We have Treatment Centres for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Dover

Published by Raffa Bari

While the action of a drug and alcohol addiction may be mutual, the causation of such behaviours is in fact a personal reaction, identified as a trigger. Addiction triggers can be anything from an influential setting to a toxic relationship, to heightened stress levels and to mental health concerns.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Dover

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Dover

Down to the fact that triggers can be random, that they are personal, and are unpredictable, it is important that recovering addicts understand their own causation of addiction. Not only is this recommended to help initial recovery, but also to support sustainable long-term recovery forecasts.

With this in mind, here at Cassiobury Court, we ensure that our clients are fully educated and aware of how their addiction has developed, how it’s impacting them and how to move forward beyond their habit. We incorporate this approach into our rehabilitation programmes, which must be completed to overcome addiction and such triggers.

If you’re therefore looking to recover, we understand that you may be considering the option of visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Dover. Yet by visiting our website, we also encourage you to consider our offering of specialist residential rehab, offering personal insights, recommendations and programmes, for now, and for the future.


The importance of understanding your triggers

You may already be aware of your personal triggers, motivating the consumption of drugs and alcohol. However, for many individuals, triggers are digested on a deep level, meaning that most individuals are unaware of such influences in the moment.

Addiction triggers can fluctuate on a significant scale, can be extremely random, and are commonly quite personal and sensitive. They can be anything from past trauma, to the influence of an unhealthy relationship, to mental health issues, and to influential environments.

It’s also important to note that some individuals have increased susceptibility to addiction, down to genetic weaknesses, meaning that the most minimal trigger can amount to significant substance abuse.

Currently, you may be unaware of what started or developed your drug and alcohol addiction. Yet, in order to recover, understanding your triggers is very important. Not only can it help you understand how to recover in the moment, but it will also help you manage relapse prevention, by reducing exposure to your triggers.

We at Cassiobury Court fully back the need to highlight causations of drug and alcohol abuse, especially at a psychological level. This may be offered to you via an alcohol or drug rehab in Dover. Yet we urge you to check if you are interested in local recovery, as insight can support your rehabilitation capabilities.


Recovering via a drug and alcohol rehab in Dover

As we’ve shared above, if you select to recover from a drug and alcohol rehab in Dover, it’s encouraged that you consider their approach to physical and psychological addiction recovery. In tandem with such considerations, it’s also wise to look into the realism of localised recovery, and how such challenges are minimised through rehab.

Localised recovery can be extremely tough for some individuals, especially those with environmental or emotional triggers. While residential rehab in Dover can be experienced, the sense of familiarity can motivate the resurfacing of triggers. With this in mind, this is something to think about if you are emotionally driven or easily influenced by drugs and alcohol.

Support worker holding hand in drug and alcohol rehab Dover


Cocaine rehab in Dover

Our cocaine rehab programmes are designed to promote long-lasting recovery for residents who stay in our private rehab centre. If you are struggling with cocaine abuse and have developed an addiction that you find difficult to overcome alone, reach out to our admissions team today.

Our cocaine rehab consists of the cocaine withdrawal process followed by a variety of addiction treatments. Cocaine withdrawal symptoms are typically psychological and can include strong cravings and insomnia, as well as mental health symptoms such as depression and anxiety.

During this period, you will be provided with medical support and may be prescribed prescription medications to make this period as smooth as possible.

Therapies offered after the withdrawal process include group therapy, individual counselling sessions, mindfulness techniques and more. Get in touch today to learn more about our rehab programme.


Cannabis rehab in Dover

Cannabis addiction affects thousands of people and may require professional addiction treatment to overcome. If you find that you depend on weed to function daily or struggle not to smoke cannabis within a day, you most likely require cannabis rehab treatment.

Our cannabis rehab programme involves cannabis withdrawal followed by therapy treatments to help you overcome cannabis for good.

Learn more about our cannabis rehab programme here.


Prescription drug rehab in Dover

Prescription drug addiction to painkillers, sleeping tablets and cough medicines can completely ruin your life if substance abuse takes over. We offer specialist rehab treatment for people suffering from opioid addiction – learn more about our prescription drug rehab here.

Our residential rehab programmes begin with a prescription drug detox to end your body’s dependence on drugs. This process typically takes 7-10 days, and drug withdrawal symptoms can be very uncomfortable.

