We have Treatment Centres for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Taunton

Drug and alcohol addiction are serious afflictions that can take hold of anyone.

Controlling these types of addictions and becoming free of them is incredibly hard to thing to do, but something that every addict can achieve.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Taunton

Get Help Now

We offer residential treatment that is close to the Taunton area.

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Taunton

Recognising that you or a loved one is in need of help is a step that a lot of people cannot, or will not, face up to. Just the realisation of the problem is a victory.

If you are in this mindset and want to recover, then getting into a drug and alcohol rehab centre may be the best path forward for you.

Attempting addiction recovery outside of a facility, on your own, is a hard road to walk that has a greater danger of leading to relapse.

Former addicts have found that the best way to achieve and maintain long term sobriety is to undergo a comprehensive addiction recovery programme, guided by professionals.

Here at Cassiobury Court, we understand the difficult road of recovery and that rehab treatment can seem like a daunting task. Rehab is not just one large step, it’s many smaller steps that ultimately lead to you or a loved one having a better life.

We’ll be with you every step of the way.


Choosing a drug and alcohol rehab in Taunton

When it comes to deciding on where to undergo addiction treatment, in Taunton or at one of our other rehab centres, there are some things to consider.

If you are local to Taunton, then going to a residential rehab centre close by may be what you are looking for. The sense of familiarity in the area and closeness to loved ones, in which they can easily visit you, might be a boost to your recovery.

Some people, while needing time away to undergo rehabilitation, feel better knowing that they still have that social connection to the outside world.

On the other hand, our rehab centre in Taunton might be the ideal place for you or a loved one if you are coming from further afield.

People looking to break out of the cycle of addiction sometimes find it better to remove themselves from the environments that fostered their addictions.


Why Cassiobury Court?

Whatever you decide, people that choose to become an inpatient at a residential rehab centre rather than working to recovery on an outpatient basis are more likely to be more successful in recovery.

At Cassiobury Court, we offer premier accommodation and personalised care that is built around aiding your recovery.

There is round the clock support available and there are medical professionals on hand to assist you through an extremely difficult time.

Here we believe in a holistic approach to recovery that is built around a culture of openness. There is no shame in being in recovery as you and every other person at our centres have decided that they want to better themselves. Removing the stigma from attending alcohol and drug rehab is important to us.

No matter the help you or a loved one needs to recover, Cassiobury Court is there to help.

Beginning the journey

As stated above, being here on and looking for rehab centres is the first step to recovery – the next step is admissions.

Before Admission 
The admissions process at Cassiobury Court is thorough and straightforward. After your initial inquiry, there will be a pre-admission screening.

This is a quick and easy process that can be done in around 20 minutes, in whatever way you wish – online, over the phone, in person.

We do this screening to figure out the best course of treatment for you or your loved one so that you get the best care. After this is done an admission date can be decided.

It is at this point that a deposit will need to be made to secure a spot at one of our rehab centres.

Admission Day 
Once you or a loved one has decided to undergo treatment, it’s best to move quickly, so admission day tends to come around fast.

On the day a member of our recovery team will show you around once you arrive and help you settle in. There will be time to unpack and become familiarised with the surroundings.

We understand that this initial part of recovery is a lot to take in and some adjustment time may be needed.

Once you’ve settled in you will meet with the specialist doctor. This meeting is so the doctor can understand your addiction more and formulate a prescribing plan that will meet your detoxification needs.


What to expect at our drug and alcohol rehab centres

After the initial arrival and settling day period, the real work of recovery begins. Below is the path you can expect to undergo when coming to one of our facilities.

Detoxing is a major step on the journey of recovery, and perhaps the hardest one to face. At Cassiobury Court, we believe that before anyone can work on the mental aspect of their addiction, the physical side must be addressed.

Detoxification is the act of cleansing the body of harmful toxins in the body. Detoxing alone without professional help is a very dangerous thing to attempt and, whilst it can be done, people who do it are much more likely to relapse.

At our rehab centres, we use medical detoxification to help you or a loved one rid of the drugs or alcohol from the body.

The medical detoxification done in our treatment centres is completely safe and gives you a better chance at long term recovery.

Removing the poisonous toxins allows you to have a clear mind and body. With this starting platform, you can begin to think about what it is that led you to your addiction and deal with the real disease now that the worst of the symptoms have been treated.

Detoxing is seen as scary due to the withdrawal symptoms that are common when coming off substances. Symptoms such as headaches, nausea and increased levels of anxiety might seem mild, but in the throes of detoxing, make for a painful experience.

Here at Cassiobury Court you or your loved one will have constant support to help through the worse of the detoxing process. It’s a necessary part of rehabilitation and after detoxification has finished the real work of rehab can begin.

Our addiction treatment programme is wide-ranging, designed to help every person at our centres achieve full recovery that is lasting and improves their mental health. We help you achieve this goal through a mix of therapies and approaches.

One on one therapy – A big chunk of your time here will involve one on one sessions with a professional. During these sessions, you may investigate the reasons behind your addiction and deeper-lying issues that are affecting you in an adverse way.

You will also have one to one recovery planning, creating goals that you can reach and celebrate, helping you stick to your treatment path.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – CBT is a talking treatment based on identifying negative patterns in your life and figuring out ways to deal with problems so that these patterns can be overcome.

It’s about dealing with current problems, rather than looking into the past, and helping you change your mindset daily to become more positive.

Group Therapy – Another aspect of treatment in one of our centres is group talk therapy. The benefits of participating in group therapy are innumerable.

Amongst peers, you can see that you are not alone in the struggle of recovery and have people around you that understand your journey and can help you through it.

Group therapy also helps maintain a social aspect of life that can be lost within the confines of a residential rehab centre.

Holistic Therapies – These types of therapies are built around the idea of wellness and mindfulness. A holistic approach to recovery means that the entire person should be addressed, rather than just focussing on the sickness.

Treatment such as yoga, art therapy and massage can help you to stop concentrating on your addiction and become aware of everything within yourself and help improve your self-esteem.

Aftercare – After completing your stay at a rehab centre, the act of leaving can seem overwhelming. For so long just the act of going to rehab and completing it seemed like the end goal, but now the rest of your life is waiting.

That’s where our aftercare comes in.

We have specialists that focus on relapse prevention that help establish a complete aftercare plan to help you stay sober. This process begins as soon as you finish treatment at our rehab centre.

After attending a residential rehab centre, we offer a free 12-month aftercare support package to help you in this transition period.

You will have access to an aftercare support team comprising of medical professionals, volunteers (often former clients) and people you met during your stay.

Our care of you or a loved one doesn’t end when you leave our doors. We provide all this to help your long-term recovery and can offer support if you happen to relapse.


Take the first step today

If you think that you or a loved one needs help, then don’t delay in contacting us. Call us at 01923 369 161 or text HELP to 83222 to begin your journey to recovery.

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