cassiobury Court offer a wide range of therapies to aid with your recovery. The goal of therapies is to discover why you have developed an addiction and how to change your behaviours moving forwards. Mental health conditions are often left undiagnosed but are responsible for the development of an addiction. If we identify any mental health conditions, we will perform dual diagnosis treatment alongside addiction treatment.

We will look to alter your addictive behaviours via talking therapies, like Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). These one on one sessions, alongside stress management, will help to change your perspective on addictive substances.

Therapies also take place on a group basis – you will be able to interact with your peers on daily sessions and help to motivate each other through your recoveries.


Your approach to your recovery is as critical during your aftercare as it is during your rehab. You will be provided with an aftercare plan with long-term recovery and relapse prevention in mind.

You will have unrestricted access to a 24-hour helpline staffed by our experts, be invited to regular follow up sessions and be put in touch with local support groups so you can continue to share your experiences, and learn from that of others.

A medically assisted detox allows us to control the withdrawal symptoms as you break your dependency. We do this by slowing tapering away your access to addictive substances, and by prescribing medication that acts as a sedative. This minimises the impact of the often uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

Relapse prevention planning is part of your aftercare – we will provide you with a plan to follow if you experience temptation. There are helpful tips, reminders of everything you’ve learned and access to a 24-hour helpline should you feel like you need further support.

You can begin to lift the clouds of a drug or alcohol addiction today by getting in touch with Cassiobury Court. There are no waiting lists for our services, and we can provide you with expert private rehab immediately.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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