We have treatment centres for alcohol rehab in Stanmore

Published by Raffa Bari

Do you live in the Stanmore area and currently suffer from a drug or alcohol issue? Maybe you or a family member need’s urgent help to cure an addiction? If this is the case, we have a rehab clinic not far from the Tottenham area to help you in your battle against addiction.

Rehab Treatment in Stanmore
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Stanmore

Get Help Now

We offer residential treatment that is close to the Stanmore area.

Call us on 01923 369 161

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Stanmore

Addiction can go unnoticed for a long time if you do not want to look for it. Recognition of a problem is the first step to solving it, so taking the time to examine yourself and your behaviour objectively may be the first step towards a better life.

Cassiobury Court is an industry-leading organisation, offering treatment and support for anyone suffering from addiction. Through our treatment, you will be empowered to beat your addiction and go on to lead a life without drugs or alcohol. Our admissions process is simple and our team will answer any question you may have – and could have you in treatment within days of your initial enquiry.


Signs and Symptoms of Drug and Alcohol Addiction

The symptoms that someone is suffering from substance abuse can vary, depending on the person on the nature of the addiction. There are though common psychological, behavioural, and physical symptoms that you can spot. These symptoms if left untreated will eventually harm the person addicted and the people around – resulting in unpleasant outcomes such as a loss of job, decline in physical and mental health and sometimes even death.


Common psychological signs of substance abuse include:

  • Wild changes in mood
  • Increased paranoia
  • Problems with memory


Common behavioural signs of substance abuse include:

  • Not willing or incapable of quitting the substance despite the negative effects it is having
  • Becoming more secretive and dishonest
  • Isolating yourself from friends and family and abandoning responsibilities


Physical signs of substance abuse include:

  • Disrupted sleep pattern
  • A decline in appearance and/or hygiene
  • Visibly unhealthy – a possible sudden change in weight/pale/gaunt look


Recognising the signs and symptoms of substance abuse may make you see that severe intervention via rehabilitation is needed. If the symptoms are mild then maybe outpatient rehab is the path for you. However, if you are experiencing these symptoms severely will have to consider residential treatment to give you the best chance at getting clean.


The Detoxification Process in Residential Rehab

Detoxing is the first major step you will take in your treatment plan. At Cassiobury Court, we believe that before you can address the psychological aspect of your addiction, the physical side must be addressed.

Detoxification is the process of purging harmful toxins in the body by ceasing your intake of the substance or substances that you are addicted to. Ridding your body of the poisonous chemicals that is your organs and brain chemistry allows you to heal and become healthier.

At our inpatient drug rehab centres, we use medical detoxification as it is the safest and most effective method. During medical detoxification you will be cared for 24/7 by our support staff and medication will be administered if needed to ease the worst of side effects that come when you stop drinking or taking drugs.

Experiencing withdrawal symptoms is something that scares many prospective clients, but with medication and in a calm environment, they are manageable. Side effects can differ depending on if you undergoing alcohol detox or drug detox but common withdrawal symptoms include headaches, nausea and increased levels of anxiety.

Here at Cassiobury Court, you will have constant support to help through the worse of the detoxing process. It’s a necessary part of drug addiction treatment that will give you a greater chance of achieving long-term recovery.


Therapy Options for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Much of your time in our treatment facility will be spent in therapy. Our therapy programme is a combination of individual, group, well-being therapies and social activities. The rehab treatment you take part in will be intensive, comprehensive and be always considerate of your emotional health.

Your sessions will consist of CBT, DBT, stress management and many other forms of therapy. The purpose of these types of therapy is to help you identify your addiction triggers and learn ways in which you can deal with them when back in the outside world. Individual therapy will be complemented by group therapy where you can talk through your issues surrounded and supported by other people in the rehab clinic.

The benefits you will get from this are immense. Through these sessions, you will see you are not alone in your struggles and hopefully build positive relationships that last beyond rehab.

When not in therapy, your time will be spent engaging in group activities such as walks and quiz nights so that you maintain the social aspect of life. Socialisation is important as do not want to feel isolated when undergoing treatment and keeping your mind and body active will keep it from thinking about your addictions. Cassiobury Court also offers a holistic approach to treatment, understanding that emotions drive addiction, and so we offer the chance to engage in wellbeing therapies such as Reiki, art therapy and massage.

In an environment catered towards your wellbeing and comfort, you will have the time, treatment options and structure to uncover the issues that drove you to addiction and devise a way to live life sober.


Aftercare and Relapse Prevention

Even after you complete your time in drug and alcohol rehab, you can continue a relationship with us. Cassiobury Court understands that recovery is a continual process and so offer a free 12-month aftercare package, to help you in those early vulnerable months. Through this programme, created by our aftercare specialists, you will have the chance to attend support groups, continue therapy and focus on relapse prevention.

In these meetings, you will come across the 12-step recovery programme – designed to help you overcome addiction. These meetings can allow you to talk through issues, work on your problem-solving skills and become more aware of your addiction triggers. People that engage in aftercare once they have completed rehab treatment are much more likely to remain sober and stop their life becoming a cycle of addiction and visits to rehab facilities.

Keeping up good habits, self-discipline and engaging with support groups and therapy give yourself a chance at long-term recovery and lead a fulfilling, sober life.


Find a Treatment Programme Today

If you are interested in attending our residential rehab, whether it be drugs or alcohol, or think a loved one needs immediate help, then don’t delay in contacting Cassiobury Court London. Call us at 01923 369 161 or text HELP to 83222 to begin the journey to recovery.

Although an addiction cannot be cured, it can be treated, and it can be managed to a point of sobriety. By completing a range of addiction treatment services, drugs and alcohol can be withdrawn from, overcome, and diminished as ongoing influences. A long-term plan of action can also be arranged, full of aftercare services, support groups and additional treatment sessions, to ease sober living.

By checking into a drug and alcohol rehab in Stanmore, a 28-day programme can be committed to. If you however prefer a longer stay, or require additional treatment, a prolonged residential rehab programme can be arranged. If you select to recover via the NHS, treatment will take much longer to complete, for some reaching a 6–12-month timeframe. It’s important to consider this throughout the admissions process, to select the most suitable timeline for your needs and urgency.

Coping on a post-rehab basis is possible. Once you leave a drug and alcohol rehab in Stanmore, you’ll have a range of aftercare sessions to make use of. You’ll also be armed with new and healthy coping skills to avoid the abuse of drugs and alcohol. Everything from your lifestyle to your wellbeing will be considered on a post-rehab basis. Planning will be imperative, to prevent relapse and to work through high-risk situations. You’ll have the confidence, the community, and the tools to continue on your drug and alcohol-free path.

Raffa Bari

Raffa Bari - Author

CQC Registered Manager

Raffa manages the day to day caring services here at Cassiobury Court. Dedicated to the treatment and well being of our visitors she is an outstanding mental health coach registered with BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists). Raffa has outstanding experience in managing rehabs across the country and is vastly experienced at helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

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