We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Great Barr

Published by Raffa Bari

If you’re based in Great Barr, you’ll have a number of treatment options to consider. Each will provide exposure to addiction treatment and professional support. Yet depending on your needs and addiction type, the effects of such exposure will vary.

Treatment in Great Barr
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Great Barr

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Great Barr

Recognised as a physical, psychological, and behavioural disorder, a drug and alcohol addiction requires specific treatment.

Over the course of consumption, tolerances to drugs or alcohol can develop, making it very difficult for the body to operate without either. Once consumption drops or stops, withdrawal symptoms are common, known to trigger further consumption for someone with an addiction. Physical changes are expected through substance abuse, along with mental adaptations, focusing on how the mind works, processes information, and communicates with the rest of the body.

Detoxification is a treatment which can help to restore the body from drugs and alcohol. Yet to also heal the mind, additional treatment, therapies, and management tools must be worked through.

By checking into private drug and alcohol rehab in Great Barr, the right combination of physical and psychological treatments can be experienced. Found through tailored recovery plans here at Cassiobury Court, we provide the right setting, level of support and person-centred services to treat addiction.

A fulfilled life can be led on a post-rehab basis. Reach this level of recovery by completing a comprehensive programme of treatment, arrangeable through our helpline on 0800 001 4070.


Addiction treatment in Great Barr

Attempting to treat an addiction with a standalone detox will be unlikely. Whilst detoxification from drugs and alcohol will help to reduce cravings and the prospect of future consumption, the mind will remain as fixated.

Not only does an addiction adapt how the body functions, but it also impacts the brain’s stability and functionality. Habit-like behaviours can become deeply cemented in the mind, impacting choices, actions, emotions, and responses. Whilst under the control of drugs and alcohol, it can be very difficult to switch off their effects and maintain sobriety. An addiction is fuelled by learnt behaviours, which impacts memory, recall and satisfaction. Drug and alcohol exposure can be recalled, memorised, and chosen for their rewards through an addiction.

To recover, addiction therapy, management tools, education and planning are all important, alongside detoxification. Completing a comprehensive recovery process, a wide range of treatments and additional services can be experienced to improve all aspects of life.

Through drug and alcohol rehab in Great Barr, addiction recovery is a possible goal to reach for, advocated here at Cassiobury Court.



How does private rehab work?

An intimate, accredited and highly professional service is expected of private rehab, helping to facilitate addiction recovery. Through the support of leading therapists and medical teams, and a structure of evidence-based treatment services, full efforts can be placed on getting better.

Rehab is an accommodating service which works by understanding personal needs, wellbeing, and behaviours. It assesses and gauges the cause and triggers of drug and alcohol abuse, whilst working to reduce future relapse. Drug and alcohol rehab also provides a platform for recovery, by recommending the most suitable treatments and recovery methods.

Our services and programmes at Cassiobury Court are person-centred and holistic. We understand our clients and empathise with them, whilst offering tailored recovery plans, and helping them and their loved ones move on from the burden of addiction.

Private rehab, which you can access via a drug and alcohol rehab in Great Barr provides the most effective and proactive way to overcome an addiction. Also known as residential rehab, you’ll have the chance to check in and complete a 28-day programme of treatments, tools, and management plans. Through a safe, comfortable, and neutral environment, inpatient treatment provides the best escape to start addiction recovery.

Similar treatments and support can be experienced through outpatient treatment on the NHS. Addiction treatment services and recovery plans are available for behavioural and mental health problems. Yet known to averagely take 3-6-months to complete, the uncontrollable side of addiction can be tough to manoeuvre around.

Accessing private rehab will provide you with the right type, level, and quality of addiction treatment, available here at Cassiobury Court.


What happens during rehab?

Rehab is a personalised process, yet also has some key phases that must be completed. All clients should expect to work through each phase, helping to withdraw the body, restore the mind and prepare for sobriety.

All treatment sessions and recovery steps are facilitated by the best therapists in the industry, helping to uphold safety, wellbeing, and progress. Regular assessments, a handheld approach and 24/7 observations are offered throughout inpatient private rehab.

Residing in a drug and alcohol rehab in Great Barr will start off similarly for most clients. Through the first key phase, drugs and alcohol will be eliminated. Via a drug detox or alcohol detox, tolerances and withdrawal symptoms can be safely worked through.

Psychological and behavioural addiction recovery are the aims of the second phase. Addiction therapy sessions are held at this stage of rehab, along with management tools and recovery techniques.

