Treatment for Alcoholism in Basingstoke

If you are suffering from an alcohol or drug addiction in Basingstoke and need support, contact our team of specialists today. 

Rehab Clinics in Basingstoke

We Can Help You Today!

We offer for alcohol rehab in Basingstoke

Call us on 01923 369 161

Alcohol Rehab Basingstoke

Drug and alcohol addiction is not just a personal problem that only has an impact on the life of the addict, these are society’s problems.  The consequences of drug or alcohol addiction are not just felt in individual households around the country, they affect entire communities and are often the root cause of crime, antisocial behaviour and domestic abuse. When excessive drinking and drug use is ignored or left untreated, the outcome is never good for the addict or those closest to them.

Data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has shown that drug-related deaths have hit their highest levels in England and Wales since the ONS started keeping records in 1993. According to the research, opiates, like heroin and morphine, are still the most frequently abused substances throughout the United Kingdom but deaths involving the use of cocaine also doubled between 2015 and 2018. Despite this bleak picture and the closing of many rehabilitation clinics, there are addiction treatments services and drug and alcohol rehab options for people living in the Basingstoke area.

View of Basingstoke


Meet The Team

Our team includes experienced counsellors, psychologists, and medical professionals specialising in addiction treatment and mental health. We are passionate about helping people overcome addiction and achieve their goals for a healthier and happier life.

View All Team Members
  • Raffa Bari's photo

    Raffa Bari

    CQC Registered Manager

  • Dr Mosun's photo

    Dr Mosun

    Consultant Psychiatrist and Addictions Specialist

  • Dr Ola Otulana's photo

    Dr Ola Otulana

    GP and Addiction Specialist Physician

  • Alison Hipwell's photo

    Alison Hipwell

    Deputy Manager (Operations Officer)

  • Jane Pearce's photo

    Jane Pearce

    Deputy Manager (Clinical Lead)

  • Dr Misbah Sadiq's photo

    Dr Misbah Sadiq

    Doctor in Psychiatry

What residential rehab offers

Residential drug and alcohol treatment is designed to help addicts who are suffering from addiction to drugs or alcohol and have tried other recovery options but failed or who have finally decided they need to take action and beat their addiction. Residential treatment is typically more successful than outpatient treatment because it removes you from your comfort zone and separates you from the people and situations that are enabling your addiction, but it also helps you cope with the withdrawal symptoms during the detox process. Inpatient residential drug and alcohol rehab effectively combines detox and rehab and enables you to regain control of your life.

All our residential drug rehab centres offer specialist rehab treatment programmes for addicts and we have helped thousands of people overcome their illness whether it’s substance abuse or prescription medication abuse. We provide a secure and non-judgemental environment where you can focus on beating your addiction and address any underlying physical, mental or emotional issues that are contributing to your drug or alcohol addiction.

Our treatment programmes combine psychological therapies, cognitive behavioural therapy, individual, family and group therapy, family support, stress management and relapse prevention therapy. All of these techniques allow you to deal with your addiction and the contributing factors. The combination of education, advice and guidance, coupled with structured therapy sessions will help you understand your addiction and essential element in achieving a full recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Our holistic approach to substance abuse treatment helps you break the hold that addiction has on you and prepares you fora drug-free life.


Prescription drug rehab in Basingstoke

Prescription drug addiction is much more common than people generally think, and is something that requires professional treatment to overcome.

Addiction to prescribed medications such as sleeping pills, cough medicine, painkillers and other opioids can be life-threatened and cause a number of health problems if not treated quickly.

Our prescription drug rehab programme involves a medical detox followed by a variety of psychological therapies and aftercare in Basingstoke. These sessions combined will help you treat both your physical and psychological addiction and achieve long term recovery.

If you or a loved one is showing signs of addiction, it is key that you seek addiction treatment as soon as possible. We can help you overcome prescription drug addiction at Cassiobury Court – get in touch with our recovery workers today.


Cannabis rehab treatment in Basingstoke

It is a common misconception that cannabis is not an addictive drug, however cannabis addiction is experienced by many people every year. If you are showing unhealthy signs of cannabis use or feel dependent on weed, you should consider attending a residential rehab clinic.

Some signs of cannabis addiction include:

  • Significant use of cannabis daily
  • Relying on cannabis to manage mental health problems or emotions
  • Behaviour changes or aggression if unable to smoke
  • Smoking cannabis at inappropriate times or events
  • Relationships becoming strained as a result of cannabis use
  • Work or life commitments suffering due to smoking

If you or a loved one are experiencing some of the above signs of addiction, you should consider attending a private cannabis rehab in or near Basingstoke to treat your addiction. Substance abuse can cause a number of mental and health problems, so don’t delay seeking treatment in Basingstoke.


