We have treatment centres for alcohol rehab in Battersea

Published by Raffa Bari

If you are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction and have found that your life is spiralling, or if you are struggling to come off drugs and alcohol and your life is suffering as a result, you need to attend rehab.

Treatment Battersea
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Battersea

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Battersea

It is not recommended that you recover at home alone for a number of reasons. Recovering at home can be dangerous during the detoxification process. In rehab, you will be closely monitored by medical professionals and given medications to prevent severe withdrawal symptoms such as hallucinations, seizures and even heart failure.

When recovering at home you will not be away from temptation, nor will you have the tools and resources to prevent a relapse in the future. Relapsing is highly likely if you attempt to recover at home. That is why drug rehab is the best option for you.

Drugs we treat for in the London area;





How to Prepare For Rehab in Battersea

Before going to rehab, it is a good idea to get everything at home in order ready for your return. If there are bills that need to be paid, arrange with a family member or close friend to help pay those for you while you are away so that you don’t come home to financial worries. If you have children or pets it is important to find care for them while you’re away with someone you trust. That way, when you get to rehab, you can relax and not worry about the outside world and focus on getting better.

Going to rehab can be daunting, please be assured you are allowed visitors in our London based rehab facility if you do feel the need for family support.

If you have a job it is important to tell your employer what you are going through and why you will be away. They should be able to sign you off and, if they’re a good employer, they will want to see you get better.


What Treatment Options Are Available in Rehab?

There are many treatment options available to you in drug and alcohol rehab. When entering rehab you will be assessed by professionals who will create a treatment programme tailored to fit your needs and your recovery. In the treatment programme, you will have a variety of therapies you will go through once you have completed the detoxing stage. See information about our detox services offered in the London area here.

Some of the therapies are in a group setting where you will share your story and receive positive feedback, make new friends and feel a sense of empowerment and togetherness. This is something that you can only find with those who understand your situation the most – those who are going through a similar experience.

Some therapies will be in a one-to-one setting.  In these sessions, you will discuss what you’re going through, how to prevent relapse, and you will be educated on your addiction and given the tools you need to cope. The one-to-one therapies will include mostly behavioural talk therapies such as physiological therapy, counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and Dialectal Behavioural Therapy (DBT). Your family and friends may also be asked to come in to do family therapy. Here, you have a chance to rebuild your relationships and reconnect with loved ones.

There are many more therapies that you will experience in rehab such as creative therapies. Many people find them to be relaxing, fun and some even find a new hidden talent or new hobby that they can continue after rehab. Some of those therapies include art, music, meditation and relaxation, fitness, nutrition, yoga and many more.

Rehab isn’t the negative place people tend to think it is. In fact, rehab is a positive, uplifting and empowering place to be.


What Is After Care Like When I Leave Rehab?

When you are in rehab, you may feel worried about the thought of leaving. You may think that you will be left alone to fend for yourself and find your own way in your new, sober life. However, this isn’t true. The aftercare team will make sure you’re never alone when leaving rehab. They will help you with every part of your life after rehab.

If you need help finding accommodation, a new job, a new local support group or just finding a local group for your new hobby, the aftercare team are there to help. They can help to guide you through the most daunting parts of leaving rehab. The aftercare team will also help you emotionally. If you find that you are struggling, there will be someone there to help and listen to you.


Will My Rehab Recovery Programme Be Confidential?

Something that prevents many people from receiving treatment is the thought that their struggles will be out in the open. However, rehab is confidential. The things you discuss in rehab do not leave the rehab walls. Many people who struggle with addiction don’t want people to know about their addiction to drugs and alcohol, mostly because of the stigma surrounding addiction.

They may feel that to protect their social life, they don’t want people to know and some people may not want people at work to know. You often discuss very heavy and traumatic events in your life during your time in rehab that some people may not want others to know. Your privacy is completely protected when in rehab.

You may have a loved one who is struggling with alcohol addiction. The best thing to do is to educate yourself on alcohol addiction and understand that it is a very real progressive disease. Listen to them and be honest. Give them information on rehab or recovery, attend appointments with them and offer to make phone calls on their behalf. Most of all just are there and let them know that you care.

In an intervention, a group of people will work together and confront the person struggling with addiction. They will try to persuade them into going into recovery. They may help them enter rehab.

Rehab works by getting you off the drugs and alcohol and into behavioural talk therapies that work to prevent relapse. In rehab, you will spend time learning coping strategies to get better and stay off drugs and alcohol.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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