Holistic recovery leads the third phase of private rehab, helping to promote all-round recovery. To overcome the burden of addiction, all areas of life must improve and sustain. Holistic therapies are recommended to improve mindfulness, mental health, and wellbeing through addiction recovery.

The final key phase of private rehab helps our clients change their outlooks, lifestyle choices and coping strategies to support sobriety. Relapse prevention sessions, aftercare services, and 12-step plans are in place to help adjust to drug and alcohol-free choices.

Each phase of drug and alcohol rehabilitation is personalised to treat individual responses, symptoms, and triggers. Circumstances, wellbeing, and lifestyles expectedly vary between our clients, requiring a personalised offering to rehab.

Through private and specialist rehab services, you can expect to be prioritised and at the centre of your recovery plan.


Treatment and therapy options

Different types of treatments and therapies are available to experience through drug and alcohol rehab. We incorporate social, psychological, well-being, and holistic therapies through our rehab clinic, to work alongside detoxification. Mutually they help to heal the body and mind, whilst also delivering coping techniques, long-term support, and exposure therapy.

Social treatments and therapies on offer

  • Family visits
  • Team building activities
  • Exposure therapy
  • Social events and gatherings
  • Hobbies


Psychological treatments and therapies on offer

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Stress management
  • Group therapy
  • Mental health treatments
  • Family therapy and intervention
  • Relapse prevention
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Aftercare 12-step plans
  • Support groups


Well-being treatments and therapies on offer

  • Mindfulness and body scan
  • Acu-detox
  • Sleep management
  • Therapeutic art and music therapies
  • Nutritional therapy


Holistic treatments and therapies on offer

  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Reiki
  • Self-help


How long is private rehab?

Inpatient rehab is the most proactive way to recover from addiction. It offers a 28-day programme, offering consistent and intense treatment sessions. Full focus is placed on recovery through inpatient treatment to make sure that the process can be fulfilled in 4 weeks.

In some cases, rehab timelines will be prolonged for certain clients. Depending on personal needs and the amount of treatment that’s required, programmes can fall beyond the average. Yet the general consensus is that most people will work through rehab efficiently.

Outpatient treatment is the least proactive way to recover, as treatments can take up to 6 months to fully complete. Due to demands on the NHS, it can be harder to consistently recover through outpatient plans.


Cost of rehab

The cost of private rehab is usually the biggest obstacle for most people. Now offering flexible services, treatment plans are accommodating of all budgets here at Cassiobury Court. Costs will be gauged by considering the length, amount, and strength of addiction treatment.

Outpatient treatment is attractive for its free offering. Yet there are many benefits to inpatient rehab which justify its extra cost.


How to find a drug and alcohol rehab in Great Barr?

Recovering in Great Barr is possible through private rehab. By completing our admissions process, the most suitable rehab programme can be arranged for you. Programmes will be filled with leading treatments, tools, and resources to help you recover and lead a fulfilled life post-addiction.

Reach out to check into a drug and alcohol rehab in Great Barr or for our support throughout your admission.


Delirium tremens are a chronic symptom of alcohol withdrawal. They can develop for an addict who ends binge-like consumption of alcohol. Tremens are dangerous and although commonly last for 2-3 days, they can worsen and can become life-threatening. Signs of delirium tremens include panic-like symptoms, chest pain, hallucinations, high blood pressure, rapid heart rate, seizures, and nightmares. As delirium tremens can be uncontrollable and dangerous, sourcing professional medical support is very important, to manage both withdrawal and symptoms.

The alcohol withdrawal process can worsen as time goes on, which is why it’s important to withdraw alongside a specialist rehab clinic. The initial 8 hours, post consumption will be the easiest, usually influencing mild symptoms of insomnia, vomiting, cravings and anxiety. The timeline will then develop over the next few days, where symptoms can worsen as both the body and brain react to alcohol withdrawal. High blood pressure, insomnia, confusion and irritability, and rapid breathing are signs of withdrawal. Most symptoms will peak at the 7–10-day mark, such as visual problems, seizures, hallucinations, tremens, and high body temperature. From this point, withdrawal symptoms can then begin to suppress, yet only with treatment. Completing the timeline through a rehab clinic will be best, as replacement drugs and detox techniques will be used to work through alcohol withdrawal comfortably and safely.

The cold turkey approach can be dangerous as it places the body and brain into a state of shock. Withdrawal symptoms are very common, some which can be extreme, such as delirium tremens. Instead of going cold turkey, sourcing medical support is recommended. A controlled and observed withdrawal process can instead be worked through to keep the chronic symptoms at bay. Via a drug and alcohol rehab in Great Barr, 24/7 medical assistance will be offered.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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