You will be provided with detox medications to help manage withdrawal and monitored throughout the process. Withdrawal symptoms can include nausea, insomnia, sweating, chills, cravings, headaches and more. However, with the support of professionals you will be able to overcome prescription drug addiction in Dover.

Addiction treatment therapies include talking therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, one-to-one therapy, group sessions and more.


Alcohol rehab in Dover

Are you suffering from alcohol addiction? Residential rehab for alcohol addiction is the best and most intensive way to recover and sustain recovery in Dover.

Our residential alcohol rehab offers intensive and tailored treatment to people who struggle with alcohol abuse. No matter how severe your alcoholism is or your addiction history, our team of medical professionals can support you in recovery today.

Alcohol detox typically takes 5-7 days, during which alcohol withdrawal symptoms will be experienced. These are monitored and treated by our team of recovery professionals who ensure the process is as safe as possible.

Therapies and aftercare are later provided to ensure that you continue your recovery and understand your relapse triggers.



Overcoming your triggers here at Cassiobury Court

Through our residential rehab here in Watford, you can expect to learn and overcome your triggers. This is possible by firstly assessing your drug and alcohol addiction, on your admission into rehab. Understandably, this step will be emotionally challenging and may resurface old wounds. Yet, by doing so and by opening up on a confidential basis, you’ll have greater chances of wiping the slate clean.

Once we’re aware of what’s driving your drug and alcohol consumption, we will then recommend treatment services, from our range, to help you overcome your causation.

Commonly, standard treatment services such as detoxification, for both alcohol and drugs, therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and stress management will be completed. Yet, depending on your personal needs and mental health, additional treatments may be endorsed.

Addiction treatment services will help to unravel the presence that your triggers have had. However, we will also work with you, through talking therapies, through relapse prevention and through lifestyle changes, to help you overcome your personal triggers.

For example, if your home environment has caused your drug and alcohol addiction, we will evaluate the key contributing factors. From here, we will advise on positive lifestyle changes, to make on your return to Dover, to help you reduce those factors. Your relapse prevention plan will also include steps to reduce exposure to drug and alcohol influences.


Sustaining recovery through positive lifestyle choices

Sobriety is all about sustaining your lifestyle choices. Of course, on a post-rehab basis, relapse risks will present themselves, reducing the viability of your lifestyle. However, if you can secure new lifestyle choices, through rehab, you’ll have a greater chance at maintaining them on a post-rehab basis.

This is something we focus on through our rehab programmes, by promoting positive environments, positive relationships with oneself and others, positive routines and positive coping strategies.

Ultimately, alongside withdrawing from drugs and alcohol, and disconnecting from them emotionally, we hope that rehab can help you learn new ways of coping, beyond your triggers.

Through such an aim, recovery rates can be greater, as you’ll know how to personally manage your exposure on a post-rehab basis. With this in mind, our rehab offering focuses on generic rehabilitation and rebuild, but also sustainable recovery.

In tandem with your rehab steps, we also offer aftercare services and guidance to help you maintain your lifestyle choices. A schedule of aftercare services will be promoted to help you adapt to an independent yet controlled routine.

If you select a drug and alcohol rehab in Dover to recover from, we cannot guarantee this approach of addiction recovery. Yet through our clinic, you can expect it as a customary offering, to turn possibilities into strong capabilities.

Contact our team for more information on how our approach to rehab can benefit you.


Pros and Cons of Private Rehab

  • Leading addiction treatments
  • 24/7 peer support from others
  • Regular aftercare meetings
  • Access to luxury facilities
  • Treatment can be expensive
  • Short relocation required
  • Time off work/responsibilities
  • Time away from loved ones

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AA and NA Meetings in Dover

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in Dover

  • Dover Beginners

Friday 7 pm

St Peter & St Pauls Church Hall, St Alphege Road, CT16 2PU

  • Dover Into Action

Wednesday 7:30 pm

St Mary’s Parish Centre, Cannon Street, CT16 1BY

Narcotics Anonymous Meetings in Dover

  • Topics of Recovery

Saturday 7:30 pm

Footprints, Beacon Church, London Road, Dover, CT17 0SS

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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