We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol addictions in Islington

Published by Raffa Bari


Clinically Reviewed by Dr. Olalekan Otulana (Advanced Practitioner)

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All information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

Need a drug alcohol rehab centre in Islington? Look no further, our London centre is ideal. We have spaces available, call us now.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Islington
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Islington

Get Help Now

We offer FREE advice, and there are spaces at our drug and rehab centre!

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Islington

For many people in London, having an occasional drink is simply an innocent activity. Worldwide, millions of people enjoy a drink once in while, whether it would be to celebrate, or just a social lubricant.

Nothing wrong with that. Alcohol can be healthy in some cases even, let alone harmful. Not only does it relax in small doses, but it also helps with cholesterol.

However – that’s where the positive qualities of alcohol stop. In fact the positive qualities of alcohol pale in comparison with the damage it does. Just a single binge drinking session can damage your liver severely, let alone the mishaps a person commits in their intoxicated state.

The long term effects of alcohol abuse are not to be underestimated either. Alcohol addiction is severe and real, and contributes to a quarter million of deaths each year worldwide. Alcohol addiction can not only damage you physically, but it can destroy your family, your friendships and other relationships, your professional/educational hopes and dreams, and your financial situation.

However, it’s not too late for you. Do you live in Islington, and do you struggle with addiction? At Cassiobury Court we offer drug and alcohol rehab in Islington. We have helped hundreds of people in the borough become sober and live their life in the best way possible. Why not call us today on 01923 369 161 for more information?


How Do I Know If I’m Addicted?

This is a question not many people can answer, essentially the only person who can answer this question is you. You know yourself best, so it is a good idea if you put your drinking behaviour in perspective. Asking yourself a few questions about your alcohol intake for example. A technique that you can use is to gauge whether your alcohol addiction or not is called the “CAGE” questionnaire.

  • Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking?
  • Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
  • Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking?
  • Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover (eye-opener)?

Do you feel like any two of these issues apply to you? You might be suffering from an addiction. At Cassiobury Court, we have spent years creating the perfect environment for you to get clean in. Why not give us an initial call for some advice!


Getting Started With Recovery

Once you have spoken to our advisor during the initial call, and you agree to join our Islington rehab – we start the first phase. If you wish, we can pick you up and transport you from your home in Islington, to Watford where our drug rehab clinic is situated. It is only half an hour away from Islington.

Before you start rehab, it is important that you take the right precautions before you check in. The recommended time for our rehab centre is 28 days. Sp ensure that you are able to take that time off from work, and that you notify your friends and family you are entering a clinic for 4 weeks and more.

Once you arrive at our facility, you will be introduced to your own room, where you will have full serenity and total control so you can fully focus on Alcohol Rehab Islington.


Drug and Alcohol Detox

Detoxification is the next step – what will happen once your brain is fully dependant on alcohol abuse and you decide to stop drinking, are is alcohol withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms get worse the more addicted to alcohol you are. Withdrawals can be severe, and symptoms can include sweating, shaking, nausea and high levels of anxiety.

This is exactly one of the reasons why you should do Alcohol Rehab Islington at a medical centre, and not try it at home by yourself. We offer alcohol detox as the first step of the Alcohol Rehab Process. Detox is the process of clearing your body from harmful toxins.

One of those toxins is Alcohol. The detoxification process is simply to abstain from alcohol until your blood is cleansed of alcohol. We have a medical team available round the clock in order to administer medication in case the withdrawal symptoms become that bad – in comparison to doing it yourself.


Post Detox Therapy

After detox, we try to train you in order to make the most out of the issues we have been dealing with in a short amount of time. Once you have finished the drug or alcohol rehab period, we follow up with the rehab programme.

During the twenty-eight-day rehab programme, we shall mostly focus on life after rehab. Many ex-addicts relapse due to the fact that there are no coping mechanisms for problems that caused them to drink in the first place. From Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to alternative therapies, there are many options based on your situation.


Drug Abuse and Help in Islington

Drug abuse is a prevalent issue that affects many lives in Islington. It involves the harmful use of substances, including prescription medications, illegal drugs, and alcohol. Overcoming drug abuse can be challenging, but there are local resources like your GP or doctors available to help. In Islington, you can find help with a GP at;


Islington Central Medical Centre

28 Laycock St, London N1 1SW

020 7359 0445

Ritchie Street Group Practice

34 Ritchie St, London N1 0DG

020 7837 1663


Local authorities are responsible for funding supported drug and alcohol treatment services. The Department of Health and Social Care provides £154.3m for improvements in 2023-2024 and £266.7m in 2024-2025. Local authorities and partners must submit improvement plans to the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. The below stats and figures show funding allocations as stated by GOV in February 2023, including money for inpatient detoxification through regional consortiums.

The data provided shows the drug strategy and inpatient detoxification allocation for the Islington local authority in the years 2023 to 2025.

For 2023 to 2024, the drug strategy allocation for Islington is £1,399,416, while the inpatient detoxification allocation is £63,282.

Looking ahead to the following year, the indicative drug strategy allocation for Islington from 2024 to 2025 is £2,700,656.

The indicative inpatient detoxification allocation for the same period remains the same as the previous year at £63,282.

The funding allocations provided by the government for drug strategy and inpatient detoxification in Islington suggest that there will be more resources available to help individuals struggling with drug abuse in the local authority.

With increased funding, drug and alcohol treatment services in Islington may be able to expand and improve their programs, providing more effective and accessible support for those in need.

Overall, the government’s commitment to improving drug and alcohol treatment services in the UK, as reflected in these funding allocations, is a positive step towards addressing the ongoing issue of drug abuse in communities across the country, including Islington.


Call us today on 01923 369 161 for more information on drug and alcohol rehab in Islington.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

Dr. Olalekan Otulana (Advanced Practitioner)

Dr. Olalekan Otulana MBChB, DRCOG, MRCGP, DFSRH, FRSPH, MBA (Cantab)

 Dr Otulana is a highly experienced GP and Addiction Physician. He has a specialist interest in Substance Misuse Management and he has a wide range of experience in the assessment, management (including detoxification) and residential rehabilitation of clients with various drug and substance addiction problems.  His main aim is to comprehensively assess patients with addiction problems and determine their treatment needs for medical detoxification treatments and psychological interventions. He is also experienced in managing patients who require dual drug and alcohol detoxification treatments.

A strong healthcare services professional with a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree from Cambridge University Judge Business School.

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