We have Treatment Centres for Alcohol Rehab in Ladywood

Published by Raffa Bari

We understand just how nerve-wracking it can be to ask for professional support. However, it doesn’t matter if you’ve been living with the impact of drug or alcohol addiction for long period of time or if you’re only just starting to the notice the impact, our rehabilitation centre welcomes everyone.

Treatment in Ladywood
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Ladywood

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Ladywood

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Ladywood

After acknowledging that you require rehabilitation, you’re already one step closer to living a life free from drug or alcohol addiction. You’re then ready to speak to our friendly admissions team who will talk you through the various treatment options we have available.

If you’re happy to proceed, we will then invite you to a pre-screening assessment where we can review your addiction in more detail, whilst trying to understand what the reasons behind your addiction to alcohol or drugs are.

We can also monitor your physical and psychological well-being during this session which will in turn allow us to design the most effective addiction treatment programme which is tailored to your needs.


Medical Drug and Alcohol Detoxification

Upon arriving at our private drug and alcohol rehab, we’ll give you some time to settle in before beginning your rehabilitation. The first stage is usually to undergo a drug or alcohol detoxification which is highly recommended for the majority of our clients.

This is certainly the most effective way to cleanse your body and your mind of the harmful toxins that are in alcohol and drugs. As with all of the therapies offered at our rehabilitation centre, our expert team will supervise the entire detoxification process, ensuring you’re safe and progressing as expected throughout.


Addiction Therapies and Treatment Options

Although our addiction treatment programmes are all personalised to the individual, we ensure that each programme follows a holistic approach to rehabilitation as this is what’s proven to be most successful. This is why all of our clients will receive a combination of physical, psychological and well-being therapies to aid their long-term recovery from drug addiction or alcohol addiction.

Some of the most common psychological therapies we offer include cognitive behavioural therapy, also known as CBT, stress management, dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), relapse prevention, and counselling.

Alongside these, we also offer music therapy, fitness therapy, relaxation and sleep management, yoga, and mindfulness to ensure your well-being is taken care of throughout your addiction treatment.


Causes of Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Many people expect a simple answer to this question; however, the reality is that the cause or causes of someone’s drug or alcohol addiction, are very complex. It’s often many contributing factors which have led to an addiction developing, so it can be quite difficult to identify the cause. One of the most common underlying reasons of addiction we see is the strong connection to mental health problems.

This is typically because people who suffer from poor mental health may resort to drinking or drug taking as a way to cope with their psychological pain. When someone is suffering from both an addiction to alcohol or drugs and poor mental health, we refer to this a dual diagnosis which is actually very common.

Another cause of addiction which we see frequently is when people are consuming alcohol or drugs in their social circles, potentially through peer pressure. This social consumption can quickly turn into a dependence which then leads to a severe drug or alcohol addiction. The people you surround yourself with can have a huge influence on whether you partake in these activities.

This is also true of your family and the environment you go up in as this can be a main influencer. It’s much easier for social drinking or social drug taking to take control of your life than most people think. It’s crucial that you take yourself out of these situations before it gets any worse.

We also see people at our drug and alcohol rehab Ladywood seeking addiction treatment after experiencing a traumatic event in their life. This could be a bereavement, job loss, or family breakdown which has left them resorting to drugs or alcohol as a way to cope with the trauma.

Substance abuse will only ever make this trauma worse, in order to truly overcome your drug or alcohol addiction, you must seek out professional support from a rehabilitation centre.

Any condition such as drug addiction, alcohol addiction, cocaine addiction, or cannabis addiction will affect every individual differently. However, there are some common signs to look out for which will indicate that you need to seek professional support immediately. These include frequent mood swings, always feeling tired, unable to say no to the substance, being dishonest, appearing pale and unwell, consuming more alcohol or drugs to feel a stronger high/intoxication, and being less interested in activities or socialisation.

Yes, all of the staff at our drug and alcohol rehab Ladywood are fully qualified. We work hard to find the right teams across our rehabilitation centres which include a mixture of people from various health and social care backgrounds from our experienced and qualified addiction and recovery workers to our experienced and qualified support staff. Everyone who works at our drug and alcohol rehab goes through detailed checks prior to employment, ensuring our workplace is safe and highly competent.

We strongly advise against undergoing a drug or alcohol detoxification at home as this significantly increases your risk of danger. It’s crucial that you have the 24/7 support of our expert team by your side throughout the entire detoxification process, they can safely manage any withdrawal symptoms that may arise by offering prescribed medication to ease the discomfort.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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