We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Harrow

Published by Raffa Bari

Need drug and alcohol rehab Harrow? Our team have helped hundreds of local residents pursue a life free from addiction. Call us now!

Drug & Alcohol Treatment Harrow
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Harrow

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We offer drug and alcohol rehab in Harrow

Give us a call on 01923 369 161 if you are ready for help

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Harrow

Realising your drinking is getting beyond your control is perhaps the most depressing realisation you will come to this year. Your initial instinct will probably be to deny the very existence of the problem.

But over time, the issue isn’t getting better and the need for professional help becomes more and more apparent. Eventually, your family and your friends speak out and advise you to get some help or risk losing your loved ones for good.

If you relate to the above, then the good news is that you are in the right place. Over the last decade, at Cassiobury Court’s drug and alcohol rehab in Harrow, we’ve helped a lot people in the Harrow area walk away from drug or alcohol use for good.

Many of these people are now happy to live their lives We help you achieve a similar result by offering you a comprehensive addiction treatment service.


Changing thought patterns

Many people we treat have suffered a string of traumatic and life changing experiences. These traumatic experiences cause these people to resort to alcohol as a way of ‘blocking out’ reality.

When you attend our drug and alcohol rehab Harrow, you will benefit from a range of therapy techniques that help you conquer traumatic experiences without the use of harmful substances.

When you initially seek out our help, it’s likely you will experience despair or even desperation. You will surely feel sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

This overwhelming feeling of defeat means you will really benefit from our comprehensive residential Alcohol Rehab Harrow Service


What happens when you attend Drug and Alcohol rehab clinic in Harrow

From day one, you will benefit from a medically assisted detox. Your detox programme allows you to withdraw from substances without the withdrawal symptoms. Furthermore, you will benefit from 24/7 medical attention throughout your detox programme.

The detox phase requires between 5-7 days to complete. You will be given medication to help you avoid withdrawal symptoms during your entire detox programme.

Attending drug rehab isn’t just about detox. The core of your treatment programme will address the mental (i.e. non-physical) aspects of your recovery. We mentally prime you for long-term abstinence using a variety of treatment options.

These include cognitive and behavioural therapy techniques, as well as a range of complementary and holistic therapies.



Helping you avoid Relapse

The core of our treatment programme focuses on relapse prevention. We teach you new ways to cope with stress so you do not relapse when you leave our care.

The initial few months of recovery will be the most testing, and we ensure you receive a maximum amount of care throughout this period by providing you with a generous weekly aftercare programme.

You may return to the rehab session for weekend aftercare sessions for an additional 12-months following the completion of your residential programme.


Aftercare and Reintegration

Essentially, at our drug and alcohol rehab centre Harrow we prepare you for life in recovery, and then we offer you a sufficient amount of aftercare so you may fulfil your long-term recovery goals.

You are armed with a number of proven strategies to avoid relapse. The power of our treatment is reflected in our excellent client-success rates.

For more information on drug and alcohol rehabilitation services we offer in Harrow and surrounding London areas such as Hackney, Wembley and elsewhere, contact Cassiobury Court today or fill in our online contact form.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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