We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Winchester

Published by Raffa Bari

Reach out to our experienced team today for help and guidance on addiction support.

Rehab treatment in Winchester
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Winchester

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We offer residential treatment which is close to the Winchester area

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Winchester

Addiction is an insidious disease that often leads addicts to indulge in antisocial behaviour that puts their lives at risk. The long-term consequences of drug and alcohol addiction are almost always devastating for addicts and their family members. And despite what people may say, there is no such thing as controllable drug addiction or partial alcoholism, even high functioning alcoholics ultimately have to face the destructive consequences of their addiction.

Eventually, any form of addiction will isolate you from your friends, family and support network as it destroys everything that is important to you. But fortunately, with the right intervention and addiction treatment, you can overcome drug and alcohol abuse. If you live in the Winchester area, there are a number of drug and alcohol rehab treatment centres in the area where you will be able to get the help you need and begin your journey to long term recovery.


What is a dual diagnosis?

Regular heavy drinking, binge drinking and drug abuse has serious long-term consequences for your mental health and studies have shown that there are significant links between substance abuse and depression, often making it difficult to separate the two issues. Because of the stigma attached to depression, many people who suffer from the condition will not seek professional help and will rather self-medicate, turning to drugs or alcohol in an attempt to deal with their problems and make themselves feel better. But this is not the answer.

When substance abuse and depression co-exist, the condition is known as a dual diagnosis and this can make treatment extremely challenging. Because it is so difficult to distinguish which condition came first and the influence they have on each other, treating a person with a dual diagnosis requires specialist knowledge and an in-depth understanding of both substance abuse and depression. If you can’t treat both conditions successfully, it will be incredibly difficult for an addict to recover and not relapse once they leave the addiction treatment centre.


Understanding Depression

Many people do not want to admit that they suffer from depression, but it is important to realise that it is a mental health disorder that will only get worse if you do not receive the correct treatment. Depression is not a choice, it is a complex illness that is caused by a combination of biological, social and psychosocial factors and can be linked to trauma, genetics or underlying medical conditions. Depression has a number of pointers that are both psychological and physical, and the symptoms will often depend on the type of depression that a person is suffering from and the severity of their condition.

Physical signs of depression can include a loss of appetite, lack of energy, lowering of your libido, sore or stiff limbs, insomnia, constipation and general lethargy. Psychological symptoms can be a loss of interest in any physical activities or hobbies, low self-esteem and feelings of inferiority, constant and persistent feeling of unhappiness, hopelessness, guilt, anxiety and suicidal tendencies. A national studied showed that people who suffer from mental health issues such as depression are twice as likely to suffer from alcohol addiction and abuse.


The debilitating cycle of substance abuse and depression

Fortunately, there are several highly effective treatments for depression, but alcohol is not one of them. Many people who suffer from depression turn to drugs or alcohol to try and alleviate the symptoms on their own. But as your alcohol consumption increases, the serotonin levels in your body begin to drop and this leads to greater feelings of depression and ultimately the alcohol and depression begin to feed off each other, making both conditions worse and becoming a vicious cycle.

Effective treatment and addiction counselling in a residential rehab recovery programme will help you understand why you can’t relieve the symptoms of depression with alcohol or drugs and in fact, substance abuse and self-medication will only increase the risk of developing depression and other related mental health problems.


What to expect when you enter one of our residential drug or alcohol rehab centres near Winchester

In some instances, it is easy to identify whether substance abuse is the result or cause of your depression and other times it is more difficult but, regardless of what came first, it is important to break the cycle and treat both conditions simultaneously. This is the only way to reclaim your life. It is almost impossible to break the cycle without help and most people that suffer a dual diagnosis need to seek professional treatment and enter a recovery programme.

The addiction treatment plans that we offer can be as short as 9 days long, all the way up to comprehensive 90-day plans. Statistics have shown that there is a direct relationship with the amount of time spent in a treatment centre and the percentage of patients that suffer a relapse. Although your costs are always a consideration, by spending longer in our treatment centre you’re more likely to make a full and sustainable recovery.

We offer an effective treatment service by using the most advanced practices. During your time at our rehabilitation centre, you’ll be exposed to holistic therapies and group workshops which are specific to you and your illness. This is likely to include elements of the 12-Step programme.

During your stay in one of our treatment facilities, there will be constant and dedicated support from our highly trained rehabilitation staff, and you have 24-hour access to medical care. When you enter our treatment facility you’re likely to undergo a medical with our team.

After the assessment, they’ll discuss your symptoms and explain the treatment plan they’ve come up with. Your unique addiction treatment plan will be specific to the needs of your illness. Your journey starts with a detox. If necessary, you’ll undergo a detox under the supervision of our medical team and be given medication to help where needed. Once the detox is complete, you’ll be able to proceed without drugs or alcohol in your system.

When you undergo treatment at one of our facilities, we will examine your history, personality and psychology to establish any causes and triggers of your addiction. You’ll learn about how to deal with particular triggers so that once you leave our treatment facility, you know how to handle your emotions without substance abuse.

At all our drug and alcohol rehab centres you stay in your own luxurious room and have access to the communal lounge and dining area, along with the beautiful grounds. Call us today to find out how we can help you.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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