What to expect from residential drug and alcohol rehab

When you arrive at our treatment centre you will be received by our friendly staff and given time to settle in. You’ll have a full assessment with our doctor and nurses who, along with our dedicated rehab centre staff,will create a personalised treatment plan for you.  As part of the process, we will ask you for detailed physical and mental health medical history so that we can identify any underlying issues. Once your assessment has been completed, a counsellor will discuss your upcoming treatment and options with you, carefully explaining the rehab process so that you are prepared for what lies ahead.

As part of your treatment programme, you’ll have a comfortable en-suite room within the residential rehab centre where there is 24/7 support. By removing you from the unhealthy environment that may have led you to substances in the first place, you will have a much-improved chance of a full and successful recovery. Our treatment facilities all offer high-quality stays and you’ll enjoy the comfort and space you have in your room. There are ample grounds and gardens that you can enjoy when not in therapy. There are also specialised therapy rooms, a group therapy workshop room, a communal lounge and a well-appointed dining area where you can socialise with other patients over nourishing and delicious meals.


Treatment at an alcohol rehab in Basingstoke

At Cassiobury Court, we provide a variety of leading addiction treatments to help you overcome alcohol addiction. Our alcohol rehab centre is made up of alcohol detox, therapy treatments and one year of aftercare sessions to keep you on track once you return to Basingstoke.

Alcohol addiction can easily develop in anyone and can cause a variety of health, mental and family breakdowns. Our alcohol rehab provides you with all of the support you need to overcome alcohol abuse for good and achieve long term recovery.

The alcohol detox process typically lasts 5-10 days and will take place in our detox wing, so you will have privacy and quiet during this most difficult process.

Our medical professionals will take care of you throughout your detox and prescription drugs may be prescribed if you need help managing withdrawal symptoms.

To learn more about our alcohol rehab programmes, phone us on 01923 369 161.


What happens at cocaine rehab in Basingstoke?

Treatment for cocaine addiction is slightly different than our other rehab programmes, as cocaine does not cause any physical withdrawals during the detox period so you will not need to undergo an official cocaine detox.

Overcoming cocaine addiction does however cause psychological withdrawal, such as strong cravings, anxiety or depression, and insomnia. During this period you may be prescribed prescription medication to help you sleep or manage any withdrawals by our medical professionals.

Once you have completed this stage, you will attend therapy treatments to help you overcome your cocaine addiction and maintain sobriety once you return from rehab in Basingstoke.


Why you need drug and alcohol rehab in Basingstoke

Addiction has a devasting effect on the addicts, their families and the wider community but entering residential rehab could help you end your drug or alcohol addiction before it spirals totally out of control. There are many reasons why people choose to enter an addiction treatment centre but, in most cases, it is because they have finally realised that their addiction is destroying their relationships, career and health.

There are countless and harmful side effects of drugs taking, binge drinking and excessive alcohol consumption. Street drugs, which are often dangerously taken in injection form, expose users to dirty needles. This creates another risk of developing HIV/Aids or other blood-borne diseases. Substance abuse commonly leads to vital organ damage. It’s possible to develop symptoms of heart, liver and kidney diseases and sometimes problems arise with blood pressure too. Drug addicts and alcoholics also commonly suffer from mental health problems due to their long-term addiction. Addiction is an all-consuming disease and as a result, the addict’s relationships with their family, friends and loved ones will suffer as the addiction intensifies, ultimately isolating them from the people who care about them the most.

Drug and alcohol addiction is far more prevalent than it should be and if you know of anyone in your family or circle of friends who is struggling with any form of addiction, you need to encourage them to contact a treatment centre and discuss their treatment options before it is too late. Long-term substance abuse not only increases your chances of an overdose, but it can also lead to long-term health problems. If you are concerned about anyone you know, you need to contact a rehab treatment centre as soon as possible – even if it is just to get more information and advice on how to approach the problem.

You may try to bravely fight your addiction alone, but it’s a complex and overwhelming illness. Professional help is almost always needed to make a full recovery. Deciding to enter a treatment centre could change your life and put you back on the right path. Step One Recovery has several private residential addiction treatments and rehabilitation clinics that offer a combination of clinical detox and therapeutic rehab treatment options. Our specialised treatment centres offer discrete, non-judgemental drug and alcoholism treatment in private, peaceful surroundings. Call us today for more information and advice.

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