We have treatment centres for alcohol rehab in Hornchurch

Published by Raffa Bari


Clinically Reviewed by Dr. Olalekan Otulana (Advanced Practitioner)

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All information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

At Cassiobury Court, we offer drug and alcohol rehabilitation for people struggling with addiction in Hornchurch – start your recovery journey today by phoning us on 0800 001 4070.

Rehab Treatment in Hornchurch
Drug and Alcohol Centres in Hornchurch

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We offer residential treatment that is close to the Hornchurch area.

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Hornchurch

Are you looking into attending a drug or alcohol rehab centre in Hornchurch? If so, we are here to help you get the treatment you need. It can sometimes be difficult to admit that you have a problem with addiction. However, once you get past this denial, it’s important that you reach out for our help as soon as possible.

Whilst drug-related incidents and arrests have remained stable in Hornchurch for some time, some people in the area do suffer from addiction issues as elsewhere in the country. London has an estimated 1 Billion pound cocaine market so serious class A drug are available in the community.

When you reach out to our friendly, helpful team, we would be happy to answer any questions that you may have about addictions or rehab. We will also give you all of the advice you need so that you can get started with your recovery journey today.


Get In Touch

Are you suffering from an alcohol addiction and need help? Cassiobury Court is a leading UK based expert in Private Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today.

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Why Should You Reach Out For Professional Help With Your Addiction?

It is understandable that addictions are difficult and it can be very hard to quit on your own. Many addicts will try to overcome their drug or alcohol addictions alone and won’t be able to succeed. This can leave many people in a difficult situation where they want to quit but can’t and fall even deeper into their addiction than before.

While some people can stop drinking or taking drugs for a while, they still won’t be tackling the underlying issues that led to the addiction in the first place. Therefore, most people that manage to quit drugs and alcohol for a short while will end up relapsing eventually down the line. This is because the initial causes of the addiction will still remain.

When you attend a professional rehab centre for addiction help in Hornchurch, the staff will recognise that the underlying causes of the addiction are not the same for everyone. This is why the staff in our residential rehab will spend time getting to know your circumstances so that they can learn what led to your addiction in the first place. This will allow them to create a personalised treatment plan that is bespoke according to your needs.

In Hornchurch rehab, the staff have experience working with many different addicts. They will know exactly how to help you to ensure you can overcome your addiction and then avoid relapsing in the future.


The Detoxification Process In Rehab

Before you can move on to your further treatments and therapies, you must go through a detoxification process. This is a very important part of a rehab treatment plan. A drug or alcohol detox in a rehab centre has been proven to be the most effective way to remove all of the toxic substances from your body in a safe, comfortable and controlled way.

Detoxing always needs to be completed under the supervision of medical professionals and it must be completed in a professional environment such as an alcohol or drug rehab centre. If you attempt to detox at home without professional help, you will be putting yourself at a big risk as withdrawal symptoms can be very dangerous.

A team of professionals are available to help you get through the withdrawal symptoms in rehab. Some of the withdrawal symptoms can include things like dizziness, nausea, seizures, headaches, delirium tremens, insomnia, and more.

When you go through your detoxification process in rehab, you may be given some prescription medications to help you get through the terrible withdrawal effects. Once you complete the detox, you should feel like your body and your mind have been thoroughly cleansed. This means that you will be properly prepared for your following therapy sessions.


How Long Does a Rehab Treatment Last?

The duration of your rehab treatment programme will vary greatly dependent on your needs. Our rehab centre provides detox-only plans in special circumstances. However, most rehab treatments are more intensive and involve various treatments and therapies which can help you achieve a much more successful recovery.

Rehab typically lasts for around 28 days. However, this can vary depending on several factors such as your individual circumstances and requirements.


Other Addiction Services in Hornchurch

If you are struggling with addiction problems and can not afford a stay in rehab, we would advise you to visit your local GP in Hornchurch. Here you can have a physical check-up and your GP may be able to offer you drug replacement and offer advice on local outpatient support groups.

Hornchurch Healthcentre

58B Billet Lane
RM11 1XA


If you have tried outpatient support and still struggle to quit and find yourself relapsing, a stay in a full-time rehab centre for a period of one to four weeks may be necessary to give yourself the best chance of a long-term recovery.

How Can I Refer Myself Into Rehab?

If you are here reading this today, this is a clear sign that you have gotten past your denial and you are ready to go forward with a rehab treatment plan. Are you wondering how you can refer yourself to a Hornchurch rehab treatment centre to complete an addiction recovery plan?

The best thing you can do when you want to refer yourself to rehab is to give us a call. From there, we can discuss your circumstance. We may ask you some questions that will help us better understand your addiction. From there, we can come up with a treatment plan that is suitable for you and make some recommendations as part of our admissions process.

Once you’re happy to go forward, you will pay a deposit to secure your place in rehab. After this, we will provide you with an appropriate admissions date and welcome you into your treatment plan within a few days of your first contact with us.

When you go to rehab, you will receive a personalised treatment plan. This is important as it ensures that you can then have the best possible chances of making a full and successful recovery.


Our Rehab Facilities


Get the Help You Need For Your Addiction Today

Are you struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol in the Hornchurch area? If so, you’ve come to the right place. We are here to help you get the support you need to get you through your addiction to the other side.

If you feel like you are ready to get the help you need with your addiction in Hornchurch, get in touch with us today. We also provide addiction help for nearby areas such as Warley and Romford. Our team of friendly and helpful staff are on hand to take your call and provide you with all of the help and advice that you need to get started with your recovery journey as soon as possible.

No matter what type of addiction you have and how severe it is, there is help. One simple phone call could completely change your life for the better so don’t delay your treatment – get in touch today on 0800 001 4070.


Frequently Asked Questions

While some real programmes can last longer or shorter depending upon the severity of the addiction you are trying to overcome. However, most of Cassiobury Court’s residential rehabilitation programmes last for around 28 days. For a lot of people, this can seem like it will be quite an overwhelming amount of time to spend away from home, but such an extensive period of time spent dedicated to an intensive treatment plan will provide you with the best possible chance if achieving a full recovery.

This isn’t a simple question to answer as there’s no ‘one fits all’ approach - and so there shouldn’t be. Every person has a completely unique journey into how they developed an addiction to alcohol or drugs so it’s only realistic to expect a tailored treatment programme to be the most effective form of addiction treatment.

Any reputable drug and alcohol treatment centre will provide you with a personalised aftercare plan. Our rehab in Hornchurch understands that your aftercare is equally as important as your main treatment programme. Once you’ve completed your drug or alcohol detox and subsequent therapies at our addiction rehab, you’ll return home to continue along your road to recovery. All of our clients will receive a 12-month aftercare plan free of charge inclusive of dedicated helplines and access to local support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

Dr. Olalekan Otulana (Advanced Practitioner)

Dr. Olalekan Otulana MBChB, DRCOG, MRCGP, DFSRH, FRSPH, MBA (Cantab)

 Dr Otulana is a highly experienced GP and Addiction Physician. He has a specialist interest in Substance Misuse Management and he has a wide range of experience in the assessment, management (including detoxification) and residential rehabilitation of clients with various drug and substance addiction problems.  His main aim is to comprehensively assess patients with addiction problems and determine their treatment needs for medical detoxification treatments and psychological interventions. He is also experienced in managing patients who require dual drug and alcohol detoxification treatments.

A strong healthcare services professional with a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree from Cambridge University Judge Business School.

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