Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centres in Worthing

Published by Raffa Bari

If you seek treatment to a drug or alcohol addiction in Worthing we are well placed to help out. If you are seeking treatment for yourself, a loved one or a friend, our expert dedicated rehab programme is designed to combat your specific addiction.

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Worthing

Recent data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has shown that drug-related deaths have reached their highest levels in England and Wales since 1993 when the ONS first began keeping records. According to the ONS’s figures, opiates, typically heroin and morphine, are the most commonly abused drugs in the UK but deaths from the use of cocaine also doubled in the last three years.

Despite the closing of many government-funded rehabilitation clinics, there is still hope for drug addicts as private residential drug rehab or alcohol rehab programmes are filling the void for people who live in the Worthing area. If you are determined to end your addiction to drugs or alcohol, then your best chance of success is in a residential rehab facility.


Residential rehab provides the best environment for both detoxification and rehabilitation

Drug and alcohol rehab is not a quick fix and recovering from drug and alcohol addiction is a complex and lifelong process but entering a residential rehab treatment centre can be the first step on your road to recovery.

And statistically, detoxification and rehabilitation are far more successful for people who enter a residential rehab centre rather than those who try to quit on their own or follow the outpatient route. A residential treatment centre will offer you a number of personalised treatment options and therapies that will give you the best chance of making a full long-term recovery.

The first step on the long road to a full recovery is admitting you have a problem. The rehab process will never be successful unless you are able to admit that you have a problem with drugs or alcohol, and you are willing to buy into the rehab process.

If you can’t do that then you will never be able to get clean and as part of your addiction treatment, a medical professional will need to have an in-depth discussion with you about your addiction. They will need this information to establish a clear picture of your addiction, including the substances you abuse, the severity of your addiction, the length of time that you have been addicted and what rehab treatments you have tried in the past.

Family support is integral to the rehab process and many residential rehab treatment programmes offer family counselling as part of your therapy. It is important to have a good support network when you leave the addiction treatment facility as they are the people who will help you through the recovery process. Your family members may also benefit from the counselling as it will give them a clearer understanding of your addiction and the things that trigger it.

Along with cognitive behavioural therapy and other treatment options, at our residential drug and alcohol rehab facilities in the Worthing area, you will also be able to share your substance misuse story during group therapy sessions and learn from the experiences of other addicts. This holistic approach is an integral part of the recovery process and it will enable you to overcome your negative behavioural patterns.

Another part of the residential rehab process is clinical or medically assisted detox. Medical detox is about weaning your body of the substances that it has become addicted to and this can be a stressful and even life-threatening process. Alcohol and drug abuse affect the chemical balance in your brain and as soon as you stop drinking alcohol or taking drugs that your body has become reliant on, you will experience withdrawal symptoms.

These symptoms can range from mild headaches and nausea to serious issues like delirium traumas and seizures. During medically assisted detox you will be given prescription medication to help your body cope with the more serious side effects of your withdrawal symptoms. The duration of your detox process will depend on the length and severity of your addiction. After detox, you will go through the rehab process and have access to various forms of therapies, the entire programme typically takes 28-days.


What to expect when you leave our drug and alcohol rehab centre

In order for your treatment to be successful, you need to understand that rehab is not a miracle cure for addiction, it is part of an ongoing process. Your recovery isn’t complete the day you leave one of our drug and alcohol rehab treatment and return to your community in Worthing. Once your time in the treatment centre is complete you still have a long battle ahead of you to stay sober, but our aftercare plan is designed to help reduce the chances of relapsing.

During your stay in the drug and rehab centre, our team of medical professionals, addiction counsellors and psychologists will help you develop the tools and skills you need to remain drug-free after rehab. We will teach you strategies that will enable you to recognise and cope with your addiction triggers and avoid temptation. As part of your ongoing recovery, it is highly advisable that you join a specialist addiction support organisation in your community, and we will put you in contact with a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

Our residential drug and alcohol rehab centres are the perfect environment for the treatment of addiction. We offer round the clock supervision and medical care, helping you through detox and supporting you in your recovery process. Our treatment facility offers comfortable accommodation with well-appointed single rooms set in serene surroundings where you can relax and focus entirely on your treatment. Our rehab facilities also have individual therapy rooms, multipurpose group activity rooms and comfortable communal lounge and dining areas.

Our residential drug and alcohol rehab treatment programme is designed to guide and support you on your road to successful long-term recovery. Our holistic approach to therapy, coupled with medically assisted detox, is developed to help you deal with both your addiction and the underlying issues. Whether you are looking for information, advice or want to commit to treatment, we are here for you so please make use of our free 24/7callback service.

We offer help for drug and alcohol addiction in many parts of East Sussex, including Worthing, Hove, Eastbourne and more.

Contact us today and we can help you take your first steps on the road to a full recovery.




Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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