We have treatment centres for alcohol rehab in Urmston

Published by Raffa Bari

If you are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction in Urmston, the team at Cassiobury Court can help. Get in contact to start your rehab journey at our CQC accredited facility.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Urmston

Get Help Now

We offer residential treatment that is close to the Urmston area.

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Urmston

Our drug and alcohol rehab in Urmston, in Manchester, can help you break free from drugs and alcohol.

Addictions come in all forms, some more severe than others. Some addicts keep their habit a secret, going about their daily, public life much as usual and only abusing behind closed doors.

Others have lost families, jobs and their sense of self-worth. Substance abuse can devastate families, relationships, mental and physical health and work opportunities. Are you one of those people whose addiction is taking over their life?

A rehab centre is a fantastic environment to start your healing process. We also support you when you return home by giving you 365 days of free aftercare.

Tackling a drug or alcohol addiction is complicated. Let’s do it together.


Types of Addictions We Treat

At Cassiobury Lodge, we’re experienced in treating all types of addictions – both recreational and prescribed. Your habit may have slowly crept up on you; before you knew it, you needed more to get through each day.

Our addiction specialists are experts in the drug and alcohol field. They have a working knowledge of the latest therapies and techniques, assisting thousands of people in giving up drugs and alcohol for life.

We treat a range of drugs – recreational, prescribed, and new to market street drugs:

Recreational: Cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, speed, cannabis, and crystal meth.

Prescription: Painkillers, sleeping pills, methadone, OxyContin, and anti-anxiety medications such as Valium.

Newer street drugs: Fentanyl, Fenazepam and synthetic opioids.


Signs of Addiction

If you’re worried about a friend or family member, we know it’s awkward to bring up the subject of addiction. You may worry they will get angry or think you’re interfering.

When you decide to help, ensure you’re in a confidential space. If they open up, let them speak freely about their addiction and try not to judge.

Sometimes it is evident that someone is ill, but knowing it’s a result of addiction can be tricky to spot. If you’re the one with the problem, you’ll probably recognise lots of the physical signs:

  • Sweating, shaking or shivering
  • Lack of care in appearance and skin/hair looks dull
  • Facial breakouts and skin complaints
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Bloated body and face

Behaviour changes are common with addicts. You may notice that they act out of character. For many reasons, addiction makes people anxious, irritable, angry, and depressed.

When they stop using, they crave more to make themselves feel better. Drugs and alcohol tend to affect mental health as they mask genuine emotions and heighten them.

If a person hasn’t experienced mental health issues, drugs and alcohol can cause anxiety and depression, and other psychological difficulties.

Abusers with a family history of schizophrenia and bipolar are also at risk of developing these conditions if they consume excessive amounts.

You may notice that an addict stops socialising or leaving the house or has difficulties in relationships and work. Money management issues are common, as they spend large chunks of money on their addiction.


What is Detox?

Detox is a necessary but challenging process for removing toxins from an addict’s body. Detox is the first rehab step, as it addresses physical dependence.

A patient needs to be free from alcohol or drug addiction before they manage their mental health as part of an intensive treatment programme.

The familiar but mythological image of detox is someone going ‘cold turkey’ and struggling with cravings. Detox at a rehab centre is nothing like you see on TV programmes or in films. It’s a controlled process supervised by medical professionals that usually lasts up to 10 days.

People experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, but symptoms are managed thanks to short-term prescribed medication.

The body, and mind, take time to adjust to the lack of toxins, and sometimes patients can feel anxious and low. These feelings often pass but sometimes reveal themselves as a pre-existing mental health condition, one that was disguised through excessive drug or alcohol abuse.


Treatments for Physical and Mental Health

Our Urmston drug and alcohol rehab centre offers a comprehensive programme of psychological and physical therapies, advice and education.

Counselling such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing gives you a new way to look at the world and techniques to resolve past traumas. You’ll meet regularly with a qualified addiction counsellor, building a relationship of trust and open space for discussion.

We know it’s hard to talk about yourself, especially with a stranger, but our therapists are compassionate, non-judgmental and welcoming.

You may try holistic therapies that help repair the mind and body. Examples include mindfulness, reiki, reflexology and art therapy.

As a recovering addict, we understand that you may have neglected your physical health. That’s why we offer activities that strengthen your body and soothe the mind.


Group therapy

Speaking to others is a large focus of rehab. We expect you to attend daily support groups to share your stories of addiction.

Group therapy is essential to recovery – you meet other people on the same journey as you. Understanding you’re not the only one beating an addiction makes you feel empowered, motivated and less alone.


Importance of Aftercare

Our specialist aftercare team understand that life outside rehab presents many challenges. That’s why we’ve developed a support package to help prevent a relapse.

You can access free aftercare support for a year via support groups and counselling to keep you motivated and gain valuable coping strategies from recovering addicts and therapists.

We recommend that you embed accessing support as part of your routine. You’re likely to experience good and bad days, and you must regularly attend, regardless of how you feel.

To learn more about drug and alcohol rehab in Urmston, and our flexible treatment plans and aftercare, call us in confidence on 01923 369 161 or text HELP to  83222.

Start your recovery journey with us today – contact us.


Frequently Asked Questions

Our admissions team will be able to provide you with a thorough list of what you need to bring to rehab before you start treatment. However to start, some of the basics include clothing for both outdoor and indoor activities, a notepad and pen to record your progress, and pictures of your loved ones/sentimental items to keep you committed to recovery. In terms of physical preparation, you do not need to do much as our detox clinic will help you with this. The most important preparation is preparing yourself to make serious changes to your life — without this readiness to commit to a new, sober life, rehab may not be effective for you.

While private residential rehab is a more expensive treatment option than most others, you also get the best possible quality of care. The best way to find out how much our treatments are is to call our helpline, as we offer many different packages which accommodate different budgets. When it comes to addiction treatment, you really cannot afford to choose any other than the best quality of care.

Once you have completed a course of inpatient treatment at our drug and/or alcohol rehab, you will be able to return back home. However, as mentioned previously, you will be provided access to our complimentary aftercare programme so that you can keep up the good work that you have been working on during your stay with us.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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