Seek Treatment in a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centre in Northumberland

Published by Raffa Bari

If you are a long-term addiction sufferer, then you will understand all of the damage that addiction can have on your wellbeing. The pain caused by addictions can be very overwhelming. Also, as addiction is a progressive disorder, it will only get worse if you just leave it untreated. You may even be putting your life at risk by continuing your addiction without treatment.

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Northumberland

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Northumberland

Addictions can also have very negative effects on your family life and can also cause a lot of money problems. In order to be able to make a full recovery you need to overcome your denial and realise that you need help with your addiction problem. Finally admitting that you have a problem with addiction is the only way that you will be ready to commit to a recovery program.

Detoxing When in Rehab

When you attend a drug and alcohol rehab centre to overcome your addiction, you will usually go through an initial detox stage. Drug and alcohol detox can be very difficult and extremely uncomfortable. This is why it is never recommended that you attempt to detox from substances alone at home.

When you go through detox in a rehab centre, you will be surrounded by medical professionals 24 hours a day. There are a number of negative side effects that come with detoxing from your addictive substance. These are known as withdrawal symptoms and can cause many unpleasant problems such as shakes, headaches, nausea, sickness, and even seizures. This is why it is important to do your detox in a safe and supportive environment with access to medical treatments if necessary.

If you go through your detox stage in rehab, you will also be much less likely to relapse. You will be surrounded by support constantly and the staff in the rehab centre will ensure that you are as comfortable as possible for the entire duration.

Post Detox Therapies

Once you have completed your detox stage in alcohol and drug rehab, you will then move on to therapy services. You will be offered a range of techniques that are suited to your specific circumstances. Some of the most common techniques include cognitive behavioural therapy, group therapy, family therapy and alternative therapies.

Cognitive behavioural therapy is the most common type of treatment in a rehab centre. This helps you to understand your addiction and will provide you with a range of techniques and coping mechanisms designed to help you when you leave the treatment centre. These coping mechanisms aim to help you avoid relapse when you return to your home setting. You will also learn what your triggers are and how best to avoid them, and you can even discover the cause of your addiction with this treatment.

How Does a Drug or Alcohol Addiction Start?

There are a number of reasons why a drug or alcohol addiction may start. Addictions are a disease that can happen to just about anyone, no matter what you background is. It can happen to people from all different walks of life.

Many young people will experiment with drugs from a young age, usually due to curiosity. For most of these people it will stay as just an experiment, however, for some people it can spiral out of control and become a life-ruining addiction.

Drug addictions usually happen gradually, and the addict will often not even realise that they are addicted until it’s too late. Taking drugs regularly can alter the way your brain functions. Drugs create some feel-good chemicals in your brain that you then get used to. Your brain struggles to create this level of feel-good chemicals on its own, so your body will feel like it needs drugs to feel normal. As you continue to abuse drugs, this process of dependency will just get worse and worse. This is usually how addictions start.

Some people are more likely than others to fall into the traps of addiction. There are a few risk factors that can increase a person’s likelihood of developing an addiction. For example, genetics can play a part in your likelihood of developing an addiction. Addictions can run in families and many children of current or previous addicts will also become addicts themselves due to their brains working in similar ways to their parents.

Your environment can also affect your likelihood of developing an addiction. Although it’s no always the case, many addicts will come from disadvantaged backgrounds. A lack of parental guidance and the addition of peer pressure can be very influential and may lead to an addiction.

A person’s age my also affect the possibility of them becoming an addict. If you try drugs at a young age when the brain is not yet fully developed, you may cause permanent damage to the brain which then leads to long-term addiction.

Different Types of Rehab Treatments Work for Different People

Since every single addict is different, there is no single approach for treating addiction. The type of treatment that will work best for you will depend on a number of factors such as the following:

  • The type of substances that you are addicted to – Treatments can differ depending on what you type of addiction is.
  • The severity of your addiction – If you have been an addict for many years then you may need a more severe form of treatment as it will likely be harder for you to overcome it.
  • Your personality including your determination and motivation towards addiction – the more committed you are to recovery, the more likely you are to succeed.

Addictions differ so much and it’s important that you get the right kind of help and therapy for your particular type of addiction.

If you want to find out more about getting the right type of treatment for your addiction, get in touch with us today on 01923 369 161. Our team of friendly professionals will be happy to answer any questions you have. If you are truly ready to make some positive changes in your life, what have you got to lose?

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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