We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Newham

Published by Raffa Bari

Spaces are available in our specialist drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Newham. Start your road to recovery by calling us now on 01923 369 161!

Drug & Alcohol Treatment Newham
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Newham

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We offer residential treatment which is very close to the Newham area

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Newham

Are you based in Newham or the surrounding areas of London, suffering from a drug and alcohol addiction? Without expert support, living with any form of addiction can have a negative impact on your life. Whether that be your mental health, physical state or your family’s support network, substance misuse is highly damaging.

If you are searching for local support, consider our drug rehab centre here at Cassiobury Court. We provide leading addiction treatment to all our patients through detox and therapies. We are passionate about supporting those in need to work through their addiction and achieve a sober future.

To find out how our residential rehab programmes can benefit you, get in touch with our team today to recover from substance abuse wherever you are, whether you’re in Newham or surrounding areas such as Wandsworth.


Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Newham

Here at Cassiobury Court, we offer a wide range of industry-leading addiction treatments, all designed to promote long-term recovery. Our drug and alcohol rehabilitation programmes are designed around our patient’s needs, ensuring that their requirements and needs are met throughout treatment.

To help you work through both physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms and side effects, our addiction treatments follow a holistic approach, helping you move towards a life without substance abuse.

Treatment options you can expect to experience include medical detox, cognitive behavioural therapy, group therapy, motivational sessions and family counselling. Each of these treatment options will work on a key area of your addiction. Whether that be working on reducing your physical dependency on drugs and alcohol or uncovering the psychological connection you have, each will play an important part.

Throughout your residential rehab programme, you will be monitored be made to ensure the most appropriate treatments are provided. We understand that addiction is different for everyone, which is why we ensure your treatment programme is suitable for you.

Alongside our evidence-based treatments, you will also receive support to prepare you for your return home from alcohol rehab in Newham. Relapse prevention classes are offered to ensure a plan is in place for your return. We will ensure you are armed with life-changing and saving tools to lead a controlled future without drug or alcohol addiction.

At our drug and alcohol rehab, our treatments achieve high success rates and help residents achieve long-term recovery. Our team are passionate, compassionate and highly experienced industry experts in the field of addiction. Many of our recovery workers have personal experiences of drug or alcohol addiction and, therefore, have an understanding of the process and your experiences.


Do I Require Rehab Support?

It may be hard to identify that you have a problem with alcohol or drug abuse. A key indicator that you require rehab treatment is if you experience withdrawal symptoms linked to drug and alcohol consumption. If you show signs of addiction and feel unable to stop, residential rehab support from a private treatment centre will be recommended.

The recovery process from drug and alcohol addiction alone can be very difficult. A rollercoaster of emotions and feelings will be experienced while moving through the motions of drug or alcohol detoxification. It is also highly dangerous to go cold turkey, especially if you suffer from chronic, long-term addiction.

If you are living with any form of addiction, seeking medical support should be a priority to ensure your quality of life is maintained. If you are experiencing any withdrawal symptoms, get in touch with our expert team today to start rehab treatment.

At our inpatient rehab, we can support you through addiction treatments, outpatient treatment sessions in Newham and continuous expert support to ensure you stay on track on your recovery journey. Addiction can be treated with the right guidance – avoid the negative effects of drug and alcohol abuse by seeking expert support from a rehab facility like ours.


Drug and Alcohol Addiction We Treat

At Cassiobury Court, we can provide treatment for a variety of addictive behaviours and substances. Some of these include:

  • Alcohol addictions
  • Drug addiction
  • Cannabis addiction
  • Cocaine addictions
  • Prescription drug addiction
  • Dual diagnosis (for help with mental health conditions)

Help is also available in Newham through outpatient treatments; however, these are not as comprehensive as inpatient rehab treatments. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, you must seek emergency treatment at Newham University Hospital (Glen Rd, London E13 8SL).

To learn more about the treatments and addictions we treat at our residential rehab, call us today on 01923 369 161.


How Long Will Rehab Take?

Here at Cassiobury Court, we understand how every patient is different. We understand that addiction affects individuals differently, causing a number of long-term impacts. Therefore, timescales vary from person to person.

Depending on the severity of your addiction, treatment options will also vary to ensure you have the opportunity to recover as a whole. As every individual goes through a variety of addiction treatments, we will ensure your programme fits your individual needs.

At our drug and alcohol rehab, we also believe that no matter how long full recovery takes, it will be worthwhile. We have found that patients who complete a full residential rehab programme have a greater probability of avoiding any future relapses. Therefore, invest in yourself by completing a full specialised programme, no matter the timescale.

On average, our detox and rehab programmes last around 28 days, however, depending on the severity of addiction and your susceptibility to treatment, the timescale can vary.


What Happens When I Return to Newham?

Once you have successfully completed your residential treatment plan at our drug and alcohol rehab in Newham, our support continues through outpatient treatments provided as aftercare.

We also recommend that you attend Alcoholics Anonymous and motivational sessions to continue support and recovery. We will guide you through this time of transition to ensure your previous hard work doesn’t go to waste.

We understand how difficult this time will be. Returning to your home after being in the safety of inpatient care may trigger temptation or the risk of relapse. However, we ensure that a recovery plan is in place and that positive coping mechanisms are followed to avoid future drug and alcohol use.

We are passionate about helping everyone who completes addiction treatment at our rehab centre, both through continuous residential support and outpatient treatments.

If you are based in Newham, suffering alone through a drug and alcohol addiction, consider our expert support today. Our rehab centre offers a confidential, private and professional setting while promoting luxury. We will ensure you have everything in place to help you work through this time of change.

Although a move may feel daunting, separating yourself from daily influences will help to boost your recovery rate. Throughout this time, we will ensure you feel at home and comfortable while receiving the support of our team.

Find out how our rehab programmes can benefit you today by calling 01923 369 161. We have a variety of programmes available to suit all budgets, helping all living through addiction.


Frequently Asked Questions

If you regularly find yourself drinking or using drugs in secret, or you feel ashamed and try to hide your consumption from friends and family, this may also be a sign that things are getting out of hand. Another sign that you require addiction treatment is if you feel your moods are changing and you experience withdrawal symptoms.

Private rehab has the highest long-term recovery rates of any treatment programme. If you are willing to recover, out treatment programmes offer you all of the physical and psychological treatments you require to achieve sobriety.

Once you return home after rehab treatment, it can be very tricky at first to readjust back home. This is why all of our clients receive a 12-month aftercare plan free of charge to continue support. These take place weekly and you will also have access to our helplines. We also recommend that you attend local support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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