Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Milton Keynes

Published by Raffa Bari

At Cassiobury Court, we provide Drug and Alcohol Rehab services for the people of Milton Keynes. Our service includes a complete detoxification and rehabilitation programme. We also offer an extended aftercare programme lasting for 12 months following your discharge from our care.

Treatment Milton Keynes
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Milton Keynes

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We offer Drug and Alcohol Rehab Milton Keynes

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Milton Keynes

Do you or a loved one require Drug and alcohol rehabilitation services in Milton Keynes? If so, Cassiobury Court’s Drug and Alcohol Rehab Milton Keynes Centre is here to help.

If you answered in the affirmative to this question, know that Cassiobury Court is here to help you overcome your addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. We maintain a state-of-the-art residential drug rehabilitation centre nestled away in the Hertfordshire Countryside, just a short drive from your Milton Keynes home.

The Drug and Alcohol Rehab Milton Keynes service we provide to our clients includes a full detoxification and rehabilitation programme, ensuring your recovery is secured.

We also offer an extended aftercare programme lasting 12 months following your discharge from our care. This aftercare programme, which we provide free of charge, ensures you remain in recovery once you have attained your initial sobriety goal during your rehabilitation programme.


Contact Our Confidential Helpline 

To access our rehabilitation programme, you must begin by contacting our admissions team at 01923 369 161. We provide an utterly confidential helpline to assess your specific needs.

During this assessment, we build a concrete picture of the mental and physical issues you may be facing as a result of your addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. Using this information, we outline your detoxification and rehabilitation options that best suit your needs.

If you wish, we may schedule a free ‘in-person’ assessment. This allows you to view our treatments and treatment centre before you formally commit to our services.

Using this information, we outline your detoxification and rehabilitation options that best suit your needs. If you wish, we may schedule a free ‘in-person’ assessment at our rehabilitation centre in Hertfordshire. This assessment allows you to view our treatments and treatment centre before you formally commit to our services.


Treatment Types in Milton Keynes

As with every drug addiction, various treatment methods are available. Generally, with any addiction, you can access outpatient treatment services where you recover at home or decide to stay in a rehab centre for a period of time as a short-term resident.

If your symptoms are mild, it may benefit you to access outpatient services. This may be the only option available if you do not have the funds to admit yourself to a private residential treatment centre.


Outpatient Services in Milton Keynes

If you call your local GP in Milton Keynes, they can advise you on the current services available in the area. It will be in your best interest to book an appointment and hear what initiatives or schemes are running in the area presently.

These services are usually free and delivered as outpatient care. Most NHS services provide counselling and drug substitution support, but waiting times can vary from area to area.


Private Residential Treatment

If you have tried outpatient treatment or feel you need more intensive treatment, a stay in a residential rehab such as Cassiobury support will provide a wide range of treatment therapies and a tailored rehabilitation programme.

Here, you will stay in our all-inclusive rehab centre and complete an assisted detoxification and extensive therapeutic rehabilitation programme.

Our CQC-registered rehab treatment centre treats all types of drug addictions from our multi-disciplinary team of experts.


Providing a Multi-Disciplinary Team of Experts

Cassiobury Court’s Milton Keynes Centre employs a wide range of addiction professionals. This includes psychotherapists, counsellors, psychiatric nurses and key work support workers. These professionals form a multi-disciplinary team that’s capable of dealing with many of the issues you may be facing with your addiction to drugs and/or alcohol.

We believe our team of professionals provides Cassiobury Court with a true advantage in our industry, and we believe our client success rates testify to the staff’s ability to treat a wide range of addictions.


In Safe Hands


Curing the Disease of Addiction

At Cassiobury Court, we believe that addiction is a disease of the mind. This belief is backed up by many academic studies conducted by researchers located across the globe.

When you consume drugs or alcohol and develop an addiction, your desire to continue your addiction is often at odds with your inability to stop. This is because addiction gives rise to chemical and structural changes in the brain that compel you to continue using drugs or alcohol whilst also diminishing your willpower to stop.


Begin Treatment at our Drug and Alcohol Rehab Milton Keynes Centre 

When you attend our rehabilitation programme, you must be assessed by a psychiatrist before your recovery programme begins. During your psychiatric assessment, a prescription is written up by our doctor to ease potentially painful withdrawal symptoms you may experience during detoxification.

Our rehabilitation centre is located in a remote area of the countryside. This ensures you can not easily remove yourself from our care during your treatment programme.


Alcohol Addiction Treatment

If you have a severe alcohol dependency or a loved one has been struggling with the issue, our rehab centre is an ideal placement for rehabilitation.

Our team of medical experts will monitor you through the detoxification process and administer any drugs that can help the withdrawal process. We understand alcohol addiction can also leave a mark on both your physical and mental health; our holistic treatments are designed to treat both your body and your mind.

Cocaine Addiction

Our mental health specialists and onsite specialists will provide you with round-the-clock support whilst you detox from cocaine. Cocaine withdrawal can be very difficult from a psychological perspective, and patients often experience extreme paranoia, confusion and irritability.

From your private room, we will help you turn the page on this chapter of your life. After you have successfully passed our medically assisted detox, you will complete a wide range of therapies in a one-to-one setting and also in group sessions.

We have great experience in treating cocaine addiction and know how it can spiral, often having devastating effects on your life and also affecting your immediate family and friends who care for your well-being.

We have the facilities and expertise in place to help you recover in a safe and secure setting. Our tailored programme will be designed with your specific needs in mind.


Cannabis Addiction Treatment

Our Cannabis addiction treatment typically involves a combination of behavioural therapy and support groups.

The treatment plan may include various forms of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing, or contingency management, all of which aim to help you understand the reasons behind the addiction and develop coping mechanisms to avoid relapse.



Amenities we provide

Whilst you attend our residential rehabilitation centre, you are provided with an ensuite bedroom. We also provide nutritious food for you around three to four times a day. This means you are not required to share your bedroom with other residents nor to cook your own food. This allows you to relax and focus solely on your recovery goals without any unnecessary distractions.



Aftercare to Ensure Your Recovery is Lasting

Upon discharge from our care, we ensure your recovery is not threatened upon your return home by providing an extended aftercare programme. This programme is designed to encourage you to return to our rehabilitation centre at least once a week for an entire 12-month period.

We also encourage you to attend local support group meetings in Milton Keynes. Aftercare provides a safety net should you relapse or come close to relapsing during those initial tentative 12 months into your sobriety.

Find out more in Milton Keynes

To discover how we can assist you at our Drug and Alcohol Rehab Milton Keynes clinic, contact our admissions team today at 01923 369 161 for a confidential, no-pressure consultation. Alternatively, you may contact us via our contact form.

We appreciate the fact it may be difficult for you to seek out our professional support for your addiction. However, please know we understand exactly what you are going through. Many of our admissions team have themselves battled and conquered their own addiction in the past. This ensures your call for help is met with utter sympathy, compassion and understanding.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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