Treatment Centres for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Barnet

Published by Raffa Bari

If you need help with a drug or alcohol addiction, learn about accessing treatment near Barnet in a professional. confidential, rehab.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Barnet
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Barnet

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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Barnet - Call us today on 01923 369 161 for more information about the services we offer

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Barnet

Do you or your loved one live in Barnet and suffer from an addiction to drugs and/or Alcohol? Fortunately, Cassiobury Court is on hand to offer you or your loved one a comprehensive detoxification, rehabilitation and aftercare programme at our Drug Rehab Barnet Centre. Together, this offering will help you achieve your long-term recovery goals this year and beyond.

The road to long-term recovery begins with overcoming denial and any last-minute resistance you may hold towards seeking out professional help.

Admitting you have a problem does not equate to personal failings on your own behalf. Admitting you need help with your addiction takes real courage, and you should take real pride in your decision to seek out our Drug and Alcohol Rehab Barnet Centre.


The problem with self-help

You may equally juggle with the idea that you can ‘sort your addiction out yourself’. Whilst you may be able to quit taking drugs and alcohol for a few weeks, you will likely relapse and ‘end up’ back in the grip of your addiction.

Researchers have proven that each time you give up and relapse, it becomes progressively harder and harder to give up the next time you become fed up with your drug and/or alcohol use.

It’s thus essential for you to receive effective addiction treatment that allows you to give up for good. You can get all the help and motivation you need at our Drug and Alcohol Rehab Barnet centre, or in nearby areas such as Wandsworth.

Drugs we treat for in the London area include;




Addiction is a disease of the mind, and overcoming your addiction for good, will surely require professional counselling and therapy. Achieving your long-term abstinence goal requires a lot more than ‘stopping’. The clinical word for ‘stopping’ is known as detox.

An alcohol detox programme is incomplete without a sufficient injection of therapy and counselling. If you do not undergo the mental healing process afforded by therapy and counselling, your sobriety is bound to be short-lived no matter how motivated you may be.


Giving you the power to succeed

When you attend Cassiobury Court’s residential Drug and Alcohol Rehab Barnet, you will be given all the tools and resources to ensure your recovery is permanent.

Negative thoughts and feelings that fuel your addiction to drugs and/or alcohol are neutralised, and you are armed with relapse prevention techniques that ease the process of acclimatising to your new life in recovery.

Your addiction to drugs is known as a progressive disorder. This means your addiction didn’t develop overnight. Instead, your addiction probably developed over many years due to a variety of different reasons.

During therapy, you are guided by a professional therapist who will help you better understand and process these emotional causes of your addiction. This deep understanding of your addiction will help you move on with your life without feeling the need to abuse substances.


Providing long term recovery

You will also be armed with the tools required to live in recovery for the long term. Substance misuse allows you to escape your reality so that you may avoid negative emotions that feed your addiction.

This truism has caused some to describe addiction as a form of ‘self-medication. During your time at our residential rehabilitation clinic, you will be armed with ‘coping strategies’ that will allow you to defeat your mental demons without the need to resort to substance misuse.


Simple admissions and no referral necessary

Since our residential rehab service is entirely private, you will not need to seek a referral from your GP. This means your presence at our residential rehab clinic will not be included in your official medical records.

Furthermore, because you will undertake your treatment entirely under one roof, you will be completely removed from your everyday environment where drugs and alcohol would otherwise be available to you.

This means there is absolutely no risk of relapse when you choose to undergo your treatment at our residential facility. You can also choose your location, as some people prefer to attend residential rehabilitation outside of their area, so if you are located near Barnet in a place such as Finchley, Hackney, or Wood Green, consider our drug and alcohol rehab centre in London.

The rehab experience we offer is entirely personalised. Addiction is essentially a mental disease, and it is totally unique for different individuals. This means addiction is highly unsuited to a general or standardised approach to treatment.

To ensure your treatment is highly personalised, we carry out a thorough initial assessment before your programme begins. The information we capture during this process is used to flesh out your fully tailored treatment programme.


Aftercare and integration

Upon your completion of the residential rehab programme, we offer you a generous aftercare programme. This consists of outclient therapy sessions. These sessions are held at the same residential rehab facility you attended during your core programme.

Aftercare sessions allow you to navigate and adjust to life in recovery. We help you integrate into sober living so that relapse does not occur. Aftercare is offered free of charge. This means there is no additional fees required to access our aftercare programme.

For more information on our Drug and Alcohol Rehab Barnet Centre, contact Cassiobury Court today on 01923 369 161.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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